

When it’s time for Turtle training, leader Leonardo has the most mutant moves! Now you can ninja chop and block alongside Leo; charging head-on to foil the Foot... katana-crashing to crush the Kraang... spinning three-sixty to stop Shredder! Tons of Turtle power all under your control!

Control Leo's every move, with the Ninja Control Leonardo. Full function IR remote has him slashing and bashing in every direction, all the while shouting out his signature phrases. Go on the defense by dropping his head into his shell for ultimate protection. Set him into an ultimate attack as he spins on his back shell to take down the bad guys. In addition to full control, you can also send Leo into one of three preprogrammed ninja combat routines. Playmates TMNT 13inch Ninja Control Leo.


  • Rotating Neck Joint
  • Rotating Shoulder Joints
  • Rotating Wrist Joints
  • Hinged Elbows