[Episode begins with Crognard and his team running away from a giant rock monsters.]
Crognard: Wizardess, Graah, Spooch! Run!
[Crognard and his team are running away from traps.]
Wizardess: There are too many traps! We'll never survive!
Crognard: Crognard can live without survival!
Wizardess: Watch out! Zam Zim Falabim!
[She cast a spell and get on a magic carpet. Crognard falls into a hole.]
Spooch: Spooch can't watch, spooch spooch!
[Spooch covers his eyes as Crognard falls into a pit of spikes.]
Crognard: Crognard is okay! Iron spikes mean nothing to Crognard's mystic pecs!
[Mikey is seen in his bed bored.]
Mikey: I can't believe I'm watching Crognard bend spikes with his chest. And I'm still so bored! Ugh, my boredom is becoming a serious medical condition. I need help!
[First he went to ask Leo.]
Leo: Hang out? We're practicing our katas. Wanna jump in?
MIkey: Nuh... Huh?
Raph: Mikey? Get out! Out!
[Mikey tried Donnie next.]
Donnie: I'm too busy to hang out, Mikey. I'm still looking for a retro mutagen for Karai. You see, if I can reverse engineer the main chemical sequence, I think I can ignite the kind of reaction needed to re-write The deoxyribonucleic acid of-
[Mikey groans and leaves. Meanwhile Casey is playing the pinball game.]
Casey: Eh, high score. Again. Yo, Mikey! Wanna hang out?
[Mikey gasps brightly. Later the two boys skateboard the rooftops.]
Jason/Mondo Gecko: Cowabunga!
[Something knocked them down. Casey and Mikey look where they saw a leopard gecko mutant skateboarding by. A fifth mutanimal.]
Casey: Another mutant?
Mikey: He's awesome! His name should totally be a... Rad Lizard! No, wait, Skatermander! No, that's lame. No, I got it! Mondo Gecko!
Mondo: [enraged] Dude, that name sucks! And I'll make you pay for it!
[Theme song]
Mondo: Do you know what happened to the last dude that called me names?
Mikey: How would we know? We just met you.
[For a moment, Mondo started laughing, revealing it was all a prank.]
Mondo: Ahhahahahahaha!! You should see the look on your faces! I'm just joshing you, dudes! So, you're a mutant, too? I'm Jason, the most awesome pro skater in the world!
Mikey: Jason? That's boring, dude. Mondo Gecko? Not boring!
Casey: I don't even know what a gecko is.
Mondo: You're lookin' at one. Check it! [licks his own eyeballs] Well, we can't blink, so we have to lick our eyeballs to keep them moist.
Mikey: I've always wanted to lick my own eyeballs!
Casey: So you were a pro skater?
Mondo: Kinda. I'm gnarly enough to go pro. Look at what being a gecko gets me.[skateboards around the rooftop] Watch him go! Yeah! Cannot be stopped! Yah! Yeah!
Mikey: So, uh how did you become a gecko, dude?
Mondo: It all started last year...
[His story tells how he became a gecko back in season 2.]
Mondo: I was skating my half-pipe which I totally built myself. Awesome, right? It was just me and my pet gecko, Lars, when some crazy ooze fell out of the sky! Turned me into the last thing I touched, my gecko. I totally became a gecko person! Excellent! But then, my parents kicked me out. I wound up on the street, but it's all good! 'Cause I made tons of friends, like you guys! I also shred in my metal band, Savage Bliss! Whoa, look at me now, look at me now, look at me, whoo!
[He mimics electric guitar.]
Casey: [to Mikey] Dude! There's something about Mondo that I don't trust. For real, dog.
Mikey: Dude, he can lick his own eyeballs! Besides, I feel responsible. It's kinda sorta our fault, with the mutagen spill and all. Wait up, Mondo! Booyakasha!
[He follows Mondo.]
[In the lair, April is trying to call Casey but he isn't answering his phone.]
April: Come on, Casey, pick up! We've got homework to do.
Raph: Casey's not gonna stop skating just for homework. Tell him it's homework and hockey tickets.
Leo: They've been gone a while. Mikey plus Casey plus too much time on their hands equals trouble.
