
[The episode starts with a local man walking, until he is being pushed by Fulci Twins, who are running away frantically from Mighty Mutanimals.]

Vic: Out of the way! Let's get out of here.

Slash: After 'em! Don't let 'em escape.

Mondo: You're not going anywhere, evil-

[The twins ran him over]

Vic: Stupid muties!

[Suddenly, the car hits Vic, mostly hurting him, it also breaking the windshield. Vic falls as he stands up weakly. Vincenzo opens the door of the car and throws a man out.]

Man: Hey, what the?

Vincenzo: Out of the car now. Move!

Slash: Leatherhead, give 'em a ride.

[Leatherhead grabs the car and tosses it over. Then Rockwell used his powers to hold the twins upside down.]

Vic: They're gonna eat us.

Slash: I came for this, but now that you mention it, I am kind of hungry.

[He opens the case, only to find chemicals.]

Slash: What do you want with this stuff?

Vincenzo: We ain't saying nothing, freak-o.

Mondo: Give me five minutes with these punks.

Rockwell: Yes. In the meanwhile, allow me to psychically probe these miscreants.[shocked] Great Scott! They're bringing these blueprints to an engineer to build weapons specifically designed to destroy mutants.

[Rockwell's last word shocks the Mutanimals.]

Vic: That's right. Every mutant in this town is going down.

[A car drives and some man throws the can at them, which causes it to unleash the gas as everyone coughs as everyone is knocked unconscious. The man who threw the can is another gangster. He is a muscular man with sunglasses and a business suit.]

Hammer: Hey, yo. Well, what do we have here? Well, thank youse very much.

[Slash falls as soon as the Hammer grabbed the case.]

Vic: You like that? Nerve gas that only works on mutants.

Hammer: Hey, yo, Vic. Vinnie. Move.

[The twins leave as soon as the mutanimals recover.]

Leatherhead: We must warn our Turtle brothers before they use those weapons to wipe out Mutantkind forever.

[theme song]

[In the lair, Leo is fighting with Raph]

Raph: Oh, so you want to do this for real? Bout time.

[He charged]

Leo: Easy, Raph.

[He dodged. before Raph shoved him.]

Raph: The more you sweat in practice, the less you bleed in battle. Now quit playing games and show me what you really got.

[Leo yells as he dislodged Raph's weapon only for Raph to lift Leo and crush him on the back. Leo quickly gets up and got on top of Raph's head. Raph again knocks Leo down. Raph fights aggressively again as he punches Leo repeatedly.]

Splinter:[stops the fight] Raphael, enough.

Raph: Come on, Leo. Scared of a real fight?

Leo: No, I'm scared you've been getting more and more hostile and pulling away from the team. What gives?

Raph: I'm tired of training with kid gloves. No one's pulling punches out there. Why should we do it in here? [pushes Leo]

Leo: Raph.

Splinter: Teishi. Because you are brothers, and your goal here is to train.

Raph: [groans.] Sensei. Why do you always stick up for Leo? I'm the only one who takes training seriously. The rest of 'em are just goofing off all the time. [Throws a shuriken at Donnie's juice box]

Donnie:[mimics] "Wah, no one appreciates me." Back on the "everyone loves Leo" routine? Get some new material, you big baby.

Raph: [angrily] That's it. If you guys don't want to take this as seriously as I do, then I quit! I'm done. Through. Adios! [leaves in anger]

Leo: How many times has he quit the team, now?

Donnie: Mm, twenty seven times.

Splinter: You have a brilliant mind, Donatello, yet you see a fire and try to put it out with gasoline. You are growing up, my sons, and you must become more mature. One day, I will not be around to remind you of your foibles.

Mikey: Is a "foible" that little dangly thing in the back of my throat?

Donnie: "Foible" means a weakness of character, shellbrain.

[Donnie raises his hand, Mikey presumes that he is about to hit him for his stupidity, he closes his eyes, but instead Donatello grabs his head and forcefully turns his head on Splinter.]

Leo: Master, you've made it through the worst of the worst, and we're gonna make sure that nothing can-

Splinter: Everything is impermanent, Leonardo. You cannot expect anything to last forever, even family.

[The mutanimals arrive.]

Slash: Greetings, Turtles.

Mikey: Leatherhead.

Leatherhead: Good to see you, Michelangelo.

