
The Curse of Savanti Romero[]

[Episode starts at Halloween. April and Casey are walking down the streets, admiring the kids getting candy.]

April: Feels like ages since I've been out on Halloween. After all the aliens, demons, and super-mutants, fake monsters are a nice change.

Casey: Ha! Gimme real monsters any time. Halloween is my favorite holiday. I go out every year! [knocks door] Yo, yo, yo! Trick or treat, dog!

[But the man only closed in his face]

Casey: [Upset] Why, you old stanky ol' creeper.

April: Come on, Casey. It's not worth it. Let's go meet the guys. They're always so excited for Halloween.

[Later, he pranked the man with an exploding pumpkin. As the two humans walked, the mist slowly started to form. April looked and saw candy littered on the ground. They hear a scream.]

Casey: You hear that, Red? Didn't sound like a fake scream to me.

April: Something strange is going on.

[They head over until wolves appear.]

Casey: Oh, snap. Nice doggies. Cool doggies. Don't eat us, doggies!

[They start to fight the wolves, a citizen running away.. Heading past the alley, they saw people being chased by wolves. April looks over and saw a man staggering in pain.]

April: Hey, are you okay?

[She reached only to discover that the man is a vampire. She screams, backing away until a little girl leaped onto Casey’s shoulders and bit him.]

April: Casey!

[theme song]

Ryan: What's wrong with him, Mr. Gigabyte?

Gigibyte: Intriguing, Captain. Lieutenant LeTrois has been infected by a Xenowolf virus. Unless we can stop the infection within the next star hour, by my calculations, his transformation will be permanent.

Crankshaw Jr: Captain, what are we going to do? [gets slapped] Ow!

Ryan: There's only one humane way to stop this virus and prevent him from turning into a space wolf. Lieutenant LeTrois must be destroyed!

[Captain Ryan blasts his lieutenant.]

Leo: Yes! This is gonna be perfect!

Mikey: What's perfect?

[Mikey had a mask on, scaring Leo.]

Leo: Ahh!

Mikey: Haha, you should have seen your face!

Leo: Ahem, uh, my costume is minty vintage, featuring Captain Ryan's rare B-uniform Captain's Jacket from season 3.

Raph: Nerd!

Donnie: Hmm. I can't decide if I should go as a zombie wizard, Albert Einstein or, um Smooth Donatello.

Mikey: What about you, Raph?

Raph: I'm already in my costume. This is the one night we can go out and people won't look at us like we're freaks.

Mikey: You can always dress as a fairy princess.

Raph: That was one time!

[Donnie's phone rang.]

Donnie: Hey, April! We're just getting ready-

April: Donnie! Casey's turned into a vampire, and he's hunting me!

Mikey: Ha! Classic Casey!

April: I'm serious! There are monsters all over the city! You have to- Agh!

[Casey lunged at April.]

Donnie: [worried] April? April!

[April continued to run from Casey. She threw a nearby dumpster to stall time but she came face to face with him.]

April: Casey, this isn't you! Please! Snap out of it!

Vampire Casey: Your dope mind tricks won't work on me, April.

[She screams until Donnie stops him using his stick into Casey’s mouth.]

Donnie: Casey! What are you doing?

[Leo and Raph shove him but Casey pushed them away before Donnie attacks him.]

Leo: He's much stronger [grunts.] than he looks.

Mikey: I got it! A vampire's worst enemy? Garlic anchovy pizza with extra garlic!

[He throws the garlic pizza at Casey.]

Vampire Casey: Gross, dude! [gags, retches.]

Leo: Get him!

[They charged and restrained Casey.]

Raph: I can't believe it! Casey really is a vampire?

April: It's not just Casey. The city's been overrun by monsters! Real monsters, vampires, werewolves, you name it!

[Donnie check's Casey's teeth to reveal fangs.]

Donnie: You aren't kidding. We gotta get him back to my lab.

Leo: Do you think you can find a cure, D?

Donnie: Well, if it's biological, maybe, but-

[a man bites April.]

Donnie: April, no!

[Acting fast, Raph punched the vampire, releasing April. The vampires and wolves surround them.]

Donnie: I got you!

[Everyone begins to run,]

April: It feels like my blood is boiling!

Donnie: Stay with us, April! You have to fight it. Try to concentrate.

Leo: Come on. This way!

[They head to an alley.]

Raph: Where are all these freaks coming from?

[An explosion and they saw a monstrous being.]

Mikey: Frankenstein, too?

Raph: No good. Dead end!

[April groans in pain.]

Donnie: April?

[Once she's transformed, she uses her powers and blows them away. Casey breaks free.]

Donnie: April! You can't do this! This isn't you! You have to fight it!

Vampire April: [removing the wig] But why would I fight it? I feel so good. Come with me, Donnie. I can make all that fear go away. Just one bite.

[She was about to hypnotize Donnie but Raph smacked him out of it.]

Raph: Get it together, man!

[Suddenly, a portal opened and Renet appeared.]

Renet: Jinkies!

Leo: Renet?

Renet: Hang on!

[She lifts them up in the air.]

Mikey: Renet! My hero!

[She leads them to the rooftop safely.]

Renet: Turtle warriors! Yes! I was worried the Time Scepter wouldn't have enough power! Thank goodness you're all okay!

Donnie: All okay? But what about April?

Raph: Yeah, she and Casey got turned into bloodsuckers!

Leo: It's not just them. Look! I don't understand. How could this happen? What the heck is going on?

Renet: It's Savanti Romero. He's behind it!

Mikey: The evil time dude? I thought we got rid of that ugly jerkface.

Renet: He escaped. And It's kinda my fault. Let me give you the 7-11.

Raph: You mean the 4-1-1?

Renet: My boss, Lord Simultaneous, wanted me to check up on Savanti where we banished him to the Cretaceous period. He got the jump on me and stole my emergency back-up time jumper. All Time Masters have one in case we get stuck in the past. I was able to track him back here, but I was too late.

Leo: Uh, where did he get all these monsters?

Renet: He somehow recruited them on his trip back through time so he can rule the world.

Raph: You really are the worst time traveler ever. The worst!

Mikey: [defending Renet] Back off, bro! She needs our help! Don't worry, girl. I got your back. And front.

Leo: We have to find a way to stop this madness.

Donnie: What about April and Casey?

Renet: If my plan succeeds, your friends will return to normal as if this never happened. All we have to do-

[Savanti arrives.]

Savanti: Ah, Renet. You actually found me! But far too late! In only a matter of days, this entire city will be infected, becoming my monster slaves. Then the future will belong to monsters, monsters such as I, Savanti Romero!

Leo: That's not gonna happen, lemonhead!

[They charged but he used his barrier.]

Savanti: I must thank you for finding the Turtles. [pushes the turtles back.] Now I can destroy them and assure my future!

Renet: Not if I have anything to say about it!

