
[Episode starts at the lab. The scene cuts to the lab, where Donatello is seen working on the brain worm.]

Donnie: Okay, uhm, some hydroxyphenyl propionic acid, one drop of glutathione.

[Mikey strolls in]

Mikey: Whoa, sweet! Yoo!

[Mikey looks to see collectables on a shelf]

Mikey: Where'd you get all the cool toys, Don?

Donnie: They're not toys, Mikey. It's a trophy shelf. They're collectibles.

Mikey: [picks up the Kraang device] Is this the Kraang Mind Control thingy?

Donnie: Don't mess with that! I'm trying to figure out how to reverse engineer this Brain Worm.

Mikey: [recognizing the jar] Ooh, the Creep. Remember when he turned Raph into a plant? Ha! Good times. Oh, yeah! Snakeweed's Claw. And isn't this Slash's spike? And, of course, the Ob-tur obculum uh, the dream book.

Donnie: And Mikey, I'm trying to work!

[Finally frustrated, Donnie pounds his hands on the table, causing Mikey to fall off and one of the liquid landed on Donnie's hand.]

Donnie: Ow!!! [upset]  Great, now look what you did.

Mikey: Sorry, D. You okay?

Donnie: I'm fine, except you ruined days of work. I'm gonna get some antiseptic. Do not touch anything! [leaves the lab]

Mikey: You can count on me, bro. Won't touch a thing.

[He accidentally knocks something over and catches the foot bot head].

Mikey: Well, except for this.

[More objects begin to fall, the dream book, creep jar, Kraang orb. and Kraang head.]

Mikey: Whoa! And that! Oh, snap! And that!

[Mikey catches them all trying not to lose balance. Then he sets them back on the shelf.]

Mikey:  Got it! Good thing I have my phonographic memory. That wasn't as bad as it could have been. Nice work, Mikey. You da man.

[As he leaves, the Creep's jar begins to glow and then it cracks. A glowing figure formed.]

[Theme song]

[In the dojo]

Splinter: Your skills are much improved, April. Now, see if you can defend yourself against Leonardo.

Leo: Don't think I'm going easy on you this time, April.

April: Fine by me. Bring it on!

Splinter: Hajime!

[Leo and April spar, Nearby, Donnie and Raph are sparing.]

Raph: Two against one, huh? I can take you with my head in my shell.

[Mikey landed onto Donnie. In the lab, the Creep absorbs the vial and takes on his clothes and then sees the Snakeweed claw. He looked outside, breathing heavily. Raph is training with Donnie until he becomes distracted by a leaf, giving Raph the chance to defeat him.]

Donnie: Okay, Raph, mercy. White flag! I surrender!

Raph: Wow, Donnie, I thought you had me there for a second, but that was just embarrassing.

Splinter: You hesitated, Donatello. Why?

Donnie: I know I should have countered, but I-I guess I just drew a blank.

April: You okay, Donnie?

Donnie: I thought a little training would clear my head. I can't figure out this brain worm solution for Karai.

April: Anything I can do?

Donnie: Yeah, maybe. I could use a fresh sample of your DNA.

[They gasped and saw the lab was trashed.]

Donnie: But how did- Mikey!

Mikey: It jumped off the shelf on its own!

[Mikey slips on the pink liquid.]

Mikey: What the? Okay, I totally didn't do this. At least I don't think I did this.

Donnie: [angrily] Mikey!

Mikey: Uh... Uh, I can help you clean it up. I won't break anything, promise. [mimics kraang] The stuff that is the stuff must be picked up, or that which is known as Donatello's head will explode.

[Donnie looks deeply frustrated by Mikey’s inability to act serious for once, while April laughs at this, amused by Mikey’s jokes.]

Donnie: Real funny. Just don't break anything else, Raph. Or spill anything or drop anything or-

Mikey: [confused] You just called me Raph, dude. I'm Mikey.

Donnie: I did? I Whatever. Just just keep cleaning, Mikey.

[He continues sweeping.]

April: You okay, D?

Donnie: [sighs.] I'm fine. Why?

