[The episode begins with the view of turtles. It reveals the toast, Donnie whacks them with his bo staff.]
Donnie: Toast is done.
[Leo smiles, taking the plate out, thinking they hit the plate, but the toasts hit him. Leo falls to the ground, with toast in his mouth. Leonardo takes it off.]
Leo: Might be a little overdone, Donnie.
Raph: Orange juice, coming right up.
[Raphael takes out two oranges and stabs them with his sais and it results with oranges' juice coming out and it hits Donatello's eyes, much to the young scientist's pain. Donatello runs around the kitchen in pain, possibly looking for something for him to regain his eyesight.]
Donnie: Ow! It stings, it stings!
[Donatello bumps into Leonardo, who's holding pots and pans, and Leo loses his grip and the frying pan hits Raph, who falls. Raph then angrily stands up, with eggs in his eyes.]
Raph: [annoyed] Donnie, I told you scrambled!
[Raphael puts his hands on his hips as eggs fall out from his eyes as Raphael glares at them annoyingly and sardonically. Leonardo, who has a can of the pot on his head, stands up. The scene cuts to the kitchen, it is a huge mess. The turtles have failed miserably by making a simple breakfast, except Michelangelo who is on the bed.]
Leo: Oh, man. This place is a disaster.
Raph: Yeah, Mikey usually makes breakfast. What's the deal? Mikey! Mikey, get up!
[In Mikey's room, groaning sounds from Michelangelo are heard. The latter grabs his underwear, then throws it away and grabs his bandana and puts it on and stands up. Mikey slowly goes to the exit, feeling quite sick today.]
Mikey: [waking up] Oh, I feel awful. Maybe I shouldn't have ate that jalapeno cappuccino pizza last night.
[As Michelangelo crosses to the exit, his hand pushes the mirror until….]
Mikey: AAAHHHH!!! What the? I"M A MUTANT!!
Leo: [confused] Uh, he's just realizing that now?
[Mikey comes around the corner with tiny strange bumps on his head.]
Mikey: Guys, look at me! I'm covered in turtle zits!
[The turtles are grossed out by seeing their youngest brother's zits.]
Turtles: [disgusted] Aw, gross.
[Mikey slowly crosses to Raphael, who disgustedly backs away to the table, while Leo and Donnie continue to look completely aghast.]
Raph: Talk about shellacne. You look like a green chimichanga.
Leo: Eh, don't worry, Mikey. It's just part of being a teenager.
Mikey: Have you ever had 'em?
Leo: Heck no.
Donnie: Hold up, guys. I think this might be serious.
[Donnie takes out his device, while Michelangelo anxiously gulps. In Donatello's laboratory, Donnie is using a device to investigate the zits, as Raphael and Leonardo watch.]
Donnie: Okay, Mikey. The good news is, these so-called "zits" aren't gonna hurt you. And more importantly, they won't interfere with you making us breakfast.
Mikey: That's a relief.
Donnie: But the bad news is they'll continue to spread all over your body. [Deep voice] Spreading and spreading and spreading and spreading....
Mikey: [nervous] And then they disappear in a couple of hours, right?
Donnie: No. And then your entire body will mutate into one, single, huge, giant, gargantuan zit!!
[Donatello looms over evilly at Michelangelo as the word "zit" echoes around as Michelangelo watches in horror. He has a nightmare that he has been transformed into one, single, huge, giant, gargantuan zit. The giant head runs around as one real-life hand comes out and with one finger pokes Mikey as it explodes. Nightmare ends and Mikey reacts in horror and then...]
Mikey: Nooo!
[theme song]
[Later, Mikey was locked in his bedroom. Leo knocks on the door.]
Leo: Mikey, come on. It's not as bad as you think. And Raph promises not to make fun of you anymore.
Raph: [rudely at first] That's right, I'm sorry I called you crust muffin and fungus face and Godzitla, king of the pus monsters. Now come on out here. [bangs door]
Mikey: [in his room, offscreen] No way! Not while I'm covered in gross, slime-filled zits!
Donnie: Technically, they're pustules filled with oil and sebum, which is even grosser than slime.