[She used her powers and they got dragged into the portal.]

Turtles: Whoa!

Savanti: Renet, I'll get you!

[They end up in Egypt.]

Leo: Where are we?

Donnie: We're in... Ancient Egypt? Wow! The Egyptian pyramids! And the Sphinx! Look! It still has its nose.

Raph: Ooh, a nose! Big deal! What are we doing here, Renet?

Leo: Yeah, what does this have to do with Savanti Romero? And when are we, exactly?

Renet: The Nile Valley in the Dark Ages, the late 5th Century. This was the first time and place Savanti arrived to start building his monster army. Oh, grok! I should've known all that time travel would drain the scepter.

Raph: So now we're stuck here?

Renet: Don't worry. It still has enough power to get us back, but I'll have to conserve energy. There won't be a place to plug it in for almost two millennia. Very not cold.

[They began to approach the temple and pulled the blocks off.]

Leo: Put your shell into it, boys!

[They begin to crawl inside,]

Renet: Savanti called upon an ancient Egyptian curse to raise the Mummy of the Pharaoh. We have to get to the tomb before he does. I'll zap him, reverse the curse, and send Savanti back to his time prison.

Raph: You need to lay off the chocolate marshmallow pizza, Mikey.

Mikey: Whoa. What's with all that graffiti?

Donnie: They're hieroglyphics. Egyptian writing was based on pictorial symbols that represented words rather than individual letters. Now to use my custom nerd-approved translator app. .I knew this would come in handy one day. "If mortal flesh enters this tomb the living shall die while death shall rise. "

Mikey: Oh, snap! A freaky curse, yo!

Renet: Don't worry, Mikey. Most tombs were inscribed with warnings not to disturb the dead, but it's just superstition.

Raph: Um, cool. If it's all the same, can you go first? [chuckles.] Thanks.

[Renet shined her scepter for light.]

Renet: So grokking cold!

[Raph gets startled when he sees an illustration.]

Raph: Looked like Rahzar for a second.

Renet: Over here!

[They looked and found another illustration.]

Leo: What is it, some kind of riddle? Donnie?

Mikey: Wait, a riddle? Like a booby trap? [yelps.] This is a bad idea, dude.

Donnie: You watch too many horror movies. There are no booby traps in Egyptian pyramids.

[Donnie stepped on a stone.]

Mikey: I told you! What did I say?

[Spikes formed and the ceiling as the door shut closed. With that closed, the ceiling started to close down toward the group.]

Donnie: If I'm reading right, it says, "Only a worthy protector shall enter. " Th-th-th-that could mean anything!

Raph: We're about to be Swiss-cheesed!

Leo: Think fast, Donnie!

Donnie: Well, this is a tomb. It's gotta be Anubis! He's the god of the dead.

[He pressed only for the ceiling to close lower.]

Raph: Good instinct, Donnie. Nice!

Leo: Quickly, just pick one!

Renet: But don't pick wrong.[yelps.] We're running out of time!

[Mikey looked and pressed the one with the crocodile. The ceiling stopped and rises back up.]

Donnie: How did you know to pick the crocodile?

Mikey: He looks like Leatherhead, and he's the best protector a turtle could ever have!

Renet: Of course! That's Sobek. He was the protector of the king. Mikey, you're the bee's fleas!

[They enter the catacomb.]

Renet: Far out! It's very unusual to have so many mummies buried in one tomb.

Donnie: Well, not necessarily. Often, families would reuse the same coffins and move the old mummies out.

Mikey: Yeah, yeah, yeah, very interesting. They're not so scary, though. They're just wrinkly, smelly, and have terrible fashion sense.

Renet: Actually, the wrappings are part of the mummification process. They preserved their bodies for the afterlife by removing the organs and wrapping-

Raph: Okay, we get it! Enough history lessons already.

[Something tapped Mikey.]

Mikey: Very funny Raph. I know that's you behind me.

Raph: What are you talking about?

[Mikey looked and saw a undead mummy hand,]

Mikey:[screams.] Mummy hand!

[The living mummies begin to come to life.]

Renet: Quickly! Down the stairs!

[They head down the stairs until the steps disappear, causing them to fall. Leo used his grappling hook while Donnie used his staff, catching the others.]

Leo: Try reaching the other side!

[They carefully get to the other side, using the grappling hook as mummies tried to attack but Renet knocks them off.]

Renet: Guys, we're here. The Pharaoh's Chamber.

[They enter the chamber.]

Donnie: Amazing! A completely undisturbed burial chamber of a Pharaoh.

[A low rumble reseals the sarcophagus.]

Renet: Yes! And we made it here before Savanti! That is the cat's pajamas!

Raph: There's no way that chump is getting the mummy now!

Mikey: Booyakabunga!

Leo: Uh... What was that again about the living dying and the dead rising?

[The sarcophagus opened up to reveal the mummy king.]

Renet: We may have made a mistake entering the tomb.

[Savanti appears behind them, laughing.]

Savanti: I must thank you for doing all my hard work for me. You led me right into the tomb and even stumbled into the curse! Now the Mummy of the Pharaoh is mine to command! Great Pharaoh, Lord of the Nile, Ruler of Egypt, heed me! These mortal infidels have disturbed your sacred tomb. Join me and destroy them, and the world will be ours!

Renet: We're the ones that woke him up. Maybe we can reason with him. Oh, noble and groovy Pharaoh, accept my humble apologies. Please return to your resting place.

[The mummy king starts and slams his staff, knocking them back.]

Renet: I don't suppose you know ancient Sumerian?

[The mummy king began to attack them by using mirage golden birds.]

Raph: Use your magic wand!

Renet: The scepter is too low on power.

[Raph begins to attack the mummy king but he whacked him away. Leo and Donnie begins to attack the king but he knocked him, threw Donnie with his cane and knocked him at Leo. Mikey starts to fight Savant, who dodged the fire breath. Leo looked at Donnie and Raph and nod before they begin to use a smoke bomb and attack. Leo then sliced the mummy's head off. However, his body moved and kicked him. Then the head moved, making Leo kick it away. It bounced onto Donnie and Raph and then floated to his body.]

Leo: Oh, come on! Is there any way to reverse the mummy's curse?

Renet: Maybe the inscription on the sarcophagus!

Donnie: On it!

[Donnie heads to the sarcophagus.]

Leo: How's that translating going, Donnie?

Donnie: All I can figure out is something about "The Pharaoh must rest in this world to move on to the next."

Leo: Then let's get him back in his coffin!

[Leo and Raph held the king back as Donnie threw a vase at him. The mummy king starts to attack him as golden snakes wrapped Donnie up and lifted him in the air. Leo and Raph pushed a column as Savanti went after the staff.]

Savanti: The scepter is mine!

[Renet tosses the scepter as Mikey wrapped his nunchuck around Savanti's leg]

Mikey: Cowabunga!