Mikey: Dude, Mondo Gecko. When did you join the team, bro?

Mondo: A little while back. They totally love my fighting style. Hiyah!

Donnie :[notices someone missing] Hey, where's Pigeon Pete?

Slash: We don't talk about Pigeon Pete.

Leo: So what brings the Mighty Mutanimals?

Slash: We need your help, Turtles.

Rockwell: We've uncovered plans to develop mutant-hunting weapons. I telepathically discovered that Don Vizioso wants to take control of the city now that Shredder has vanished, and the Don knows the only thing that stands between him and his vile goals...

Leo: Is us.

Slash: We need to take down the Don and his goons before he takes us down.

Leo: Donnie, can you track Raph down in the Party Wagon? If he's out there alone....

Donnie: Sure, I probably owe him an apology, anyway.

[In Italian Restaurant Dell Abate, where Don Vizioso eats his dinner. The obese gangster has been visited by his men.]

Vizioso: Eccellente. Vic, Vincenzo, welcome. I see you've brought some pest control.

Vic: Best money can buy, Don Vizioso.

Vincenzo: It fires miniature rockets that sniff out mutant DNA, like a heat-seeking missile. [laughs.] Boom, splat! [throws the rocket to Vizioso]

Vizioso: So what are you waiting for, fellas? Once the muties are gone, taking over this town will be a piece of cake, which reminds me. Get me a piece of cake. Now go clean the vermin out of the streets, but keep one alive. We'll give 'em to Dr. Farrell, see what makes the little bugs tick.

[In the Party wagon, Donnie and Mondo search for Raph as Mondo pushing the buttons.]

Donnie: We should be able to find Raph with his T-Phone signal. I just need to- Mondo! Please stop touching everything.

Mondo: Chill out, bro. Once I get this radio working, we can par-tay!

Donnie: That's not a-

[Mondo accidentally pushes the button which launches the missiles. It launches at the hot dog cart as a woman runs away yelling. Donnie gives him an angry look for this irresponsibility, but Mondo smiles, Donnie looks in annoyance. We cut to Raph.]

Raph: Sick of them making me the bad guy all the time. Better off living by my own rules. Not having to worry about going too hard on those softshells.

[Hearing the window shattered, Raphael goes to investigate. He realizes it's from Vizioso's gangsters, whom Raph believes are bank robbers.]

Raph: Well, look who showed up to help me blow off some steam. [he hears his phone ring] Don't need 'em.

[Below, the men threw money bags into a van]

Thief: Come on, fellas. Let's wrap it up.

Thief 2: That's the last bag of cash.

Raph: Bank robbery? Come on, guys. That's pretty unoriginal.

[He starts to fight the thieves and knock them. He later tied them up.]

Raph: You got to step up your game if you're gonna commit crimes in my city.

[The party wagon arrives.]

Donnie: Raph, what are you doing?

Raph: Getting along fine without you, obviously.

Mondo: Raphael.

Raph: What are you even doing here, Geek-o?

Mondo: I sometimes throw tantrums too, bro, but friends don't turn their back on their friends.

Raph: [groans.] Save it, guys. I am done with you for good.

Donnie: Oh, man. He wasn't like this the twenty six other times he quit.

Raph: It's been a long time coming, I can tell you that. What?

[Gun shoots Donnie and Mondo inside of the Party wagon]

Raph: Donnie! The robbery was a setup. They lured us here!

[The thieves started to fire but Raph threw ninja stars at it.]

Raph: Donnie, are you?

[The missile struck Raph.]

Donnie: Raph!

[He quickly dodged the missile.]

Donnie: Raph, they're loaded with mutant-hunter rockets.

[Raph takes cover behind a car and throws smoke bomb at the thieves.]

Thief: I can't see.

[Raph gives them a good fight as he impressively fights off the gangsters and heads off to the rooftop.]

Donnie: We're not leaving him. Come on!

Mondo: Hero time with Mondo!

Thief: Get him!

[Raph struggled on to fight but he got knocked and kicked.]

Thief: Stomp the mutie.

Mondo: Hey, you!

[He slammed his skateboard at the thieves.]

All: Huh?

[Mondo gets kicked off the building.]

Donnie: Raph, no!

[He runs toward and kicks them but he gets knocked by a missile and loses consciousness.]