Donnie: Oh, come on. What kind of trouble could they really get into?
[in the street, Mondo and Mikey skateboard past the homeless man.]
Mondo: Cowabungaaaa!
Mikey: Booyakasha!
Casey: Goongalla! And, whoa!
[They leap over a dog]
Mondo: Check the dog!
Mikey: One thing, bro. "Booyakasha!" sounds way cooler than "cowabunga!"
Casey: But "goongala" is the best!
Mikey: Dude, don't even get me started on "goongala. " But "cowabunga?" Way too old school, bro!
Mondo: Old school's the only school!
[Casey falls but MIkey catched him.]
Mikey: I gotcha, dude.
Casey: Hey man! I could've been hurt!
Mondo: Oh. Sorry, bro.
[Suddenly, they see the Purple dragons stealing stuff.]
Mikey: What you guys doing?
Fong: Uh, we're helping a friend move his valuables to our hideout?
Mikey: Hmm... That's cool. Good luck with that.
Casey: Mikey! You know they're lying, right?
[Realizing it, Mikey gets in front of them.]
Mikey: [angrily] You put that stuff back where it came from!
Hun: Says who? A turtle freak?
[Hun arrives, he cracks his neck.]
Casey: [annoyed] Aw, great. Hun.
Hun: Up for a rematch, Hockey Boy? This time, I'm ready for your tricks.
[Mondo backs away. Hun defeats Casey and breaks his bat, while Michelangelo knocks the purple dragons out. Casey was thrown aside as Mondo came out of the shadows.]
Hun: Another pathetic freak?
Mondo: [angry] Do you know what happened to the last person that called me names?
[He throws his skateboard and tries to charge but Hun pushed him away.]
Mondo: Rope-a-dope! That's right, punk! I got you!
[Hun started to kick Mondo and punch him.]
Mondo: That's gonna hurt.
Mikey: Oh no. Mondo! Oh no.
Mondo: Whaaaa!
[Mondo screams, he is about to meet his death by plummeting to the ground off of the rooftop, but Michelangelo grabs his friend, cries like a Tarzan, he throws himself to Hun, in slow motion, but it's Purple Dragons.]
Casey: What up, Hun?
[They start to fight but Hun manages to defeat them both.]
Mondo: I'll help you, I just, uh.. need a minute to catch my breath.
[Casey changes but Hun dodges until he slips on a skateboard and falls into a dumpster.]
Casey: Sucka!
[Mikey finished tying the Purple Dragons. Mondo is seen kicking the purple dragons.]
Mondo: And take that! And that! And one of these! And this, and-
[Casey grabs the gecko up.]
Casey: Whoa, whoa! Fight's over, bro! Relax, we won!
Mondo: You guys saved my life! On the streets, it's everyone for themselves out there.
Mikey: Friends don't let friends get kicked off of buildings, dude.
Casey: All right, let me leave my calling card and we can get outta here.
Mondo: Whoa! 30,000 smackeroos! This'll really help a gecko out.
Mikey: Dude! Are you stealing?
Mondo: Only from the bad guy's personal stash!
Casey: [irritated] Put it back, Mondo!
Mondo:[angrily] Make me, Casey!
Casey: Love to!
[Mikey gets between the two angry teens.]
Mikey: Cool it, guys! Can't we all just skate along?
Casey:[distrusting the gecko] I don't hang with criminals. I'm out like your mom in a beauty pageant. Peace!
Mondo: Skateboarding is not a crime! [to Mikey] C'mon, Mikey. Let's hang out at my place.
Mikey: Aw, man!
[In the alley, Casey climbed down the fire escape.]
Casey: [angrily] Stupid talking lizard! Mikey's fallen for your shtick, but not Casey Jones! Huh? Who's there?
[He looked around until something began to approach from behind.]
Raph: Raph for the win! In yo' face! Who's next? Who can give me some real competition? Casey? Oh, right. He's gone.
Leo: [mocking] What kind of trouble could they get into? They've been gone all night!
Raph: Casey and Mikey are big boys. They can take care of themselves. Right. I'm calling.
[He takes out his phone but there is no answer.]
Raph: Casey's signal is lost.