[Leo and Raph are noticeably disgusted by Donatello's information.]
Leo: Uh, not helping, Donnie, but thanks. Mikey. [knocks on door]
Mikey: Forget it, guys. I'm too hideous to be a ninja. I'll stay locked away in here forever! And even longer if I have to.
[Mikey looks at his mirror. To make matters worse, his tongue is now covered in zits too. He covered his mouth in shock and horror. Meanwhile...]
[Karai is sitting on her throne as Dogpound and Fishface arrive.]
Karai: Bradford, Xever. Enter.
[As the mutants walk towards Karai, the doors close and they accidentally crush Dogpound’s tail. This causes Dogpound to clumsily and accidentally crack the windshield with water and he falls to the water. Fishface is amused by this and starts to mock him.]
Fishface: [quite pleased] Impressive. You went from stealthy ninja to idiot man-dog.
Dogpound: [emerges from the water, grumpy] How I detest this clumsy body. What I wouldn't give to be human again.
Karai: Seriously, I don't have all day.
Fishface: Don't get too comfortable, Karai. Shredder is the only one worthy of that throne.
Karai: Dad put me in charge while he's in Japan, remember? So either learn some respect or I chop off your robo legs and drop you in the sewer. Got it?
[Fishface is furious by this threat]
Karai: Now listen. I need someone to help maintain my foot bot soldiers on a daily basis. Someone whose loyalty can be bought. Someone who can easily be intimidated. Someone like-
Fishface: Baxter Stockman.
Dogpound: [furious] Stinkman? But that little creep tried to destroy us. Who knows what he-
Karai: Stockman's perfect. You think you two freaks can handle it?
Fishface: Leave it to us, boss.
[Meanwhile, Mikey is trying to hide his face with a pizza box since the zits started growing on his cheeks now. Raph noticed and started to laugh.]
Raph: Cool. Mikey brought his own pizza. His face!
[Michelangelo throws the pizza box and growls angrily at Raphael in embarrassment.]
Raph [laughing] Okay, okay, I'll stop. Now come on and zit down, [laughing] "Zit" down! I crack myself up.
[As Raph continues to laugh at Mikey, Splinter enters the room and scolds him.]
Splinter: Raphael You should know better than to make fun of one's appearance. After all, how would the humans above react to yours?
Raph: You're right, Master Splinter. Sorry, Mikey.
[Mikey sits down, his zits covering his cheeks and shoulders.]
Mikey: [ashamed] Just kick me out, Master Splinter. I can't be a ninja when I look like a moldy pickle.
Splinter: And why not? I do not let my appearance affect me.
Mikey: Well, yeah, 'cause old people never care how they look or smell.
[Splinter stroke his goatee and glared at Michelangelo, looking offended by this remark. Michelangelo chuckles nervously before whistling innocently. Leonardo, Donatello and Raphael look at him suspiciously in confusion.]
Splinter: My son, I sense there is something you would like to tell us.
Mikey: What? No. Not at all. Really, I didn't do anything. Okay, okay! You got me. I kinda, um ...I sprinkled a little mutagen on my skin.
[He pulls out a jar of blue substance.]
Turtles: [shocked] What?! Are you kidding? Why?!
Mikey: To become better. Cooler, you know? You guys treat me like I'm a big goofball all the time. So I found this vial in Donnie's lab. The label says it'll make you super cool.
Donnie: No, it says you're supposed to keep it super cooled. As in temperature! This was a reject batch of retro mutagen, Mikey. It's dangerous!
Mikey: Well, you could have made it a little more clear!
[Donnie turns it out around to make the point, revealing "cooled" contains all the warnings that it says is dangerous and must be rejected.]
Mikey: [uncertain] Still not that clear.
[The turtles are annoyed. In Donatello's lab, Donatello types on his computer, trying to find out about Michelangelo's infection zits.]
Donnie: [horrified] Oh, no.
Mikey: Please tell me that's a good "oh, no. "
Donnie: It's a terrible "oh, no. " According to these blood tests, the mutagen in your system is unstable. You only have three hours until-
Leo: Until what? What'll happen to him?