Thief: Boss says to take one for the road. Grab the purple one. This one's pretty much finished.

[They toss Donnie in the truck.]

Mondo: I'm making a snow angel.

Thief: Better take him too, for variety.

[Raph slowly gets up.]

Raph: Aw, man, you messed up big time, Raph.

[Leo, Mikey and Mutanimals come to the restaurant to angrily confront Vizioso and his goons.]

Thief: Muties? Here?

[As they walk past, Rockwell used his powers to back them away]

Leo: Don Vizioso, we need to talk.

Vizioso: I get to watch these freaks get whacked from the comfort of my own restaurant? This is truly a gift. [chuckles.]

Mikey: We're not here for a fight, gangster dude. We're here for a truce.

Leo: But if you don't leave the city peacefully, Don Vizioso, we are prepared to make you.

Vizioso: Get a load of that. It knows my name. Know any other tricks?

Leo: There are more mutants in this town than you can handle, even with your mutant-hunter weapons.

Vizioso: That's exactly why we're not leaving. This city's got a real mutant problem. We're not going anywhere, 'cause we're human. It's you monsters who don't belong.

[Leatherhead growls, but Mikey comforts him]

Mikey: Chill, dude. Leo's got this.

[Vizioso phone begins to ring.]

Vizioso: Excuse me, mutants. Hello? Ah, you don't say? Thank you very much. One of your Turtle brothers is down.

Leo and Mikey: [horrified] No!

Vizioso: And the other belongs to us now, as does that little lizard pal of yours.

Leatherhead: My friend.

[Mikey stops him.]

Vizioiso: So it's your move, freaks.

[Hammer throws toothpick at Leatherhead, angering crocodile so much that he rages. Then a great shootout begins as turtles and Mutanimals fight the goons, Vizioso escapes on his wheelchair.]

Vizioso: So long, muties. See you in the funny papers.

Leo: Grab him!

[They ran after him but the door closed.]

Vic: Come on! Wastin' mutants: first respectable thing we done for the city!

[Leatherhead protects the two turtles while Rockwell uses his powers. The goons had escaped.]

[In the mutanimals hideout.]

Slash: The Don's got a stronghold at the Hignight Hotel in the Bowery. No one gets in, and no one gets out. If he's holding anything valuable, that's where it will be.

Leatherhead: Including captives.

[A door opens and they see a weakened Raph.]

Leo and Mikey: Raph!

Mikey: Whoa. You okay, bro?

Raph: [grunts.] I blew it. I led 'em right into a trap.

Leo: Hey, we're a team, and we cover each other's mistakes. We'll get them back.

Raph: Then we better move. Whatever he wants Donnie and Gecko for, it's not good.


Thief: Hey! Why don't you make like a tree and scram!

[Gangster threw a market cart and Homeless guy ran away, screaming as everyone was laughing at him. The camera pans to the Hotel Hignight sign. Cut to the inside, where Vizioso glares at completely traumatized and terrified Donatello and Mondo, tied up to each other. Donatello and Mondo Gecko tremble in fear and horror.]

Vizioso: I don't wanna wait for Doc Farrell. Do it now.

Donnie: Do what now?

Mondo: Seriously, dudes, I got a cramp in my foot, and I gotta pee real bad.

Vizioso: I'll tell ya what we're gonna do. We're gonna see what makes ya tick.

Donnie: [weakly and scared; gulps and voice breaking in fear.] No.

Mondo: [nervously] Um, can we discuss this like rational dudes? I have, like, really sensitive skin when it comes to knives and blades.

[Donnie backs away, tucking his legs into his shell.]

Donnie: [stammering.] If you hold on a sec, I can give you an A-plus presentation that explains how mutants work, so you can skip the whole dissection thing. Cool?

[Outside, Slash begins to grab the thieves while the others take notice.]

Thief: Hey! What are ya doin'? Don't leave your post.

[Leatherhead appears roaring.]

Thief: Whoa! Mutant!

[Leatherhead attacks]

Thief: Go, go, go, go! Take that, ya filthy mutant!

[Slash grabs the man and Rockwell lifts them up in the air.]

Rockwell: Sorry we can't hang out anymore, fellows.

[Rockwell throws them to the ground. Cut back inside, Vic tries to finish two mutants off, but when he hears crashing sounds, he puts the two down and looks out the window and realizes that...]

Vic: They found us!