[Renet tosses it and Mikey pulls Savanti down with a kick. Renet then punches Savanti while Mikey pulls the statue along with Leo. The statue crashed onto the mummy king, sealing him.]

Renet: Now to send you back to your gross Prehistory Prison!

Savanti: I don't think so.

[An explosion burst and the mummy king was released.]

Savanti: See you in time!

[They leave the portal.]

Leo: No!

Donnie: We had him!

Renet: Oh, grok! This is all my fault!

Leo: We still have a chance to catch up to him, right?

Renet: But if I mess up again, I don't know how many charges the scepter will have left.

Leo: We won't give up, not now. Not when April, Casey, and the rest of our city is at stake.

Renet: Thanks, Leo. You really are a totally tubular leader. Okay, according to the scepter, Savanti is traveling to the Middle Ages. It should have enough power for two more time jumps I hope.

Mikey: Aww, yeah! Middle Ages, here we come! Yeah!

[Everyone leaps into the portal]

Raph: I hate time travel.

[Renet offers a hand to Mikey.]

Mikey: Cowabunga!

Renet: Excelsior!

The Crypt of Dracula[]

[Next episode started in Transylvania. Renet and the turtles arrive at the swamp.]

Raph: Dumped in a swamp in the middle of nowhere? Thanks a lot, Renet.

Renet: Sorry, Turtle Warriors. I should've set the Time Scepter for drier ground.

Donnie: Um, has anyone seen Mikey?

Mikey: Whoo! [laughs.] I'm kinda into the swampiness, dudes. We're turtles! Kinda feels like home.

Leo: Where and when the heck are we, Renet?

Renet: We're in Transylvania! In the year 1300! Isn't this super cold?

Donnie: You mean "cool. " And, no, it is not cool. Transylvania at this time is a dangerous place to be.

Mikey: Transylvania? Isn't that next to New York?

Raph: That's Pennsylvania, dummy!

[They heard a howl, making Mikey scared.]

Renet: Okay, before we go anywhere and hunt down Savanti, we better try and blend in a little.

[She takes off her helmet to reveal golden hair. Mikey is totally amazed and faints.]

Raph: Mikey!

Renet: You guys better blend in too. And look the part as wicked grokkin' monster slayers! Whoo!

[She changes them into their trench coats.]

Leo:[gasps.] Awesome! Aw, this is so rad. I feel like Van Helsing, but way cooler than him, actually way more rad than Van Helsing. Haha!

Mikey: Whoa, check it out!

[He fires a dart at Raph]

Raph: Ow! Mikey!

Donnie: Ooh, likin' the hats.

Renet: And, Donatello, your staff has a mystical seal of protection. You'll need these weapons, Turtle Warriors, because we have to find the next monster before Savanti Romero does. And that monster is none other than Dracula!

Both: [confused] Huh?

Renet: Lord of the Vampires.

[Theme song]

[In the fog, a group of knights are running.]

Knight: Flee this accursed place!

Knight: There's no way out!

[Werewolves begin to surround the knight. panicked be backed away from the wolves.]

Knight: No, no, no! Help me!

[The turtles rush him and past the wolf, defeating the wolves.]

Knight: It is werewolves!

[The knight runs away.]

Leo: Renet, can't you use the Scepter to levitate us or something?

Renet: It's running low on power. I have to conserve!

[They run as Leo kicks a wolf. Donnie tries to whack it while Mikey is trying to get the wolf off of him.]

Mikey: Off of me, Fluffy!

[He pulled it with his crossbow, shoots it and then brought the tree down on the wolf. Raph leaped onto the roof and came face to face with a humanoid wolf. The pack started to chase Raph until he trips. He realized the wolves were gone. He gets up until something lurks behind and attacks him. The wolves started to surround the teens,]

Leo: A werewolf? Holy creature double feature! I thought we were supposed to be taking on Dracula.

Mikey: We gotta use silver! That's what they used in The Growling!

[A light forms and the wolves begin to run away.]

Donnie: Look! Light's as good as silver!

Leo: Oh, no. Where's Raph? Raphael!

[The group finds Raph lying on the ground.]

All: Raph!

Donnie: What happened to you, bro?

Raph: [opening his eyes] I don't know. I feel woozy.

[Donnie and Leo began to carry Raph.]

Leo: Come on, team. We gotta find Dracula before Savanti does. And stake him through the heart.

[Later, the turtles and Renet arrive at the village.]

Donnie: What happened here? The whole village is abandoned.

[A carriage arrives. startling Mikey. Inside appears to be a man but his clothes are hard to see.]

Dracula: My friends, do not remain here. This town was consumed by the plague. I recommend going east.

Raph: That voice...

Renet: Thank you, sir, but we're going west, to Dracula's castle.

Dracula: Do not be foolish, child. That way lies death.

Raph: Yes. Yes, we should go east.

[The carriage leaves.]

Raph: Not... Not feeling so-[Vomit]

[He collapses, much to everyone's concern..]

Renet: Raphael? He's sick.

Raph: Ya think?

[Renet checked his illness but it glowed white.]

Renet: Hmm. That's weird. The Scepter can't diagnose it, but it says someone's nearby. Someone who emanates kindness and compassion. Maybe they can help.

[They leave. Later, they meet a man and a woman cooking potatoes.]

Renet: Um, excuse us?

[The man and woman stood up, startled to see the turtles.]

Vulko: Wha... What monsters are these?

Leo: Great disguises, Renet. We blend right in.

Renet: Please, sir, put away your blade. These are friendly goblins from the far realms. They are my guardians.

[Mikey sets Raph down, Vulko's daughter begins to approach him.]

Vulko: Esmeralda!

Esmeralda: Poor, adorable creature! Father, this one is not well.

Vulko: We must take care of ourselves first, Esmeralda.

Renet: Will this help you, kind sir?

[Renet holds up four coins.]

Vulko: So much gold! I thank you, strangers. My name is Vulko, and this is my daughter, Esmeralda. We are travelers, looking for work.

Renet: I am Renet, and these are the Ninja Tur… err, goblins. They're goblins.

Vulko: Come, my new friends. Let us hurry. We must reach our village before nightfall.

Donnie: Wow. What is that gadget, Renet?

Renet: It's a Chronus Wallet. It can produce money from any time period.

Donnie: Whoa! Future tech is so rad!

[Later, they took a ride on the carriage.]

Vulko: We must all be wary. Transylvania has become very dangerous over the years. A great evil has come upon this land.

[Esmerelda is checking Raph's condition on his eyes and then the bite mark on his neck.]

Esmeralda: His paleness, his eyes, the marks on his neck! He's been bitten by the evil one!

Vulko: What? He turns into a vampire? And the sun is soon to set!

Leo: Is there anything we can do, Vulko?

Vulko: Perhaps, but first and foremost, he must not bite anyone, or he will become a full vampire!

Mikey: Oh, snap!