Donnie: In scientific terms, go boom.
Mikey: [shocked] I'm gonna explode?!
Donnie: Like a massive zit.
All: Ew.
Mikey: No!
[Michelangelo imagines himself exploding. Once it's done, he faints.]
Donnie: But now that I know what caused this, I think I can engineer an antidote from the remaining sample.
Mikey: Yes, yes, yes! I love you, man.
[Michelangelo hugs Donatello, but, disgusted, Donnie pushes him away.]
Donnie: Okay, come on.
Splinter: Then you must start right away.
Donnie: I'm just missing one key instrument though. A molecular centrifuge to mix the solution.
Mikey: No problem. Money is no object! Leo, can I borrow some cash?
Donnie: The only place I've ever seen a molecular centrifuge was at T.C.R.I.
Raph: But we blew that place up when we took down the Kraang. What could be left?
[The turtles contemplate on whether they go to T.C.R.I or not. Meanwhile, Dogpound is searching for Stockman. He then looks at himself in the mirror and laments that of his current situation.]
Dogpound: You were once a feared warrior. Now you're a common dog, hunting squirrels like Stockman. Stockman. Maybe he could actually help me. [sniffs... until he growls, knowing where Stockman is now.] Gotcha.
[He starts to head to the T.C.R.I building where they fought in Showdown. Inside the turtles look around inside the ruins.]
Donnie: Everybody, spread out and start looking.
[The turtles start their lookout. Michelangelo, who's holding a beaker, comes to Donatello.]
Mikey: Is this a centrifudge?
Donnie: Centrifuge. No, that's a beaker.
[Mikey groans in disgust and throws it away and continues. Then he holds the microscope.]
Mikey: Is this a centrifudge?
Donnie: That's a microscope.
[He groans in disgust again and throws it away. As Donatello looks around Michelangelo comes to him holding the same beaker.]
Mikey: Is this a centrifudge?
Donnie: That's the same beaker. Oh, we're never gonna find it. This place is-
Leo: Shh shh shh. Listen. You hear that?
[Suddenly, Baxter Stockman, whom we've seen earlier in Baxter's Gambit, enters the destroyed facility with a box of robotic items in his hands.]
Stockman: Yes, yes! Perfect. Bio-enhancers. DNA catalysts. Soon, I'll be able to create my own mutant army. Powerful, unstoppable!
Raph: Dorkster Blockhead?
Stockman: [annoyed] It's Baxter Stockman! Wha? T-turtles? Here? Now?
Donnie: He's got the centrifuge. Hand it over, Storkman.
Stockman: Stockman! And no. I found it first. Mousers! Attack!
[M.O.U.S.E.R.S. attack, just as turtles attack their robotic foes. Mikey screams.]
Mikey: Don't let 'em pop me!
[As the turtles fight, Raphael throws a shuriken at one Mouser, who falls and starts struggling to stand up, until he finally stands up and roars. Just as Raphael continues, the giant rubble appears out of nowhere and crashes right at Mouser. In one big CRASH, Dogpound appears and confronts the turtles and Stockman!!!]
Stockman: Dogpound?
Stockman: Well, if it isn't weasely little Stinkman.
Leo: Back off, Dogpound. We found him first.
Dogpound: Stinkman and the turtles? And I thought I was having a bad day.
[Dogpound roars a battle cry and attacks the turtles.]
Stockman: Time for Baxter Stockman, super villain, to make his narrow escape.
[While the turtles fight, Michelangelo chases after Stockman with centrifuge in his hands.]
Mikey: He's got the centerfudge!
[As Michelangelo catches Baxter on his way to the exit, Dogpound appears before them and snatches Stockman.]
Stockman: No!
Dogpound: You're coming with me.
Stockman: No, no, please. I'm extremely fragile. Help!
[Dogpound punches the wall and escapes with Stockman.]
Mikey: My centerfudge!
[The punch of Dogpound was so strong that it caused the rubble to appear again from the ceilings and fall on Michelangelo as Leonardo pushed him to safety. The rubble falls and smoke strikes.]
