Rena: This... is master piece..
Lea: Oh dear..
Angela: *rolls at the floor laughing*
Stella: *Snickers*
April: ....
Ralph: *bursts through the door* Angela!! Get Mikey off me!!
Mikey: *clings on Ralph's leg* I NEED DARES!!
Angela: We have dares!! from @I am Skylor Chen for... You two!! *Gives a piece of paper to them*
Mikey: WHAT!?
Raph: .... pff, easy.
Rena: *rolls her eyes*
Stella: *gives two bottles of hot sauce* Here, Angel, record this.
Angela: *starts recording*
[a little while later after the two being in the bathroom for 10 minutes]
Casey: *trying to hold his pee* WHY ARE YOU TWO HOGGING THE TWO BATHROOMS!?
Lea: the next dare is that one of us should break something from donnie and... take Leo's Space Heroes vcrs...
Rena: *backs away* not me, Donnie tried to put ash(Rena's pet tiger cub) in one of his inventions for revenge last time, AND NO ONE TOUCHES ASH BUT ME!!
Angela: I can't do any of them, they forbidden me to go close to any of them..
Stella: .... Donnie trusts me too much.. April, prepare my burial...
April: Stell, donnie would never hurt you and you know that.
[a little while later]
(not me over here making this Alchemy up.)
Donnie: *holds up viles* should I put the Chemical X or Chemical B4?
Stella: The last time you tried to mix Chemical X you created a slime flood, add the Chemical B4 cuz it might create a new type of crystal.
Stella: * "accidentally" bumps on one of Donnie's inventions and it falls breaking into pieces* I'M SO SORRY!! (not)
Donnie: ... I worked hard on that...
Rena in the backround: Sh*t, Stella finna die today...
Stella: *gulps*
Donnie: ....that didn't work anyways, you're safe....
April and Stella's sisters in the back: NANI!?
Donnie: what was that?
Stella: must've been the wind, umm.. I gotta go to the kitchen!! I'm a bit hungry..
Donnie: alright, can you get some food for me too?
Stella: Sure!! *walks out*
Rena: Sis, that was TOO close!!
April: See, don won't hurt you.
Stella: Yeah yeah, Imma go eat
Angela: AY!! WAIT FOR ME!! *follows Stella*
Lea: Soo... who's gonna do the last one?
Rena: You cuz you brought it up.
Lea: WHAT!?
April: You're gonna be fine Lea, besides, You are the fearless co-leader~
Lea: .......
[some time later]
Master Splinter: Why is Leo.. umm, in his room?
Raph: He's having a breakdown cuz someone took his Space Heroes vcrs.. pfff, what a baby.. *walks away*
Rena: yo Lame-elynn, what'chu doing?
Lea: I disguised Leo's vcrs as a book, Stella gave me the idea...
Rena: The nerd does have great idea's after all.
[little while later]
Leo: hmm? *picks up a large book from the ground and opens it* MY VCRS!! YESS!! I THOUGHT I LOST THEM!! *hugs it*
Lea in the backround: *smiles softly*
April: Bye readers/darer's!!
Lea: bring more dares!!
Rena: and make sure to vote!!
Angela: Invite friends to the Fandom to keep the Fandom ALIVE!!
Stella: It's scientifically proven, the more the better..
All of the girls: THE FUN NEVER ENDS!!