
[Episode starts with the gang watching Crognard in the house.]

Wizardess: Crognard, Megalord Zarrik's soldiers guard the entrance to the fortress of the Ragnaroid.

[Camera moves up to the fortress.]

Megalord: You will never get through the Gates of eternal stagnation, Crognard.

Spooch: Eh, Spooch Spooch! It's impossible, Crognard! What are we going to spooch?

Crognard: Crognard must think. Spooch will storm the walls and distract the Zarrik army.

Spooch: Spooch!

[Crognard tosses Spooch right over the wall.]

[The cartoon was cut by the news.]

Carlos Chung: [mind controlled by the Kraang] Ever since the invasion that is known as the invasion of New York, humans want to know what is going on. Everything is fine. No human is allowed in or out of the city until Kraang- Uh, the military allows it. This is Carlos Kraang O'Brien K-Gambe.

Mikey:  [suspiciously] Hmm, did the news guy seem a little Kraangy to you?

Raph: A little? What, are you on the pepperoni?

April: The Kraang may have the rest of the world fooled, but not us. What's the plan, Leo?

Leo: Step one is, storm the castle walls. Donnie?

Donnie: It's not as heavily armored as the Shellraiser, but it's more maneuverable, has more weapons, and gets better gas mileage.

Casey: Then let's stop jabbering and build this sucka!

[The gang starts a new work with the hippie van as they transform it into Party Wagon!]

Donnie: The new and improved party wagon!

Raph: It's so awesome!

Leo: All right, team. Let's do this!

[Theme song.]

[The gang prepares to head home.]

Mikey: Come on, Ice Cream Kitty. We're going home.

Donnie: Arrivederci, Dr. Cluckingsworth.

[He hugs his chicken,]

Raph: You boys sicking me.

[As they enter the van, April took one last look at the farmhouse.]

April: Goodbye, old farmhouse.

Mikey: Hello, New York City!

[And with that, Casey started the van and started to head their way home. Later that night, the party arrives at the streets of the Brooklyn Bridge, leading to the city.]

Leo: All right, team. First, we track down Master Splinter. Then we hunt for Karai and free the city.

Raph: So what's the plan, fearless leader? Ninjay or all out attack?

Leo: [not looking at Raph, while explaining]  Ninjay. We park at the gate and sneak in. Then we split up and search for Master Splinter.

April: And my father.

[Suddenly, the light appears and engulfs the Party Wagon, much to their shock.]

Donnie: Okay, not good.

Mikey: [frightened] Oh man! They got us, dudes! The jig is up, homeslice!

[The light comes out from the soldiers in Earth Protection Force, we've seen earlier in The Invasion. However, they act not like themselves now as one man walks over to the wagon.]

EPF Soldier: Citizen! This is EPF quarantine sector 7B. Roll down your window.

[Casey does so. After rolling down the window, Casey just smiles innocently at the soldier.]

EPF Soldier: Authorized personnel only. No one goes in or out of New York City.

Casey: Whatever you say, army dude.

[The soldier walks back to the other. The scene cuts with the man's under the neck. It is then we realize that the soldier and the entire military is mind controlled by Kraang mind control device as we know it.]

April: You see that? It's a Kraang mind control device. I bet they all have them.

Mikey: They're all controlled? Like Invasion of the Brain Suckers?

[Raph pulls Mikey back in. The Soldiers power their blasters up. Casey knows the opportunity of what the soldiers are about to do. Smiling in determination, he puts his mask on, then he drives off.]

April: [shocked] What are you doing, Casey?

EPF Soldier: Stop!

[They destroyed the gate as we cut to new apocalyptic and deserted New York City.]

Raph: [angry] What were you thinking, man? You got any brains behind that hockey mask?

Casey: I had no choice, Raph. They were powering up their blasters.

Donnie: Um, guys? Where are all the people?

Mikey: [completely worried] You-you think the Kraang mutated everyone?

Leo: No way, not possible.

April: It's completely possible. I only sense a few hundred people left in the entire city. They're gone. Millions of people just gone!

Mikey: One good thing. We haven't run into any Kraa….

[Kraang soldiers appear]

Mikey:  [lamenting] Oh, no! Why did I have to open my big mouth?

[Kraang start firing at the Party Wagon. Casey attempts to drive away, only to be surrounded by more Kraang troopers.]

Kraang: It is the humans known as Casey Jones and April O'Neil. Kraang! Eliminate for Kraang!

Leo: Man the defenses.

Mikey: Readying soda cannons.

Donnie: Loading breath mints.

[Donnie puts breathing mints at the cannons. Don and Mikey come out with cannons.]

Mikey: Fire!

[They fire the machines and blind the Krang.]

Kraang: Gah! It stings! It stings!

Raph: Bombapult locked and loaded. Launch!

[They fire the gas bomb. all of the Kraang began to cover their mouths and gag.]

Kraang: Uh-oh. You can smell it. That which is known as stinks.

Casey: Time to go!

[They drive off.]

Donnie: Take a left. There's a secret entrance to the subway right here.

[They enter the sewer. Once they arrive, the group exit out of the van.]