Leo: Look out!
[They dodge the crashing debris. Once the smoke clears, Mikey falls to the ground then he stands up and sees his brothers coming out of the rubble as he rushes to help them.]
Mikey: Oh, no. Guys, are you okay?
Leo: Yeah. Thanks, Mikey.
Raph: They're gone.
Mikey: And they have the centerfudge.
Donnie: Centrifuge. [passes out]
[Back at the lair, Mikey's zits have started to grow a little, including his shell. Michelangelo starts whining in despair while Raphael and Leonardo sit on the couch dejectedly. Raphael ragingly punches the pillow.]
Raph: I can't believe that fleabag beat us. I want a rematch.
Leo: Easy, Raph. Focus on what's important. We need to get that centrifuge to cure Mikey.
Donnie: His zits are getting more unstable. If any of them get popped, they could cause a chain reaction, ala my zit-popping diagram here.
[He shows them a board of his zit popping diagram. The photos of Michelangelo having constant zit, while the others felt disgusted, until Donatello turns the board around to green boom, indicating that soon Michelangelo will explode, much to the turtles', including Michelangelo's horror.]
Mikey: [horrified] What? So I pop either way?
Donnie: We just have to keep you safe. It's too dangerous to leave the lair.
Mikey: But I never got to visit a wax museum, or learn pig latin, or open a mummy's tomb where the mummy comes alive, but he's so cool we form a hip-hop group and travel around the world together in a golden UFO. I wanna do that!
[His thought bubble shows himself in the museum, finding a tomb to reveal mummy and both would have a hip-hop group and flying together in UFO around the world, while his brothers look in discomfort.]
Raph: Right. Listen, Mikey, we're gonna get that centrifuge. We'll do whatever it takes to fix you.
Mikey: Wow, Raph. Thanks.
[Michelangelo tries to hug Raphael, but the latter is disgusted and backs away, while the former falls. The others circle around to know the locations of where Dogpound and Stockman are.]
Leo: Okay, Dogpound and Boxcar [Baxter]. Where could they be? The old city dump?
Raph: Nah, they turned it into a retirement home.
Leo: The abandoned nuclear plant?
Donnie: Now it's a nursery school.
Mikey: Ooh, what about Baxter's old lab?
Raph: Why would Dogpound capture Dexter and take him to his old lab? It makes no sense.
Mikey: [upset] See? You guys never take me seriously.
Leo: Maybe they went to Bradford's dojo.
Donnie: Possibility.
[Angered that his brothers don't listen to him, Michelangelo leaves the lair and impatient that he will pop, he secretly goes to Baxter's lab, until he stops.]
Donnie: You think he went back to T.C.R.I?
Raph: No. Why would he go back there? Doesn't make any sense.
Mikey: Fine. If you guys aren't gonna listen to me, I'm not waiting around to explode.
[Michelangelo runs off to investigate the lab alone. In Baxter Stockman's laboratory, Stockman and Dogpound enter. It is revealed that Michelangelo was right.]
Dogpound: So a giant tank of mutagen, eh? Planning on making some mutants?
Stockman: Uh, yes, a whole army for us to command. Just me and you. Yeah. Um, now, not that I'm complaining, but why are you keeping me alive?
Dogpound: Karai wants it this way. Believe me, I still owe you big time for trapping us in your little maze of doom.
Fishface: [arrives] So, you've beaten me to the punch and found Stockman, yes? Why haven't you taken this traitorous lump of flesh to Karai?
Dogpound: I will after he turns me human again.
Fishface: [shocked] What? You can turn us human again?
Stockman: Uh, yes. Yes, of course. My intellect knows no bounds. None.
Dogpound: Good. First order of business.
[Dogpound puts some strange looking metallic collar around Stockman's neck, with mutagen all over the collar.]
Stockman: Is this mutagen?
Dogpound: I call it insurance. Double-cross us and boom, we get to see what you turn into. Some kind of lowly bug, I bet.
[Above the rafters, Mikey looks down.]