[Meanwhile at Dracula's castle, Savanti enters along with the mummy king.]

Savanti: Count Dracula!

Dracula: So after all these years, diavol has come for me?

Savanti: Yes, Drac, that's exactly who I am. And if you do not obey me, I will take you back to the Netherworld, now and forever.

Dracula: Never! No one commands Vlad Dracula, not even you. [hisses.]

[Savanti shines his light at Dracula's face]

Savanti: Ultraviolet light should be especially painful for you, vampire.

Dracula: Stop! Release me from your power, demon!

Savanti: Then you will obey me, Dracula. I am your master now.

Leo: All right, we roll in and stake Dracula. Let's just hope Savanti hasn't made it there yet.

Donnie: We're gonna lose Raph if this keeps up. Can't you take us back in time to before he was bitten?

Renet: There's only one time-travel charge left on the Scepter. We need it to get us all home to the future.

[Donnie notices the necklace around Vulko's neck.]

Vulko: My necklace of wolfsbane keeps both vampires and werewolves away from me.

Mikey: You got another one of those for me?

Vulko: No.

[Mikey moans. Raph slowly wakes up as his teeth start to form into fangs. He slowly gets up and suddenly, the carriage stops when they hear Mikey scream. Esmeralda puts a garlic necklace on Raph and he passes out.]

Esmeralda: The neophyte vampire is not fully a vampire yet!

Mikey: He's like a vampirette?

Esmeralda: The garlic will keep him docile, for now.

[They were being followed by a monster carriage, being rode by a pumpkin monster.]

Vulko: Hang on!

[They start to go faster as they avoid the edge of the cliff. The headless man throws his pumpkin head at the carriage, making them fall at the edge of the cliff. They get out.]

Renet: Is everyone okay?

Donnie: My bruises have bruises.

Esmeralda: Where is my father?

Mikey: Hey, he's gone.

Leo: Look! His wolfsbane.

Donnie: Look! The wolves must have carried him off.

Esmeralda: Oh, no. Father.

Dracula: What is that magic?

[Meanwhile in Dracula's castle]

Savanti: This "magic" tracks my enemies, Count Dracula. They are too close. But if I can recruit a werewolf to my cause....

[Outside, the turtles, Renet and Esmeralda head to the castle.]

Leo: The tracks curve back to another part of the castle.

[Mikey screams as the bats fly at him. They look inside the carrier but no one is here. Suddenly a massive wolf appeared on the carriage.]

Renet: Oh, no. Not him again!

[Renet started to run away from the wolf as the turtles restrained the werebeast. Mikey prepares to shoot it with the crossbow.]

Esmeralda: Don't hurt him! That werewolf, it's....

Leo: It's Vulko! Your father!

Both: Huh?

Leo: Why didn't you tell us?

Mikey: I need a silver coin from your future wallet, Renet. Quick!

Renet: No problemo, daddy-o! [pulls out the coin]

Mikey: Take your silver chill pill!

[She throws the coin into his mouth. The wolf growls and transforms back into a human.]

Esmeralda: Papa, Papa, you're back!

Vulko: Where... where am I?

Esmeralda: Oh, thank you, my friends. You are very wise, Michelangelo. Silver can harm a werewolf or cure one.

Mikey: That's right! According to ancient lore and the movie I saw. Booyakasha-na-na-na-nah!

[Bats burst through and Dracula held the girl around the neck.]

Dracula: Good evening, my dear.

Donnie: Man, I hope this symbol of protection thing is good for something!

Dracula: You have to have faith for that to work on me, goblin!

[He opens his mouth and prepares to suck her blood until Vulko stabs him with a wooden stick. Leo takes the shot until Raph grabs it with his mouth. He is transformed into a vampire. They both retreat to the castle;]

Leo: Raphael!

[Leo and the others enter inside the castle.]

Donnie: He must be downstairs in the crypt!

Mikey: Um , crypt?

[They enter inside the crypt, candles lit up as Savanti towers above them.]

Savanti: So glad you could join us.

Renet: Savanti. Give it up. Your plan is never gonna work! It's over. Finished!

Savanti: Finished, am I? Indeed, almost finished with my preparations to destroy the future as you know it! Meet my allies!

[The monsters begin to attack while the others end up in the basement. Renet begins to use her powers to attack. Below, the turtles get up as Dracula and Vampire Raph comfort them.]

Vampire Raph: Give me Michelangelo! I "vant" to suck his blood!

Mikey: AAH! No one's suckin' me, no way, no how!

Dracula: You tried to destroy me, green demons! Now you will suffer!

[He attacks Leo and Mikey shoots the vampire prince but the vampire dodged and knocked Mikey. Donnie attacks.]

Dracula: Too slow.

[Donnie gets thrown aside.]

Vampire Raph: Join us, Michelangelo! Join us and drink deep!

[Mikey ends up at another dungeon filled with skeletons. He freaks out as Raph appears. Mist begin to form in the crypt. ]

Donnie:: I gotta try this "faith" thing. I gotta believe in this! The way I believe in my brothers!

[Dracula pins him down and Donnie begins to use the staff to back the vampire away.]

Vampire Raph: Now you will be enslaved to the master!

[Donnie backs Raph away using the staff.]

Donnie: Alright!

[Meanwhile, the two humans are hiding from the mummy. Suddenly, Vulko was lifted.]

Esmeralda: Father!

[She tries to save him but the mummy king blast her away.]

Vulko: Esmeralda, no! No! No, no!

[The mummy began to grab him inside and took out the coin. Vulko turns into a werewolf once more.]

Esmeralda: Father!

[The werebeast started to attack the turtles.]

Savanti: Fools! I have who I came for, and more. Let us go, my monsters!

[The turtles went back up. Meanwhile, Renet started to fire at Savanti but he pushed her aside.]

Leo: No!

[They tried to get them but they disappeared.]

Mikey: Don't... He... he took Raph!

Esmeralda: And my father. What will become of him?

Leo: We gotta follow!

Renet: This'll completely depower my staff, but we've gotta stop Savanti, for good!

[She opens the portal.]

Mikey: Don't worry, Esmeralda. We'll save your dad.

Donnie: Yeah, no matter what.

Esmeralda: Oh, thank you, strange goblins. Please, please hurry. Bring him back to me.

[Later they arrived in the year 1818.]

Leo: All right, Renet. Where are we now?

Renet: We're in Germany, in the year 1818, and that, turtle companions, is Frankenstein's castle.

The Frankenstein Experiment[]

[The third story of the monster arc begins in Germany, 1818. In the cemetery, we see hunchbacked and deformed assistant of Doctor Frankenstein, Igor Radev collecting some endings of dead bodies for his master's experiment.]

Igor: Must not dally. Must not dawdle. The Master will be angry, he says. "Hurry, Igor," he says. The experiment. The experiment. Always with the experiment! What's this? Fog? But from where?

[He gets startled to see Dracula.]