Mikey: You think we'll be safe down here, dudes?

Leo: Shh, full ninja mode.

[They begin to head to the station and hide.]

Raph: You hear that?

[Kraang and Mouser bots appear and walk to the stairs with Turtles, April and Casey hiding from them. Casey attempts to take out the Kraang by pulling out his baseball bat, but Raph stops him. Hearing something, Kraang walks to the place where our heroes were, but they disappeared from the sight. Up on the rafters.]

Leo: Phew, that was close.

Donnie: April, you think you can use your powers to track Splinter? You did it before.

April: I can try, but you said his mind is no longer one with his body, right? Which means he could be crazy or unconscious, or...or who knows what?

Donnie: Yeah. We still need to find him.

Mikey: Ooh, what about the lair?

[Cut to broken lair. The teens hade made their way to their home, still in ruins like what happened from the Invasion.]

Leo: All right. Mikey, you stay here.

Mikey: But I want to - Whoa!

[April cuts him off and covered his mouth. Leo checks on the dojo, but finds nothing. Donnie managed to find their family photo, completely distraught and heartbroken. An floating orb starts to appear, scanning around madly shooting lasers, but finds nothing, Raph and Donnie took cover only for Leo to motion them to leave the lair. Mikey, Casey and April are waiting.]

Leo: No sign of Splinter.

Raph: The Kraang have some kind of freaky security system to make sure we don't come back.

Mikey: Why not just go take it down and move back in? I miss our home. I miss my comic books, my VHS tapes, my action kick Unicorn Man, my collection of human underwear.

Donnie: It's not that simple, Mikey. We can't just move back.

April: Guys, I... I think... I think I sense Splinter close by. It's faint, and he seems different. Come on, hurry.

[They head to the sewers and follow. In the tunnels, they saw Splinter fighting the Mousers.]

Mikey: Sensei!

[They are shocked to see what Splinter has become. Splinter completely lost his mind, due to him suffering from amnesia and instead of minding as an experienced ninja, he becomes a savagous rat. With the fate of Hamato Yoshi temporarily sealed, he attacks them, dives Raphael away and attacks Casey as he pins Jones to the ground and tried to bite his face.]

Casey: Whoa! Aaah, get him off of me! Get him off of me!

[The turtles strain their amnesiac and mindless master.]

Donnie: It's okay, Sensei. It's us! We're your sons! Try to remember.

[Donnie stops straining his master and attempts to get him to remember him and his brothers.]

Mikey: Ugh, too strong!

Leo: Sensei, it's us! It's us. Calm down.

[The rat calms down. The mouser bots that had survived got up and alerted the footbots.]

Donnie: Oh, no! Foot!

Leo: Get ready, team. Don't let them harm Splinter.

[They begin to attack. but Splinter escapes and runs off.]

Raph: Oh, no. Splinter!

[They begin to charge after the bots.]

April: There are too many!

[The footbots jumped down from the ceiling and tased Splinter.]

Leo: Splinter!

Donnie: After him!

[They watched as the footbots carried Splinter away.]

Mikey: Sensei!

[In Shredder's lair, it is raining outside as Tiger Claw reports Shredder who is looking at a photo of himself and Karai.]

Tiger Claw: Master Shredder your enemies are defeated. Do we wait for the lowly Kraang to mutate the entire Earth? Destroy all of humanity?

Shredder: Watch your tone with me, Tiger Claw. I am well aware of the Kraang's plans. When the time is right, we will destroy those putrid aliens, and the city will belong to me. Now keep searching for Karai.

[The Foot arrives with Splinter, which shocks Tiger Claw and Shredder.]

Tiger Claw: [shocked] What? It cannot be!

Shredder: Hamato Yoshi lives? He survived, but not intact. He has clearly lost his mind, become the rat I always knew he was.

Tiger Claw: Shall I put him out of his misery, master?

Shredder: No. Take him to Baxter Stockman.

[In Stockman's lab. ]

Stockfly: Bzz. A little more arthropod DNA, and this might create a possible Retro mutagen.

Shredder: Stockman.

[Stockfly yelps in shock. The footbots put Splinter in a glass cage]

Shredder: I want you to restore Hamato Yoshi's mind. I want him fully aware of who and where he is before I finish him off.

Stockfly: Yes, master.

[Meanwhile, The turtles start to use a distraction and start to attack the footbots.]

Donnie: I'll have this baby open in no time. Like a turtle do.

Raph: Pat yourself on the back later. Let's move.

[The shadow figure of Shredder appears from behind them!]

Mikey: It's Shredhead.

[But it turns out to be a smaller version of Shredder. It had a shrimp mustache with four antennae and a shrimp tail. Silence. They all started laughing at him in great amusement.]

Raph: [amused] What the heck is that supposed to be? Mini Shredder?

Mikey: Haha, it's kind of cute, like a shrimp.

[Without warning, the Mini Shredder attacks them, before furiously jumping at Casey.]

Casey: What the heck?

[Casey throws away the shrimp mutant out of his face and retreats with the others.]

Raph: And stay out, you little freak!