Mikey: I knew it. I knew Baxter would be here hatching a plan, wearing a dog collar. Well, maybe not the dog collar part.[the zits started to pulsate] No, no, no, no, no. Please not yet. Phew.
[He looks down as Stockman puts a vial in the machine.]
Mikey: Centrifudge. Am I glad to see you?
[Mikey began to use his kusari blade down.]
Fishface: If you're going to make him human, then I want to be a man as well. I want to live as a man, love as a man. Not as a fish. Do you hear?
[Michelangelo gulps nervously and continues. He sets his nunchaku down slowly, as it reaches the centrifuge. Suddenly, Dogpound notices Mikey's chance to get the centrifuge. Enraged, Dogpound forcefully pulls down the nunchaku that Mikey was holding as the latter falls. Michelangelo stands on his feet, unharmed, but REVEALED.]
Dogpound: Fool!
Mikey: Don't touch me! I'm highly contagious. [fake coughs] See? So how about I take that gadget and get out of your fur?
[Michelangelo was about to take the centrifuge out of the table until Dogpound slams his large fist on the table, scaring Mikey, enough to flinch.]
Dogpound: I'd rather you stay. And people think I'm ugly! Watch Stinkman. I wanna tear this turtle apart myself.
[Dogpound attacks Michelangelo, who gets out his nunchaku to fight the villain. As Mikey jumps to attack, Dogpound uses his giant punch to strike right in Mikey's guts, as this great punch sends him towards the ceiling. His zits started to gurgle again, due to being hit.]
Mikey: Oh! Calm down, zits. Calm down.
[Dogpound climbs to the top.]
Mikey: Easy, D-pound. Booyakasha!
[Mikey started to attack the dog and leapt away. He wobbles and realizes the board is unstable.]
Mikey: Dogpound, don't!
[Dogpound jumps towards Michelangelo, who flinches and jumps towards the board of his life, when Dogpound destroys the boards, which causes him to fall. Michelangelo holds for his life. Dogpound grabs Mikey's leg and watches in horror at mutagen, unwilling himself to mutate. The orange turtle starts losing his grip, he can't lift that much weight. Having no choice, Michelangelo uses his nunchaku to knock Dogpound off of him. Dogpound screams in horror and falls to the mutagen tank, possibly going to mutate secondarily!!! Mikey pulls himself up and jumps down and joins Baxter Stockman and Fishface and three of them watching at Dogpound, who's screaming agonizing over his new mutation.]
Mikey: Oh, snap. Dogs hate getting wet.
[The form emerged from the mutagen]
Mikey: Uh, some dogs.
[Dogpound had been revealed in a new form. He wasn't a dog anymore, more like a black skulled werewolf. His claws have gotten very sharp and his fur is pitch black, now that his tail is gone. His eyes are red as blood and his fangs are sharp as knives. The secondarily mutated Dogpound roars ferociously.]
Mikey: [backing away from the new mutated Dogpound] Uh, maybe you need a day or two to get to know the new you, Dogpound.
[The werewolf roars and grabs Mikey.]
Dogpound/Rahzar: I feel the mutagen coursing through me. I'm faster, stronger, more powerful than ever. I feel like a ninja again.
Mikey: Plus you don't have zits, which is a bonus.
Rahzar: To thank you for this, I'll make your end swift.
[He throws Mikey but he manages to use his blade.]
Mikey: Whoa. Steady. [his zits start to swell up once more] Rawr yourself, you razor-faced dog.
Rahzar: Don't ever call me dog.
Mikey: You got it, Rahzar.
[Enraged, Rahzar roars and charges at Mikey. Just then, a sai appeared out of nowhere and struck his claw away. Rahzar turns around to see Raphael jumping to save Michelangelo.]
Raph: Get away from my brother.
[Raphael kicks Rahzar away. Leonardo and Donatello arrive as well. Michelangelo’s eyes are seen covered with zits now.]
Mikey: Oh, hey, guys.
Leo: You're lucky we noticed you were gone in time, Mikey.
Raph: Even luckier that I knew you'd come here. What were you think-?
[Before Raph can call out Mikey for his supposed recklessness, Fishface appears and kicks Raphael. Rahzar appears and starts to attack the heroes.]