April: Mikey's not picking up either.
Donnie: At least he still has a signal I can track. Come on!
[Mondo leads Mikey to the sewer and climbs down the ladder.]
Mikey: Whoa! You live in the sewers, too?
Mondo: Of course. Mr. X has taken a lot of us mutants in.
Mikey: Mr. X?
Mondo: You've never heard of Mr. X? Great man. He gave me a home, a job. Maybe if he likes you, he could give you a job, too!
Mikey: I already gots a job. I'm a ninja, dog! Oh, ho, ho!
[In the tunnels]
Mondo: Come on, dude. Just a little further.
Mikey: Where are we? I've never seen this part of the sewer before.
[A cage landed on him.]
Mikey: Aah! What the? Run, run, run! Before you get caught, run!
Mondo: Mikey, I'm sorry.
[Fishface arrives and pats Mondo's shoulder, we learn that the Fishface is Mr. X.]
Fishface: Excellent job, amigo. You lured him right into my trap.
Mikey: Fishface?
[Annoyed by this name yet again, Fishface pushes Mikey to the ground.]
Fishface: That name is an insult! I am Xever! But you can call me Mr. X.
Mikey: [betrayed] Mondo, how could you? I thought we were pals, dude!
Mondo: You sure the turtles are as bad as you say, Mr. X?
Fishface: Stamp out any sympathy you might feel for him, for tonight, he races to the death!
Mondo: [horrified] That wasn't the deal! I thought it was just a normal race!
[Mondo frantically shakes Fishface's arm, which prompts annoyed Fishface to slap Mondo to the ground.]
Mikey: Mondo! Why are you doing this, Fishface?
Fishface: It is simple economics, really. Mutants get entertained, I make money, everyone wins. Well, not you are going to lose, tartaruga.
[Mikey gets thrown in a cell and meets Casey.]
Donnie: We're close. Not much... Uh oh.
April: That can't be good.
Raph: Wait, listen to the police radio!
Police: 3rd and Sulivan, members of the Purple Dragons with the words "For cops, from Casey" written on one of their foreheads.
Leo: Well, at least we know we're close! Let's go!
Casey: I don't want to say "I told you so" about Mondo- No, wait, I totally want to say "I told you so!"
Mondo: Psst, guys!
[Mondo is near the cage, upside down.]
Mikey: Mondo?
Mondo: Sorry about all this, dudes. Fishface is bogus! Totally getting you out of here!
[Mondo tries to break them free with his tongue but the light turns on, it scares Mondo as he falls, Fishface's voice is heard.]
Fishface: Ohh, Jason, Jason, Jason. You were one of my most promising errand boys. But helping the enemy escape? You are dead to me. In fact, let's make that official, eh? You're going to compete in the race. Right now!
[The lights come on to reveal every mutant and bad guy they faced.]
Mondo: Double bogus.
Mikey: Totally.
[The cell opens up.]
Fishface: Ladies and gentlemutants! In tonight's race: four competitors, one survivor! No rules! Whoever crosses the finish line first wins! "In Mr. X's X-treme Skate to the Death Death-a-thon 5000" Can you dig it?
Casey: Dude, you see that audience?
Mikey: It's like a "Who's Who" of evil jerkfaces.
Fishface: Meet tonight's racers! First, we have Michelangelo, the dumbest of all the stupid, pathetic turtles!
Mikey: Hey, I'm smart! I'm just the party dude!
[everyone boos]
Fishface: Next, we have Casey Jones, vigilante and obligatory human ally.
Casey: I am not obli oblidary!
[audience laughs]
Fishface: And Jason, the gecko boy, a traitor to mutants everywhere!
[Mondo gasps in fear]
Fishface: And for the first time ever, I, Xever Montes, will personally join the race!
Casey: Ha! If I can't out-skate a fish, I'm retiring my blades.
Mondo: Wrong, dude! I've seen Mr. X on skates. He's way faster than us! We are hosed, man! Seriously hosed!
Mikey: Calm down, Mondo! We need a plan. Guys, bring it in.
Fishface: That's right, amigos! These robolegs can't be beat1!
Stockfly: Time to start the race! Ready?