Igor: Ah! Who...who are you? A baron? A c-c-constable?

Dracula: A Count. Count Dracula. And you, my small, round, rotund friend, are Igor Fritz Radev, assistant to a very brilliant man.

Igor: [holding his shovel] Wha-what are you? How do you know such things?

Savanti: Because I told him! I, Savanti Romero!

[Igor falls into the hole in fear.]

Igor: Demon! Keep away from me!

Savanti: We are all demons, aren't we, Igor? So it is best you know your place amongst the monsters.

[The monsters surround him, the mummy, werewolf and the now Vampire Raph.]

Igor: [frightened] Wh-what do you want from me?

Savanti: We need your master's experiment.

[Theme song]

[Somewhere, Leo, Mikey, Donnie and Renet arrive in the forest.]

Leo: Where are we? Oh, no. More castles?

Renet: We're in Germany in the year 1818, and that, Turtle companions, is Frankenstein's castle.

Mikey: Aw, man. Frankenstein? We got to take on Frankenstein, too?

Donnie: Not just that. We got to save Raph and turn him back to normal.

Renet: Not to mention the Time Scepter is running super low on power. [the scepter finally goes out] And there... it ...goes.

Leo: Come on, team. Let's get to Frankenstein's castle and stop Savanti, and then we'll figure out how to get home. Or not. And then we're doomed.

[They head to the castle.]

[In the cemetery, Dracula rises one of the graves while Vampire Raph looks at him behind one of the gravestones. He was no longer wearing his trench coat.]

Vampire Raph: Master. I get to drink some real blood tonight, right? I mean, rats and spiders are one thing. I need some sustenance.

Dracula: Indeed, you will feast tonight, Raphael, when the time is right.

Savanti: It's about time! You're holding me up, Dracula. Seriously, man. I have monsters to recruit and worlds to conquer.

Dracula: Do not irritate me, demon.

Savanti: What's this? Renet and those disgusting Turtles followed me again.

Vampire Raph: They won't give up, Savanti. We have to destroy them quickly! Send me, Master. With my knowledge and the Mummy's magic, we'll annihilate them!

Dracula: Very well. Torture them. Torment them. Make them suffer slowly.

[Raph leaves. Meanwhile. the three turtles and Renet enter the forest.]

Mikey: Aw, man. We've been walking all night. Are we at the castle yet?

Leo: No.

[A strange mirage mist begins to form, getting Mikey's attention.]

Mikey: Whoa! You guys see what I'm seeing? It's a miracle of nature!

Donnie: Mikey!

[Mikey goes after it only to bite a branch.]

Mikey: What the Flin Flon? Who's messing with me? Who stole my tree pizza? Come out and show yourself!

Donnie: What the heck are- AAHHH!!!

[He sees a monstrous flying skull as Mikey screams as the tree monster attacks.]

Leo: What are you guys screaming… Huh? AAHH!

[Leo backs away from a vision of Shredder.]

Renet: Savanti Romero? But.. no!

[Vampire Raph is with the mummy king who is using his powers on the group.]

Vampire Raph: Yes. Torture them with your magic, Pharaoh. Make them suffer.

[At the castle, a scientist is trying to make a monster. Victor is a young man with short black hair, a white lab coat and scientific gloves.]

Victor: That's not it. That won't work. Think, Frankenstein. Think! What are you missing? It's not the synthetic blood. It must lie in the rejuvenation formula!

[Igor arrives, holding the bag of body parts.]

Igor: Master, I have returned with the needed anatomy.

Victor: Excellent, Igor. I must finish the rejuvenation formula by tomorrow's eve, for that night, the heavens will produce the greatest thunderstorm Germany has ever known, and with the power of lightning, I will give my creation the spark of life!

Igor: You mean, if you can finish the rejuvenation formula, Master.

Dracula: Perhaps I can help.

Victor: The formula… I can't solve it.

Dracula: Then allow my friend, the aging, ugly, foul, disgusting, but brilliant Professor Protarious, to help you.

Victor: Ah. I've heard of you, Professor.

Savanti: Dr. Frankenstein. Let me demonstrate the future of science.

[He heads to the chalkboard and started sketching.]

Victor: My dear man, the formula! It all makes sense now!

[Leo is fighting the hallucination of many Shredder's who have died.]

Leo: No! No! Not you too, Karai!

[Donnie is surrounded by the vampire versions of Casey and April.]

Donnie: Ah! Stop! I don't want to be a turtle vampire! I hate blood!

Renet: Get away from me! I'm super serial!

[She screams.]

Mikey: No! Wait! I defeated you! You can't be the real Pizza Face!

[The hallucination disappears. Confused, Mikey looked and saw the Mummy king.]

Mikey: Dudes, It's the Mummy! He's using magic to mess with our heads!

Leo: Mikey's right! It's all an illusion! Fight it!

Donnie: You're not real! Ah! My head!

[All of the illusions disappear. Angry, Vampire Raph flies to them.]

Vampire Raph: [irritated] You fools! Don't you understand? It would be easier if you'd let me drain a little blood. We'll both get something out of it. I'll become a full vampire, and you will be my servants.

Mikey: Wait, what do we get out of it again?

Vampire Raph: Don't you see? We can rule together!

Leo: That's not you talking, Raph.

Renet: Fight it, Daddy-O!

Vampire Raph: If you won't join me, then you will be destroyed!

[Light shines on Raph and he disappears through the portal.]

Renet: Aw, man. If only the Time Scepter was charged up, I-I'd zap 'em here and kick their monster butts back to Transylvania.

Leo: Come on, we got to get to Frankenstein's castle while it's still light out.

Donnie: What about Raph?

Leo: I don't know, man. Unless you or Renet come up with some bright idea, Raphael may be lost forever.

[The group arrives at the castle. Renet knocks on the door. Igor answers.]

Renet: Um, greetings, Mr. Igor. We, uh, need to see the doctor right away. These four boys have, um, green warts all over their bodies.

Igor: Okay. Hurry, then. The Master is busy but always willing to help the afflicted.

[They enter. Igor brings them to the lab]

Igor: Master, you have visitors.

Victor: I'm sorry, I'm quite busy and can't accept- [horrified] What in the name of science are you?!

Leo: Whoa. Take it easy, pal.

Mikey: Yeah! I'm known as super cute in many circles.

Renet: Dr. Frankenstein, these young men are, um, suffering from turtle toe shellitis. It's really rare. Can you cure them?

Victor: Cure them? But these people are turtles. I can't cure turtles.

Donnie: Doc Frank, we heard you're doing experiments to bring the dead back to life.

Victor: How would you know this?

Leo: Because we're from the future, Doc. We're mutants and time travelers.

Renet: Um, Leo, can I talk to you for a second, please? We can't reveal we're time travelers or alter major events in any way, remember? Come on, dude. Get with the program!

