No they are NOT half human, the mutagen turned them humanoid, because that what mutagen can do/does. Master splinter is half human half rat because he was human to begin with.
It's most likely they were best friends, i don't think she and karai hung out or communicated during Karais time finding out about her real family.
well parents will do what they do, being in the position he's in I do gotta admit is kindve tough being into crude comedy and yet being an idol to young kids for being on a show like this. Either way whats done is done, also this thread is about splinters death and we are going off topic here lol.
Parents probably saw and took offense, either way at least to me he should've known better knowing younger fans/kids were going to seek him out on social media and stuff.
Jason Biggs made highly inappropriate jokes on his twitter despite knowing that young viewers and fans were following him, being an adult he should've known better so at least to me him being fired isn't sad.
No he didn't, Hoon lee was Not fired it was a story choice to kill off splinter no one was fired.
ChristopherRedfield246 wrote:
Trigger009 wrote: The user Janusz501 is a spammer who constantly speaks of his own speculation and theories as if they were real facts, which they are Not. Everyone please disregard everything he said for it is not true. Just letting you all know that due to the confusion he may cause.
We don't know yet. :/ But thanks Trigger for that warning.
Your welcome
Hinafan wrote:
Trigger009 wrote: The user Janusz501 is a spammer who constantly speaks of his own speculation and theories as if they were real facts, which they are Not. Everyone please disregard everything he said for it is not true. Just letting you all know that due to the confusion he may cause.
And about karai?what wappening of her?
I don't know, I just came to warn everyone of that user.
The user Janusz501 is a spammer who constantly speaks of his own speculation and theories as if they were real facts, which they are Not. Everyone please disregard everything he said for it is not true. Just letting you all know that due to the confusion he may cause.
People can like villains too, people like bad guys just as much as they like good guys. Some people can hate good guys and vice versa.
I was made an admin for a reason, and all the trivia I deleted was speculative irrelevant repetitive dribble. Not to mention severely outdated, trivia is NOT whatever just pops into someone's head and that's everybody keeps writing, how is "this the 28th time splinter was mentioned" or "it's unknown whether karai is splinters daughter" I've come across countless nonsense like that since I started cleaning up. I'm an admin and have a job to do, I mean no offense when I say this and sorry that it's harsh but whether or not you decide to be "done with all this" makes no difference to me.
Because i'm doing a massive clean up, just about ever trivia section contains non trivia/irrelevant nonsense/outdated info/speculation
VickyTMNTFan wrote: Actually in the book, Fugitoid takes them back in time a few minutes after the earth is destroyed so it's most likely it will happen in the 1st episode of season 4. That's what the story is going to be for the 1st 13 episodes. The fugitoid takes them back 6 months to find the 3 parts for the Heart of Darkness and stop the Triceratons destroying earth and change time and also meet other new villians.
Ahh ok did not know that, looks like the spoilers I read wasn't detailed enough to the point where it was misinformation.
Julian14bernardino wrote:
The Rider044 wrote: No,Karai Alive,Splinter Alive,The People Alive,everything Alive, and Possible Karai Return With his Family (Because Karai Free From The Mind-Worms).
You mean Beyond the Known Universe.
No they're gonna stay in space for a while then time travel, don't know exactly which episode it is but I know it's not Beyond the known universe
The Rider044 wrote: No,Karai Alive,Splinter Alive,The People Alive,everything Alive, and Possible Karai Return With his Family (Because Karai Free From The Mind-Worms).
No they are all dead, but only for right now they'll all be saved using time travel but not yet. Until the episode with the Fugitoid going back in time happens they are all dead
Well apparently it's going to happen, Fugitoid is gonna time travel the turtles 6 months before the death of splinter.