April: Because you're holding the broom upside down.

[Donnie sees that the broom is upside down.]

Donnie: Yeah. I-I meant to do that. It's just I have a bad headache.

[Mikey gets a chair for Donnie to rest.]

April: Let me get you some ice. Just sit right back. [she headed to the freezer and grabbed an ice pack. Kitty Meows.] Thanks, Ice Cream Kitty.

Splinter: Is everything all right, April?

April: I'm not sure, Sensei. I sense something's wrong with Donnie, but I can't figure it out. Maybe he's just distracted.

Splinter: Mm. Donatello often puts too much burden on himself. Sometimes the best solution only arrives when you take a step back from the problem.

April: Thanks, Master Splinter.

Splinter: Please close the freezer. Ice Cream Kitty is beginning to melt.

[April realizes this. Meanwhile, Leo is seen training in a dojo, until a shadow knocks him. The Creep is back.]

Leo: The Creep?

[He starts to attack but he throws him and pinned him down.]

Leo: Guys!

[He starts to lose consciousness as the Creep smiles.]

Raph: You!

Mikey: The Creep is back?

[Mikey and Raph charged at him after he threw Leo right at Donnie who catches him.]

April: How is that freak back?

Raph: All right, Creep, you want some of our mutagen? Then how about-

[He roars as he starts to glow]

Raph: What's it doing?

Mikey: I don't know, but it's freaking me out, dudes.

[He attacked them both and everyone dodged. Splinter managed to throw the beast down out of the dojo.]

Splinter: Is everyone okay?

(all) Hai, Sensei.

[They head to the lab to see white stuff all over and leading outside the garage.]

Donnie: That Creep must be what trashed the lab. How'd it get out?

Raph and Donnie: MIKEY!

Mikey: It wasn't my fault!

April: Are you guys all right?

Raph: I think so. But the Creep's gone.

[Mikey looks from the shelf, and notice that there is a trail and the claw of Snakeweed is gone.]

Mikey: Yeah, and I think it took something from the toy shelf. That Snakeweed Claw is gone!

April: What would it want that for?

Donnie: I got a bad feeling I know why.

[There’s a long silence and Donnie wasn't responding. Everyone looks confused. Raph breaks the silence.]

Raph: Yeah?

Donnie: [forgets] Wait. What were we talking about again?

[Meanwhile, the Creep was walking off with the claw.]

Leo: Okay, Donnie, focus. We need to find the Creep.

Donnie: The Creep is back? Oh, man, my experiment.

Raph: Are you all right? You're acting more spaced out than Mikey.

Mikey: [offended] Hey!

April: Isn't that the brain worm serum you were working on?

Donnie: It was until Mikey ruined it and spilled some on me.

Raph: We don't have time for this. We got to find that thing.

[Later outside]

Leo: The trail is starting to run cold. What do you got, Donnie?

[Donnie wasn't looking at the map. but instead, playing the game.]

April: Is that a video game?

Raph: What the heck are you doing, man? Just use your ooze scanner.

Donnie: Oh, right. I don't [pulls out his scanner and shake it] I'm not getting a signal. Why won't this thing work?

Leo: Wait. Donnie said Mikey spilled that brain stuff on him, right?

April: It affected the Creep somehow. Did you see that weird look it gave us?

Raph: Yeah, he didn't look like his usual mindless sack of grass self.

Leo: But if it made the Creep smarter, why is Donnie getting-

Donnie: I got it!

[Donnie shuts down the shellraiser, turning of all the power.]

Raph: [angrily] Donnie, have you lost your mind?

Donnie: [forgets again] What do you mean?

April: Guys, the Creep's going north on Bleecker, just a block away.

Leo: Raph, Mikey, you're with me. April, keep an eye on Donnie.

[Donnie is starting to act weird. as the turtles leave.]

April: We got to get this thing moving. Can you remember what you did?

[Donnie has started to act stupid because his brain is turning to mush.]

Donnie: Uh, no idea.

April: How hard could it be?

[April turns on the Shellraiser by simply pushing a button.]

April: That wasn't...[realizes that he disappeared] Donnie? [groans.] Fantastic.

