Now that that Karai and Shinigami have recruited their own Foot Ninja, what should we call this team? Any ideas my friends?
Now that that Karai and Shinigami have recruited their own Foot Ninja, what should we call this team? Any ideas my friends?
Wolf 91 wrote: As we all know ever since the episode Follow the Leader the Foot ninja's that were being led by Shredder and his henchmen were robots but I can't help but wonder what happend to the original Foot Ninja's from before that episode who were humans?
Isn't it obvious, Shredder replaced them due to their incompetence.
With the Kraang and Triceratons defeated, the Turtles still have to deal with Shredder and the Foot Clan.
Where have you been for last four years?!
Of course not, they're mutants. Duh!