Donnie: It would be an honor to help the esteemed Dr. Frankenstein on this reanimation project.

[Donnie and Victor start to get to work by making the monster and doing experiments. Once night fell...]

Victor: Donatello, you are the best assistant I've ever had. I'm quite impressed with your knowledge.

Donnie: Thanks, Doc. I want to ask you about your synthetic blood too. See, I've got this friend, and it might help him. All right! Time to hoist him up.

[Leo and Mikey began to lift the body up in the air once the roof opened. Thunder begin to spike the body,]

Victor: Yes! Yes! Give my creation life!

[The ramp goes down, the sheets blowing off. Victor begins to step forward as Frankenstein comes to life.]

Igor: Egad. The lightning scarred him, Master.

Victor: My perfect being, ruined!

Frankenstein: Fa.. Fa.. Father?

Victor: Father? No. You are a monster, an abomination!

Mikey: No, he's not! He just wants love. Your love. It's cool. My name's Mikey. You're Frank. Frank. Say it with me.

Frankenstein: Fa ...Fra... Frank.

Savanti: Well, I must thank you for helping the good doctor. Now I don't have to do any work. I just have to recruit the most powerful being the world has ever seen.

Dracula: I'd like to think that I am the most powerful. Dr. Frankenstein, if you please.

[He hypnotize Victor]

Victor: Destroy the Turtles!

[Frankenstein charges at them]

Mikey: Frank, it's me! Mikey! Your new pal, remember?

[Frankenstein punches Mikey and landed on Leo.. Leo looked to see the monster throwing the table at them, they dodged.]

Leo: Dr. Frankenstein, why?

Renet: He's under Dracula's control.

Dracula: Yes! How easy you are to sway. Like sheep.

Vampire Raph: Pitiful mortals.

[Donnie takes an electric rod.]

Donnie: Snap out of it, Doc!

[he stabs it on Victor while the others try to fight the monster.]

Mikey: Come on, Frank, it's me!

Frankenstein: Leave me alone!

[Some vials break. Donnie heads over to Victor who is out of Dracula's control.]

Donnie: Doc?

Victor: I'm fine. I'm fine, Donatello. I'm alive.

Savanti: Not for long! Now Savanti Romero has all of the monsters under his command.

Victor: No. Not my creation. My friend, do not harm the Turtles. It is these wicked monsters you wish to destroy!

Frankenstein: Yes. Bad men! Rawr! Frank will smash!

[Frank started to charge until Igor blocks them, holding a torch.]

Igor: Stay back, monster! Stay back!

[Vampire Raph, Dracula and Savanti watch in confusion that one of flames on Igor's torch causes to hit the chemicals on the floor, where the fire appears and it consumes Pharaoh. The Pharaoh screams in pain as he falls out of the ladders to the ground, then the fire appears at the background, which triggers the cataclysmic fire at the lab. Frightened by the fire and appealed by the rejection of his "father", Frank runs away as Mikey chases after him begging him not to go.]

Mikey: Frank! Come back! It's too dangerous up there, dude!

Vampire Raph: Oh, it's dangerous down here too. Good-bye, Igor. Thanks for the help.

[Vampire Raph throws Igor out of the castle as a graduation for his services, where Igor screams as he meets his end by plummeting to his death.]

Savanti: Give me my Time Scepter, girl. It will make my monster invasion so much easier!

Renet: Too bad it's out of power, but it still makes a sweet weapon!

[She whacks his head and runs off,]

Savanti: Renet! You cannot escape me!

[Leo continued to fire wooden stakes at Dracula.]

Dracula: You need more training, Leonardo.

Leo: Oh, I've been practicing, Vlady.

Dracula: Really?

[One struck his back]

Dracula: Not good enough! [grabs Leo by the throat] I am the Lord of the Undead! The King of Wallachia! No one has ever defeated me!

[He tosses Leo. Donnie looks around and encounters Vulko.]

Donnie: Whoa! Whoa, whoa! Good doggy! No biting, now!

[He dodged and climbed onto the top.]

Vampire Raph: Hello brother.

[Donnie screams and lands on Vulko. He runs off]

Vampire Raph: You're not going anywhere, Donatello!

Donnie: Hey, Leo, I could use a boost!

Leo: On it!

[He lifts the ramp up as Donnie looks down. Raph is following him and lunged at Donnie. Renet climbs to the top of the tower with Savanti chasing him. At the top, Renet can see thunder flashing..]

Renet: If I mounted the Time Scepter to that primitive antenna, I wonder if I could recharge it.

Savanti: Give me the scepter, neophyte!

[The staff flies into the air and attached to the roof, thunder strikes it at the specter charges.]

Renet: Groovy! Oh, no, you don't!

[As Savanti goes after the specter and Renet chases him. Mikey and Victor comforts Frank.]

Mikey: Frank! Come back! Frank! It's too slippery for your big feet, bro!

Frankenstein: Frank monster. Frank knows what Frank is.

Victor: No. You are my creation. I am sorry I called you a monster. You are my son! And I want you back.

[Donnie struggled to get Raph off.]

Donnie: I can help you with the doc's synthetic blood!

Vampire Raph: I never said I wanted help!

Donnie: I'm sorry, Raphael.

[He shines the staff at him]

Donnie: Get back! Back, evil one!

Vampire Raph: Keep it away from me! Keep it away!

[He cuts the chain, sending Raph falling and grab onto the chain ]

Victor: Please, my creation! Come back! I promise to take care of you!

Dracula: Out of my way!

[He shoved Victor.]

Victor: Help me!

Mikey: Doc, hold on!

[Mikey tries to go save him but Dracula knocked him down.]

Dracula: Little fool. Monster, come with me, and no one will see you as a freak. We creatures of the night shall rule!

[Renet grabs the specter.]

Renet: Yes! Finally, Now, to kick some-

[The explosion occurred when thunder struck.]

Victor: Oh, no!

[Renet managed to save them in time by using her barrier. Leo and Donnie, with Raph chained, leave the house as Renet lowered Mikey and Victor down. ]

Renet: Is everyone all right?

Leo: We're okay. I think.

Donnie: Yeah, except the lab got trashed. All of the doc's synthetic blood is ruined. I thought we could use it to save Raph.

Mikey: We'll think of something else, D. At least he's back with us.

Victor: [brokenhearted] My... My creation. Gone. Destroyed. Obliterated.

Renet: Maybe not, Doc. The Time Scepter says he's still out there, somewhere, along with all the other monsters. But hey, at least I got the Time Scepter partially charged up again, which means we've got one last shot at stopping Savanti and Dracula.

Leo: Put some garlic on Raph. We're going back to the future.

Vampire Raph: Fools! You can't stop the Master. He's recruiting Frankenstein's monster as we speak! You've already lost!

[Frank is all alone in the forest. as he watched the castle burn.]

Frankenstein: Frank alone. No friends. No family. Frank lonely monster.