Fishface: You are going down.
Stockfly: Set... Go!
[The race begins and they fall down the hole. Now they are skating down.]
Mikey: This isn't so bad, right, guys? Whoa!
[Fishface rockets past them.]
Casey: Rocket skates? No fair!
[The camera begins to watch while Stockfly enters the crowd.]
Rahzar: Take a seat already! Idiot!
[Rahzar throws a can on Stockfly while he spits]
Tiger Claw: You did not just do that.
Mondo: Here comes more cheating!
[The first traps are electric trash can lids held by wires.]
Casey: Look out!
[Mikey began to dodge them]
Casey: If that's the worst he's got= Who said worst?
[The second trap is an aquarium.]
Mondo: Aw, no! The aquarium!
Mikey: How scary can an aquarium be?
[Fishface uses a battle cry, it affects piranha snakeheads. Now this is death. They scream as they dodge the fish.]
Mondo: Look out! Teeth! Teeth!
Casey: I hate seafood!
Mikey: Aah! Get it off of me!
[One of them bit Mikey, right in the groin. . the crowd winced while Rahzar laughed ]
Casey: Fishface is way ahead! Skate faster!
[The third traps are boulders.]
Mikey: Booyakasha!
[Mondo dodged an incoming boulder]
Mondo: Hurry! Stay ahead of the arrows!'
[The fourth trap is arrows.]
Mikey: What arrows?
[They arrows shoot aroudn on each side of teh wall, making them dodge
Fishface: See you at the finish line, fools!
[The fifth traps are the closing crushing walls.]
Casey: There's the finish line! Hurry! We just have to get past this last- ugh!
[Casey got himself stuck.]
Mondo: Xever's gonna win!
[Six trap is oill]
Mikey: No way! Now, Mondo! Like a pro!
[They spin around and then Mikey throws Mondo past the oils and takes the lead
Mondo: Whoa Whoa, pardon me! Cowabunga!
[He puts his hands on the ceiling, and then in slow motion, Mondo smacks Fishface's neck, smacking the face out of his road, Michelangelo dodges the fish mutant and throws himself to the road. Mondo apprehends and falls on top of Fishface, much to the latter's anger.]
Fishface: It's not over yet!
Mondo: Go, Mikey, go!
[The seventh trap is fire.]
Mikey: Oh snap! Yeow! Ooh! Hot! Aah!
[Mikey dodged the flames]
Fishface: No one beats Xever!
[He knocks Mikey
Mikey: No!
Casey: Don't count out Casey Jones yet!
[Casey uses his hockey stick to smack screaming Mondo to the finish line, where he uses his tongue to touch the line.]
Mikey: Yes!
[audience murmuring in disappointment]
Fishface: No no! You cheaters! You are hideous examples of bad sportsmanship!
Mondo: We didn't cheat! We looked out for each other. You told me, on the street it's every mutant for himself. Well, you're wrong, dude! Friends don't let friends get kicked off of buildings!
Fishface: [stands up] Jason! You are a traitor!
Mondo: My name is Mondo Gecko! Cowabunga!
[He charges and ends up punched in the face]
Fishface: Seriously? That is all you got?
[Crash, the shellraiser arrives and knocked Fishface]
Leo: Right, Raph. Doesn't look like they got into any trouble at all.
Fishface: You haven't heard the last of me, turtles! WAhhahah Ompmph!
[The walls crush him multiple times.]
Rahzar: Should've bet on yellow.
[The mutants leave in disgust and disappointment.]
April: Aw, and who's this lil' guy? He's so cute!
[Donnie and Casey appear to be a little jealous.]
Mondo: You ain't so bad yourself, sweetheart.
Mikey: Mr. X isn't your boss anymore, Jason. You're free.
Mondo: I'm free?
[Michelangelo then declares Mondo not only his new best friend, but also the new ally to the turtles.]
Casey: Gotta admit, you're a pretty cool little gecko dude, dude.
Mondo: Thanks. You guys are the best! So, Mikey, can I say "booyakasha" sometimes?
Mikey: As long as I can say "cowabunga" once in a while. Like right now!
Both: Cowabunga!
[Episode ends]