Vizioso: No kiddin'. But I got a special surprise to get rid of these creeps, once and for all.

[Back with Mutanimals, who have defeated the goons.]

Leatherhead: That wasn't as hard as I thought it would be.

[Suddenly, a trapdoor comes out from nowhere and it opens as if something is coming.]

Slash: It ain't over yet, big guy.

[Something launches missiles at Mutanimals, it is revealed to be Hammer and something is his mech suit.]

Hammer:[laughs.] Hey, yo, you mutants are about to go extinct.

Slash: Bring it!

[While Slash smashes him with mace, Leatherhead attacks, but Hammer shoots missiles at him. Turtles are seen at the katana, while Slash smashes him with a mace again. He is soon defeated! Leo and Raph defeat the goons, one goon left as Miley jumps at his shoulders.]

Mikey: Booyakasha!

[As Michelangelo forces the mobster to the ground, he knocks the door off, where there's Vizioso and his goons (including Don and Mondo.) Donnie had all his limbs and head tucked in.]

Donnie: Yes! Finally!

Mondo: Dudes, get me outta here! I gotta pee so bad!!

Leo: Let our friends go!

Vizioso: [laughs.] You turtles don't stand a chance. Take a look. Your biggest muscle is getting pulverized by the Hammer! He's my best guy. No one can take him down.

Mikey: Then I guess he'll be too busy to protect you!

Vizioso: [squishes his sausage, enraged] Why you- Destroy 'em!

Vincenzo: With pleasure!

[Leonardo, Raphael and Michelangelo fight the Fulci Twins like in a sibling rivalry. Vizioso laughs and shoots them, Mikey dodges it as the rocket hits the TV. Raph frees Donatello and Mondo.]

Raph: Take care of the Don and his goons. I'm gonna help the Mutanimals! [frees the two mutants]

Donnie: Thanks, Raph!

[Raph kicks the window, shattering it to pieces as he jumps to help Mutanimals and confront Hammer. Donnie kicks and knocks Fulci Twins down]

Mondo: [smacks one of twins with his skateboard, as an act of revenge for kidnapping him] Nuts to you for shoplifting me, ya goons! Hoo-ha! [mimics guitar solo.] Look at me now, look at me now!

[He gets squished.]

Hammer: Hey, yo. You're all about to get crushed by the Hammer!

[Hammer defeats Leatherhead, knocking him down.]

Raph: Hey, Hammer! Come and get me! I'll carve ya right outta that tin can!

Hammer: What, with those little can-openers? It's your move, creep! Hey, yo, hold still so I can shoot ya!

[Raph begins to run away to avoid the missiles.]

Rockwell: Leatherhead, Attack Sequence G!

[Leatherhead and gets up as Slash and Rockwell head to him. They get onto each other and then fly to the air. Then they crash on the Hammer.]

Raph: Nice! Ha!

Hammer: Hey, yo! Gonna turn these mutants into street meat.

[Rockwell stopped the missiles and and let them explode. Raph and Mutanimals defeat him as Leatherhead smacks him with the car as he falls.]

Hammer: Hey, yo!

[Hammer is defeated]

Hammer:[weakly] Aww, nuts.

[With Fulci Twins defeated, Turtles and Mondo confront Don.]

Vizioso:[nervous] Step back, mutie! I mean it!

[Donnie uses his bo staff to destroy Don's chair.]

Donnie: Hi-yah!

Vizioso: No! [he starts flying all walls then flies off into a distance] Muties!

Donnie: That turned out so much better than expected.

[Donnie gives Leo high three.]

[Back in the lair.]

Mondo: Cowabunga!

Leo: I'm glad you're okay, brother.

Raph: Sorry I got so intense when we were sparring.

Donnie: Sorry I pushed your buttons, dude.

Raph: Okay, okay, let's stop apologizing. It's makin' me feel weird.

Splinter: It goes to show that you can never let anger separate you. For our time in this world is limited, and how terrible it would be to have unresolved anger for one another. Life is short and precious.

Mikey: Taco pizza marshmallow surprise!

Rockwell: Indeed. I'm quite famished!

Splinter: [sighs.]

Mikey: Get it while it's hot and sticky!

Slash: Booyakasha!

Mondo: Too slow, bro!

[Both mutants eat the pizza]

[Episode ends.]

[Next episode]