Dracula: You don't have to be alone anymore. I'll see to that.

Savanti: For you can join my monster army and rule a world that now forsakes you, my friend.

Frankenstein: Oh.. Friend?

Dracula: Yes! Just look into my eyes.

[He hypnotized Frank.]

Savanti: Come, my monsters. The future awaits!

[The third part ends with monsters heading out towards the portal for New York City in 21st century.]

Monsters Among Us[]

[The group arrives in their timeline.]

Leo: Mikey, check Raph. Make sure his chain is still secure.

Mikey: [checking the chain] All right, chain looks good. So's the garlic.

Vampire Raph: Yes, the garlic. What does the smell remind you of, Mikey?

[The words slowly began to hypnotize Mikey.]

Mikey: Pizza. Mmm. Savory red sauce.

[Donnie grabbed his little brother away from Raph from hypnotizing and biting him.]

Donnie: Trying to get to Mikey through his love of pizza? That is a low blow, Raph, even for a vampire.

[Raph hisses]

Leo: Look. It's us.

[Everyone looked and saw their past selves since they began their journey.]

Renet: That was the beginning of our journey through time to stop Savanti from building his monster army. Didn't really go so well.

Leo: If anything, there seem to be more monsters now than when we left.

Mikey: Dudes! Monsters are everywhere! How are we gonna beat them all?

Vampire Raph: You guys can't win. This world belongs to us monsters now. You'll all soon be extinct. [laughs evilly] Savanti Romero and my master, Dracula, are gonna make Turtle soup out of you fools.

Leo: Renet, you're from the future. You know the history of what happened. Give us something!

Renet: Um, no, because Savanti is changing everything by the second.

Vampire Raph: And soon, you'll all be changed as well.

[He screeches but Mikey covers Raph’s mouth. They took out their weapons, ready to fight. Then bats scare them.]

Mikey: At least they're only bats!

[The monsters begin to appear, surrounding them.]

Leo: There's too many! Move!

[They begin to run, climb down the apartment and start to head to the streets. Leo bashed one of the monsters down against the car while they continued on hiding the monsters. They get onto the truck and one monster alerts the others. Leo shoots them as the monsters ram the truck.]

Renet: Close your eyes!

[She blinds the monsters using her light and then they went off the truck and run.]

Renet: This way!!

[They get into the sewer. Vulko tried to bite her but Mikey shot it in the nose. Renet then sealed it with her magic.]

Leo: That won't hold them for long.

Vampire Raph: You guys are just delaying the inevitable.

Leo: No. We're back in the sewers. This is our element.

[On the tower]

Savanti: Soon, New York City will entirely succumb to me. Thanks to my plan, everyone in the future will be monsters. That includes the wretched Time Masters who mutated me as punishment. But now there will be no difference between me and everyone else. Everyone will be a freak. Are you not in awe of my plan, Dracula?

Dracula: Petty revenge. I was there when Rome fell. I could feel change coming in the air. I feel it again now. Conquering them will be easy. But Renet and her wretched Turtles still might defeat us.

Savanti: I still don't know where to find their secret lair.

Dracula: But I do, for I know the thoughts of every vampire ever bitten.

Vampire April: What is your bidding, master?

Vampire Casey: Yeah. Whose blood do you want us to suck, yo?

[The turtles have returned to the lair.]

Leo: Renet, isn't there a way to fix all of this with your Time Scepter?

Renet: We could go back in time and try a do-over only that didn't work so well last time. Plus, this time we wouldn't have Raphael.

Donnie: She's right. We have to stop this in the here and now.

[in Mikey's room, Mikey held up a notebook while Kitty was taking notes.]

Mikey: Focus on the research, Ice Cream Kitty. As far as I can tell, the lesson these old horror comics are teaching us is: slay the master. If we destroy Dracula, every vampire transforms back into a human.

[Raph struggled to ger free but he stops with a sly smile on his face.]

Vampire Raph: Hey, Mikey, now that we're back in the lair, I'm feeling much better. Mikey. Mikey. Take this garlic off me, Mikey. I'm better now.

[Hypnotized, Mikey stood up and walked toward Raph. Kitty meowed hysterically.]

Donnie: If I can focus the waveform, I can sync enough energy for a recharge This should put her at 50% power.

[After pushing the button, the lights suddenly flicker.]

Vampire Raph: Mikey. Mikey. Take this garlic off me, Mikey. I'm better now.

Mikey:[hypnotized] Yes. Take garlic off Raph.

Vampire Raph: Nothing can stop us now!

[Suddenly, lights went out and Donnie was knocked down. Raph has taken the staff.]

Leo: The Scepter!

[The monsters appear snarling, along with April and Casey as the others exit the lab.]

Vampire April: Greetings, Turtles. Now you will become one of us.

[They begin to attack. Mikey shined his staff at the monsters.]

Mikey: This whole situation is ruining Halloween for me.

Leo: Guys, we got to focus!

[Frank knocked them down as Mikey tried to comfort him.]

Mikey: Frank, not you, too!

Frankenstein: Frank has no choice. Frank must obey Dracula!

[He slammed his firsts as Mikey dodged.]

Donnie: Time for another tactical retreat.

[April appears behind him.]

Vampire April: You're mine, Donnie! [she bites him]

Donnie: OWWWW!!!

Leo: Donnie!

[Donnie covered his neck.]

Donnie: No! Stay back!

[His vision started to feel blurry until Mikey grabbed the staff as Donnie falls.]

Mikey: Get back, Evil Casey! I'm for real!

Vampire April: Finally, the Turtles are outmatched. It'll all be over soon.

Leo: Okay, easy big fella. Easy.

[He dodged Frankenstein, kicking him and rolling over.]

Renet: You know what happens when you mess with Junior Assistant Time Masters?

Mikey: Everything about her is the coolest thing ever.

[Mikey screams and knocked Casey away,]

Donnie: Guys, follow me. Quick! This way!

[They ran out of the subway. Once they made it, they entered an old hospital.]

Donnie: Whoa. An old hospital.

Leo: You mean a nightmare hospital, the kind of place that used leeches instead of bandages.

Mikey: That iron door should hold them. No problemo. They hate iron.

Leo: How would you possibly know that?

Mikey: Dude, I read it in Vampire Hunter X, issue six, brah. I might be a master researcher. Just saying.

[Donnie shrieks in pain like a banshee, clutching his bite mark.]

Donnie: GGHHAAAAHHH!!! Guys, I'm.... I'm losing myself....Ngghh..G..GRHHOOOAAAAAAAAAAA!!!

[They set Donnie on the table.]

Leo: Does your comic say how to stop a vampire transformation, Mikey?

Mikey: Uh, not sure. I never scored issue seven.

[Dracula looks out at the city from the castle.]

Savanti: I tire of waiting. We must send a horde after that wretched Renet and the Turtles. What if they recharge the Time Scepter?