[On the rooftops, the turtles followed the trail of ooze and it leads to a greenhouse.]

Leo: Remember, team, don't let the Creep touch you.

Raph: No kidding.

[They look in the greenhouse and see green growing claws coming from Snakeweed's claw. The Creep smiles, impressed.]

Leo: The Snakeweed Claw.

Donnie:[appears] Hey, guys. What up-

All: Shh!

[Creep turns around, and behind him was Snakeweed look alike.]

Leo: This looks bad.

Mikey: Whoa. The Creep made a-

Donnie: Son of Snakeweed!

Mikey: That's what I was gonna name it.

[The beast burst out of the greenhouse and began to chase it. Raph began to face the Creep.]

Donnie: Where do these guys- Aah! Come from?

Mikey: They're working together. Just like in Swamp Creatures 2: Electric Swampaloo.

[Raph tried to stab the Creep while the others went after the Son of Snakeweed. Raph impaled it on a pipe but he appeared and Raph continued stabbing it, now out of breath.]

Raph: All right. Give me your best shot.

[The Creep punches him in the air and crashes.]

Leo: Everyone, back to the Shellraiser.

Donnie: [losing knowledge] I-I don't understand. I can't think of anything.

Mikey: If the Creep is after mutagen, maybe we can bait it into a trap.

Raph: That's actually a good idea, Mikey.

Mikey: Yeah, but we got to use ourselves as bait.

April: [through T Phone] Leo, thank goodness. Donnie's gone.

Leo: We got him. We're on our way. You got the Shellraiser working?

[In the alley]

Donnie: Mikey, what's going on?

Mikey: Shellax. Just stay put here, bro. I'll be right back. Come on, creepy Creep!

[Mikey goes after it while Donnie is left alone, whimpering. A rat appears, catching his attention.]

Donnie: Squirrel! [chases the rat]

Leo: The alley! Draw them into the alley.

Mikey: Come on, salad face. This way.

Raph: Come on! Come get some!

[Creep and Snakeweed started to turn around the corner.]

Mikey: Over here, swamp creatures!

Leo: April, now!

[The Shellraiser starts, ready to flat them. Donnie appears out of nowhere, foolishly getting in the way. The Creep and Snakeweed’s Son look shocked by Donnie’s sudden arrival.]

Donnie: [Stupidly.] I like French fries!

Raph: Donnie!

[Raph shoves Donnie out of the way as the shellraiser hits the two plant mutants. and crashes into a car. Then they fired trash at them. It explodes sending everything on fire.]

Mikey: Yeah! Whoo-hoo! You got stir-fried, sons.

April: Guess I better get that learner's permit soon.

Raph: No worries, April. The Shellraiser's seen worse.

Leo: It's not the Shellraiser I'm worried about.

[Donnie gets up.]

Donnie: Wow, look at that fire. Hey, you guys want to toast some marshmallows?

Leo: Oh, man. Let's get Donnie back home, ASAP.

[Unknown to them, the remains started to fuse. In the lair, April and Mikey chase Donnie around as Raph and Leo watch.]

Mikey: Donnie!

Raph: He's getting worse every minute.

Donnie: [laughing as he jumps on the tire swing.] When did we get a tire swing?

April: Donnie! [April and Mikey tried to get Donnie off the tire swing]

Leo: Yeah, and the only one of us that can figure out what's wrong with Donnie is Donnie.

[Leo removed the light bulb off of Donnie's mouth. April and Mikey return.]

April: If we knew what was in that brain worm solution, maybe we could figure out how to reverse it.

[Mikey begins to think it over and heads to the lab.]

Mikey: Hmm. It's my fault Donnie got splashed with that brain juice.

[Raph chases Donnie, who has his mask.]

Raph: I'm not kidding!

Mikey: Got to make it right.

[Mikey walks to a chair while Donnie was still running, now holding Leo's mask as well as both Leo and Raph chase him.]

Leo: Donnie!

[Mikey rolls over to the desk.]

Mikey: Okay, what did he do?