[He closed the door on the tiny shrimp. Later, the turtles arrive at the top of the lab rafters and sneak down. Stockfly comes by holding a plate of cheese.]

Stockfly: You want this cheese, don't you? You want the nice swiss cheese, yeah? Hmm, come on. Take the cheese. Come on.

[He spits acid and eats it. Stockfly laughs sadistically, before flying away.]

Raph: I'm gonna squash that bug.

[They carefully head to Splinter's cage.]

Leo: Sensei. Sensei!

Raph: Quick, get him out of there.

[Donnie opens up the cage.]

April: It's okay. It's okay. There's got to be a way to reach him.

Casey: Red, remember the time you reached the guys through their dreams? What if you could, like, do the same thing for Splinter? You know, mind meld and stuff?

Donnie: Hmm, based on my research on telepathy, it might be possible. But there is only one way to find-

Stockfly: [appears] What is this? Bzz, turtles? Here? You were all destroyed!

Raph: How's this for destroyed?

[He throws his sai but Stockfly dodges and spits acid.]

Leo: Look out! April, try and wake Splinter up.

[April nods as Leo takes out his katana and he along with his brothers attack Stockfly. Stockfly attempts to push the button to warn the Shredder, but Raph runs after him.]

Raph: Oh, no, you don't.

[Raph goes after Stockfly and Mikey chains him up The fly flies off, dragging Mikey.]

Mikey: Whoa! Hold still, Buzzkill!

[He pulls Stockfly away. from the button. The insect yells and laned on the wall. The turtles begin to corner him.]

Stockfly: Let's even the odds.

[The doors open to reveal Mini Shredder along with two more mutants. Claw and Shiva Shredder, a crab and lobster mutants.]

Raph: Sweet mother of mutations.

Stockfly: Do you like my Shredder mutants? They make excellent watchdogs. Bzz..

[The crustaceans begin to attack the turtles, even though they don't have a weak spot for them to take down easily.]

Leo: These guys are full on armored.

[He dodged Claw before the lobster snapped his katanas]

Leo: Oh, no.

[Leo gets kicked while Shiva Shredder tries to punch Raph. He dodged and gets beaten down.]

Raph:  This guy's like fighting a four armed dump truck.

Donnie: Hold still, you little dendrobranchiata.

[Mini Shredder angrily jumps onto Donnie. Mikey is trying to get away from Stockfly.]

Casey: Splinter? Wake up, Splinter.

[Splinter hisses]

April: You are not a rat. You are Hamato Yoshi.

[She uses her mind powers. Groaning in pain, the rat started to lunge at Casey.]

Casey: Not again!

[He used his taser to knock Splinter out, electrocuting him. Mikey started to use ninja bombs at Stockfly.]

Mikey: Booya kasha. Huh?

[Mikey accidently pressed a button.]

Casey and Turtles: Mikey!

Shredder: The rat has escaped!

[April is trying to wake him up]

April: Come on, Master Splinter. Come on!

[Splinter wakes up. startling her.]

Casey: I got this, Red.

[Splinter dashed forward throwing Casey aside. The rat fling at April, pinning her to the wall.]

April: Master Splinter! Look.

[She shows him visions of his sons and Karai. Finally Splinter regained his senses.]

April: Master Splinter?

Donnie: Not the face!

[Splinter kicked Mini out of Donnie while Leo's sword fell in the ooze.]

Leo: No!

[Lobster Shredder gets beaten by Splinter and it falls. Splinter then knocked Crab Shredder and threw him down as well.]

Raph: Father?

Leo: Sensei.

Splinter: My sons.

[All joyfully hug him.]

Mikey: [happy] You're back.

Donnie: [overjoyed] I can't believe it.

Splinter: How I have missed you, my sons and the rest of my family.

Casey: Just please don't try and eat my face anymore.

Shredder: So the turtles live. And the rat thinks like a man again. Now you will know when my blade is at your throat.

Leo: Wait, Sensei.

Splinter: Yes, now is not the time to fight.

[They escape to the sewers. They had somehow made it into Tiger Claw and got onto the wagon.]

Tiger Claw: There is no escape.

Mikey: Hey, Tiger Claw meet Sir Sizllot!

[Flamethrower knocks Tiger Claw and they escape the surface]

Mikey: Party wagon in full effect, boy!

Donnie: We made it.

Raph: Yeah, by the skin of our shells.

Mikey: So where to now? We have no home to go back to.

Splinter: Homes are transitory. What matters is that we are together.

Leo: But we still need a place to hang our masks, Sensei. Where are we gonna live?

Donnie: Well, there's the old power plant, or maybe an abandoned subway tunnel.

Mikey: Wait, I have the greatest idea ever!

Raph: Do we really want to hear this?

Mikey: It's secret, fortified, and no one would ever think to look for us there.

[They have arrive at Antonio's pizzeria]

Mikey: Perfect, right?

Raph: I wouldn't exactly say "perfect."

Splinter: It will serve, for now.

Casey: Next up, take the city back.

April: And find my dad. He's out there somewhere. It's like he's right here. Right next door.

[In Dimension X, we see Kirby as a mutant kraang hybrid as the episode ends ominously.]

[Next episode]