Donnie: Fishface.
Mikey: Scatter!
[The Turtles jump away. Don is shocked by seeing Bradford in his secondary mutation.]
Donnie: Um, so what happened to Dogpound?
Mikey: Ha, he got double-mutated. Now I call him Rahzar.
[Rahzar roars. Leo jumps at Rahzar, but the wolf grabs him and delivers a powerful punch that sends him flying across the room. Donnie lets out a battle cry and attempts to hit Rahzar with his bo staff, but Rahzar grabs him by the head. Raph jumps at Rahzar, preparing to stab him to death with sai. Rahzar, believing he can use Donnie to his advantage, smirks and uses Donnie as a living weapon and hits Raph with it. Rahzar then throws Donnie to the ground.]
Mikey: Donnie! Raph! Ah! The centrifudge!
[Mikey runs and grabs the centrifuge. Rahzar claws Mikey away, causing Mikey to lose grip of the centrifuge and fall to the ground. Raph sees Rahzar defeating Mikey and attempts to help his brother, but Fishface appears and kicks Raph by the shell. Furious, Raph takes out his sai and Fishface takes out his butterfly knife. Before he can fight with his adversary, Fishface turns to Stockman.]
Fishface: [to Stockman] If I were you, I'd get my mousers out here now.
[Fishface takes out the button that Bradford threw to him and threatens to push it if Stockman doesn’t call Mousers. Stockman nervously takes out the remote and starts pushing it several times. Leo is seen helping Donnie up, just as the Mousers appear.]
Donnie: Great. More mousers.
[Leo and Donnie take out their weapons and destroy the Mousers. Mikey screams as he finds himself chased by Rahzar.]
Mikey: Guys? I'm bursting at the seams. And Rahzar's gonna pop me!
[He dodges again and leaos down the ceiling.]
Mikey: Not good, not good!
[He looks and sees the pipe connected to the machine.]
Mikey: I just sorta had an idea. Here, boy. Good dog.
[Rahzar attacks. Mikey dodges and Rahzar gets electrocuted by the control panel.]
Mikey: Yeah! You just got shell-shocked, son.
Donnie: Everyone, to high ground, now.
[They head to the top and Donnie uses his naginata to destroy the sprinklers, watering the villains. Then, the water hits the sparkles, electrocuting Rahzar, Baxter and Fishface. Some of the mousers get destroyed as well. Every villain falls down to the ground, knocked unconscious.]
Mikey: Dude, I'm about to pop and I think we destroyed the centrifudge.
Raph: Don't be so sure.
[It is revealed that Raphael snatched the centrifuge and Michelangelo watched in awe. The turtles escape the lab. Cut to the scene, where we can unconscious Stockman, then one blade appears and gently hits Stockman enough to wake him up and to his shock, Karai was the one, who's holding the sword.]
Karai: Rise and shine, Stockman. You're working for me now. Well, me and the Shredder. Let's move.
[At the lab, Donnie had finished the antidote.]
Donnie: Antidote's ready, Mikey.
Mikey: Gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme, gimme!
[Mikey takes the acme pads and rubs them all over his face.]
Leo: Did you have to put the antidote on those acne pads?
Donnie: No, but it is hilarious.
[Mikey was back to normal]
Mikey: It worked. Look at me! Yeah, boy! I'm super cute again. Thanks, Donnie. You're the best.
Splinter: I must commend you on your resolve, Michelangelo. You thought you needed to improve yourself, but you had everything you already needed inside, in here.
Mikey: See, guys? Who was right about Baxter's secret hideout, huh? Me. Yup.
Leo: You had no clue.
Donnie: [falsely] Oh, no. Mikey, you have a zit forming on the end of your nose!
Mikey: Are you kidding me? No! Why?
[Mikey stops to see no zit on the end of his nose at all and watches his brothers as Leo, Raph and Donnie start to laugh in amusement. Michelangelo gets really infuriated.]
Mikey: [enraged] Donnie, I'm gonna-
[Furious by being pranked, Michelangelo lunges at his brothers in anger, ending the episode.]