Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles in Pizza Friday is a short animation written by Kevin Eastman and Paul Jenkins, with the latter directing the short. It was first shown at San Diego Comic Con 2016 and was later uploaded online on July 22 of the same year.
The short begins with the turtles and April standing at the alleyway across Laird High. April thinks that they're gonna get caught but Donnie assures her that he made a device to translate a human version of themselves. They began to try it out, and became humans. Once that's settled, they walked though the high school.
April pleaded with them not to do anything to embarrass her, but the turtles were not listening and we're exploring the school. Nearby, Leo notices a banner that shows four identical boys with the words vote on their red shirts.
April quickly shoved all the turtles into the cafeteria and were completely amazed to see rows of pizza boxes. They started to dash forward and shoved pizza into their mouths while the students stared at them. April, quite embarrassed, said that they are Swedish.
Nearby, four boys were handing out vote stickers and grabbed one student on the arm, causing him to drop a pizza. Upset, Mikey demanded the boys to apologize but a strange ripple effect affected the boys. The turtles investigate them and realize that they are using a cloaking device. It turns out, the four boys are Kraang, and the cloaking devices on all the turtles had worn off. The Kraang fired their weapons, causing the Turtles to shield their eyes but all the teens, including April are turned to stone.
The Turtles started to attack the Kraang, defeating them. Defeated, the Kraang retreated to a portal, leaving the weapon behind. Leo insists they should get out of here fast. Donnie picks up the device and then fires, unfreezing all the people. April, who had been on the table was humiliated by the students as a Pizza Friday poster landed on her head.
- April O'Neil: (Courtney Eastman)
- Donatello: (AJ Locascio)
- Krang: (Jason Canning)
- Leonardo: (Yuri Lowenthal)
- Michelangelo: (Zach Callison)
- Raphael: (Sam Riegel)
- April goes to school at Laird High, which is a reference to the TMNT's co-creator Peter Laird.
- Ironically, Sam Riegel voices Raphael in this short, previously voicing Donatello in the 2003 TV series.
- This is the reverse of Rob Paulsen, who voiced Raphael in the 1987 TV series and later on voiced Donatello in the 2012 TV series.