As many of you might know already, the newest and most despicable TMNT incarnation, also fittingly known as ROTTMNT, is making its own movie finale! However, does it truly deserve such a spectacular grand-standing finale, after everything we thought we knew of TMNT from our past was hideously mutated into something far being recognition!?
The show may trick our eyes with flashy graphics and catchy music, but it is only there to cover up the heartless lack of care and credibility to the source material we have all come to love! Now, some franchises bend and break the rules as they grow and prosper, which may be okay to us in some cases, but no incarnation spits upon the very concept of tradition more so than a version of something we have come to love all these years change for the sake of appealing to younger audiences and only younger audiences, which they seem to see animation as nothing more but a cheap tactic to bring thoughtless laughs and even more thoughtless commercials!
As it is an animation’s job to bring the wonderful illusion of life to mere drawings or models, it is also a production team’s job to make their series not only gain new fans but also retain old ones who have been loyal to them for so long! Who says it’s fair that anyone with a degree (if ANY of those writers had degrees to begin with) has the unlimited power of touching upon what we’ve come to love as we grow in our lives and change it into something that’s hardly recognizable? And I’m not just talking about the Ninja Turtles’ exterior designs, but also their inside character as well.
Raphael is a hot head, who we’ve clearly seen in multiple instances that he cannot lead a team. Yes, the writers gracefully (or, rather, hastily) gave the leadership role back to its rightful character, but then why stick a position to a character that contradicts his personality!?
Donatello, the brains, is known to be more of the compassionate and merciful one. Now, for the sake of laughs, he’s been turned into a sarcastic snark, which some may view the personality type as humorous, but in no way does it ever fit the name Donatello!
Michelangelo was somewhat spared from the tyranny of character rewrites, but only because his character was the ideal target audience the writers were planning to appeal to only! Instead, Mikey’s unique goofiness was spread like a virus onto the other Turtles, making them all talk and act the same as Mikey, rendering our poor, youngest Turtle to become useless, and even worse, invisible.
Leonardo. My boi. It pains me most to see that out of all the Turtles who had to go through the horrendous changes, our leader in blue got the most of it. In fact, his blue mask is the only factor of his that people may still recognize him as Leonardo. Instead of the serious, mature, persistent and patient hero we’ve come to love and respect, he’s instead turned into yet another one of the writers’ jesters; merely there to cough up jokes that serves nothing more than to fill up the time.
And so, now that I’ve reshared the horrors of such an atrocity only a half-wit would write in crayon, I want you join me and make sure that this nightmare will not spread anymore. DON’T watch the show, DON’T buy their merchandise, and most of all, DON’T watch that movie, and give those writers the satisfaction of tainting something that was once unique and part of our very childhoods into something that now every run-of-the-mill production team would call a cartoon!
And if there is any of you that do watch such an atrocity and is reading this, may I have the pleasure of deeming you the traitorous title you deserve IN THE LEAST!