...that in the opening credit for 2012 show the turtles last hero pose is tribute to the cover of the first issue of the mirage comic series?
This one joke pokes fun at the 2014 movie where Michelangelo starts a beat on an elevator ride, and all the turtles join in. These two pictures shows what happens in this universe.
Totally! But keep you eyes peeled for tons of Easter egg jokes like this one.
Right, they say it not her mother. I'm just throwing it out there that there's a chance that Karai may not be Splinter's, We assume she is but all we know for sure is that Shredder cares deeply for Splinter's wife. Is he mentally ill and believes in in some crazy connection that isn't there, or were they a thing at some point. If they were a couple or if she cheated on Splinter then there's a possibility. They could've added a whole other episode just on who is the really father.
You mean they act like teenagers?
The they’re all selfish, especially Crognard.
At the end of the episode it’s reviled that they were always destined to save Splinter. So in theory some kind of life threatening situations was going to occur anyway. So no matter what Splinter needs to go to New York and adopt 4 turtles and must be mutated. This reminds me of Futurama when Fry becomes his own grandfather.
Here’s a few questions that I have.
What happened between time of Splinter losing his family and ends up adopting turtles? Why don’t the turtles speak Japanese as a first language? What era is it and how old are Splinter and Shredder? Shredder started two fires and the fire department were no where to be found. Why isn’t he in jail for kidnapping, arson and murder? Oh and maybe the BIGGEST QUESTION.... Who is the baby daddy? Seems like Karai’s mom was sleeping with both of them. We all assume Splinter is, but it’s never proven.
They never act like turtles in any way except when they put their extremities inside their shells. So it makes sense that Donny would be attracted to her since he is not looking for a mate that can lay 100 eggs. She kisses him but never in a romantic way, more like some gross lady that kisses her dog and doesn’t mind if the dog licks her back and maybe the dog tongue goes her her mouth and you like, really, really want to vomit cus you just saw that dog lick another dog’s butt.
Probably got warts
Good point but as far as the quote goes; I think he said that before he knew she was his daughter. And that’s the most alike that she has with Shredder. When the foot clan fell, Splinter’s father took the Shredder as raised him as his own child. Both grew up being raised by the enemy.
...that in the opening credit for 2012 show the turtles last hero pose is tribute to the cover of the first issue of the mirage comic series?