I joined cause I thought this would be about 2012 TMNT, but instead it’s just OCs. Pls someone post something about 2012 TMNT.
Oh, and when was the last time King Mera replied either?
Shut the hell up and stop mentioning my name in your ass artwork
No one cares
I really don’t give a crap about your OCs. Stop mentioning my name in them.
And your persona is a annoying ding beetle
You’re the definition of annoying. Stop mentioning me
I don’t watch YouTube. Stop mentioning me
Stop mentioning me
Can you stop? I do like Diamond
Seriously, stop. I get the point
Stop putting me in your posts. I get it
Why do you keep adding me in your posts?
I do. And by the way I’m a girl
You didn’t discuss anything with me.
What? I never discussed anything with you! This is fake
Those aren’t characters in 2012
Leo, and no I haven’t seen that
I joined cause I thought this would be about 2012 TMNT, but instead it’s just OCs. Pls someone post something about 2012 TMNT.