Dracula: Patience, Savanti. There are bigger things currently at play.

[Raph arrives with the time scepter.]

Vampire Raph: Master, I brought this for you. the Time Scepter.

Savanti: Excellent, my servant. Now I will be unstopp- What?

[He was shocked to see that Raph gave the staff to Dracula.]

Dracula: Well done, Raphael.

Savanti: What is the meaning of this?

Dracula: You are such a dim-witted zounderkite, Savanti. Armed with this, I will go back in time to infect early humankind with vampirism so that the entire world will be undead. Finally, I will rule the world in darkness. It's not working. Why isn't it working?

Savanti: [laughs] Who is the fool now, Dracula?

Dracula: Show me how it works, or I will rend you to pieces.

Savanti: How it works is simple. You need me. That technology is far beyond your tiny bat brain. But now I know where your allegiance truly lies. Pharaoh? If you please.

Dracula: You pit a mindless mummy against the King of the Vampires? Insulting!

[He destroys the mummy king, turning him into dust.]

Dracula: Any more brilliant ideas?

[Back at the hospital, Donnie continued to shriek through the pain.]

Renet: We have to try to stop his transformation.

Leo: We also have to stop Savanti, stop Dracula, and get that Time Scepter back from Raph, all before the world ends!

[Donnie, with glowing eyes, faints and succumbs. The metal doors bang]

Leo: Great. Vampires hate iron, but Frankensteins are fine with- ugh!

[Leo gets knocked by Donnie.]

Mikey: Oh, no. Donnie!

[Donnie had transformed. He throws the table at them but they dodge and run away.]

Leo: Through here!

[They leave the hospital. ]

Leo: Coast is clear. Come on.

Vampire Donnie:[jumps down in front of them] Going somewhere?

[The three remaining teens found themselves surrounded by the monsters.]

Savanti: We are on the cusp of a new era where Dracula and I rule all of time, space, and the ten dimensions, together!

Leo: Is that possible?

Renet: Not only possible. Now that they have the Time Scepter, it's totally probable.

Savanti: And you will not be able to stop us. "Why?" you ask.

Mikey: Uh, we didn't ask. No one asked.

Dracula: Because we will destroy you now. Monsters, eliminate the Turtles and the girl.

[Frank roars.]

Leo: Stay back, Frankenstein!

Mikey: No. There's another way. Frank, buddy, we're bros. Remember? They're the enemies!

Dracula: You will do my bidding, monster.

Mikey: Dracula is the worst. Does he even know your favorite food? 'Cause I'm your real friend, and I know your favorite food is uh, frankfurters!

Dracula: Destroy them, creature!

Frankenstein: No! Mikey is real friend! You are not!

[He used his sparks and attacked the monsters. Leo began to fire at the monsters while Renet and Mikey fought.]

Renet: Wow, that was totally tubular. What comic book did you learn that strategy from?

Mikey: Uh, "Mikey Makes The Whole Thing Up And Gets Lucky" issue number one!

[Frank continues fighting.]

Dracula: Is it possible to use the Time Scepter to get rid of our enemies?

Savanti: [with his arms folded] What do you think?

Dracula: The time is nigh for the utter destruction of-

[Mikey threw garlic ad Dracula]

Dracula: No one assaults the immortal Dracula with- aah!

[Mikey again throws garlic at him. Leo then used his grappling hook and knocked the scepter out of Savanti's hands.]

Mikey: I got it! I don't got it!

Leo: Mikey!

[They get teleported into the medieval timeline.]

Mikey: Oh, medieval knights. Majestic heroes of bravery! They'll help us, dudes!

Knight: Monsters! Run away! Run away! Monsters!

[Knights run away.]

Leo: Get the Scepter!

[They chase after the scepter. Raph pinned Leo as he reached for the staff. Frank grabbed it.]

Frankenstein: Frank will master time travel. Frank break everything!

[They enter the Japan area. Donnie tried to bite Leo but he held him back.]

Leo: Gross! Feel free to help out any time guys. Ugh! Seriously!

[Savanti reaches for the staff but Renet shots until bats surrounded her. Vampire Raph catches the staff.]

Vampire Raph: This is- aah!

[Mikey kicks Raph off the temple. They end up in Egypt. Savanti grabs the staff. They end up in the dinosaur age.]

Savanti: Yes! Back right where I... Oh, not here. Even Ancient Egypt is better than the prehistoric age.

Renet: Don't let him repair it! Then he'll be in complete control!

Mikey: Guys, wait! We're focusing on the wrong thing. Didn't Vampire Hunter X teach us anything? We take out the master, we free all the monsters. Stake me up.

Dracula: We declared we would share this.

Savanti: There's nothing to share if it doesn't work.

Dracula: Fine. You'll fix the staff. I'll take care of the Turtle creatures.

[He goes after them and swooped down at Frankenstein.]

Mikey: Booyakasha!

[Mikey strikes the staff right at Dracula's heart, as the vampire prince falls and with an agonized groan, he yells out.]

Dracula: No!!!

[Don and Raph yell and pass out. Cut to Dracula, who's body burnt into a dead skeleton as turtles watch in shock. Then Savanti appears.]

Savanti: Oh, well. He was a jerk. But it's too late, fools. The Time Scepter is fixed. Now I, Savanti Romero, will rule all of time and.. what?

[Renet punches him.]

Renet: Enjoy your stay, Savanti. We'll check up on you in another thirty years or so.

Savanti: No! Oh grock!

[Savanti is killed after he becomes eaten alive by a tyrannosaurus. Back in New York, April, Vulko and Casey changed back to normal. Renet and the two unbitten Leo and Mikey appear only for them to fall down onto the rooftop.]

Renet: Oops.

[Like the others, Raph and Donnie are back to normal.]

Raph: Leo! Donnie! Mikey! We're… we're back! And we're not freaky vampires anymore!

April: Uh, who is this?

Leo: This is Renet, the greatest Time Master who ever lived.

Casey: Did that actually happen? Were we, like, an army of awesome monsters?

Vulko: It was no dream. And now I am forever trapped in this forsaken age.

Renet: Don't worry, Vulko. I'll return you to your time, before you became a werewolf.

Vulko: Oh, thank you. Thank you, great and powerful witch.

Frankenstein: But what of Frank?

Renet: I would never forget you, Frank. You turned the tide of this battle. I'm gonna take you to the future, where you'll be appreciated by everyone. I can't thank you Turtles enough. You are all groovy-to-the-max awesome!

Mikey: Party on, Renet. You are the most incredible person who has ever lived in the history of living!

Renet: That's the second-nicest thing anyone's ever said about me.

[She leaves along with Frank.]

Mikey: Wait. What was the first?

Renet: You'll just have to wait until we meet again, Michelangelo in the future.

Leo: How about some trick-or-treating, team? Tonight is the night!

Mikey: Halloween-akasha!

[Next episode]