[He picked a pink one and poured in with the purple ooze that makes an explosion. Meanwhile, Kitty is on Donnie as he tries to get it off.]

Leo: What do you think, Master Splinter?

Splinter: It is possible whatever caused it could be the solution to curing it. Perhaps meditation could help him.

Donnie: [going cuckoo] Aah! The snow cats are stealing the power of my brain! We're doomed! I'M MELTING! MELTING!

Splinter: A lot of meditation.

Raph: [groans] Even Mikey's a genius compared to him.

Leo: Wait. Where is Mikey?

[Mikey is finished making the cure.]

Mikey: And one pepperoni for flavor.

[Leo, Raph, April and Splinter go to the lab, where they see Mikey finishing with his “antidote”.]

Mikey: Check it out, guys! Brain juice for Donnie! Mmm, delicious!

Leo: [angrily] Are you crazy? You have no idea what that could do to him!

Mikey: I know you guys think Donnie's the only one that knows science-y stuff, but I pay attention. Remember that freaky mutant wasp?

Leo: This is a whole other thing, Mikey!

[Donnie sees the antidote]

Donnie: Mmm, pizza shake.

April: No, wait!

Leo: Donnie!

[Mikey cheers. The others watch in shock as Donnie drinks the potion, while Splinter looks shocked and even concerned. After drinking, the purple turtle begins coughing, then stops.]

Leo: Donnie?

April: Say something.

[A long pause and Donnie turned around, moaning foolishly, his eyes crossed apart. It just got worse. Raph, April and Leo then turn their rage on Mikey, furiously berating Mikey for his foolishness.]

Turtles and April: [angrily] Mikey!

[Mikey chuckles until the lair started to move.]

Mikey: Earthquake!

Raph: What's going on?

[Raph goes out and sees that green vines had emerged from the city and the air is foggy green.]

Raph: Guys, I think we made it worse.

[From the depths, a massive form emerged. A terrifying creature with four eyes, long neck, gaping mouth and familiar vines.]

Mikey: I want to see! I want to see! Whoa! The Creep and Snakeweed have combined into Creepweed!

[Donnie is still babbling with Kitty on his head.]

Leo: This is bad. We need Donnie for something like this.

Raph: Unfortunately, someone made him dumber than himself.

[The ground shakes as vines emerge from the ceiling.]

Mikey: It's like Creepweed is making the city its own giant plant food buffet. Just like in Swamp Creatures 8: Swamp-Man Takes Manhattan.

[They head down.]

Raph: Are we gardeners or ninjas? How are we gonna stop that thing?

Leo: The Party Wagon is still fully loaded. Let's do this.

April: I'll stay here with Donnie. Maybe I can get through to him somehow.

Leo: Good luck.

April: Sensei, do you think your healing mantra can work on Donnie?

Splinter: Highly doubtful.

[On the streets, the wagon drives down the street. As they look, they see people in pods.]

Raph: Look at the people. Creepweed put them all to sleep.

Leo: Quick! Breathing units.

[They put their air units on.]

Raph: You got a plan yet?

Leo: First we got to free those people before Creepweed turns them into plant food. Mikey, you said you wanted to fix this. You ready?

Mikey: Oh, yeah! You know it!

[the Creepweed started to grab a man until Mikey comes out with his kart ]

Mikey: Booyakasha! Meet the Grass Kicker.

[He releases the man, making Creepweed roar, The wound on its body quickly heals.]

Raph: It's still growing back. Torch that creep!

[They use a flamethrower causing the beast to roar in pain.]

Leo: I think we made it mad.

[The beast grabbed the van as Mikey watched]

Mikey: Guys?

[The beast throws it down as Mikey dodges. Leo gets up and realizes his air unit is off.]

Leo: Oh, no. [groans and lost conscious]

Raph Oh, no. Leo!

[Raph gets out of the van and takes out his sai. Vines grabbed him]

Mikey: Get away from my brothers!

[Mikey saves Raph and crashes into some trash cans.]

Raph: Mikey! Are you okay?

Mikey: I'm good, bro. Maybe not so good.

[The beast drags Leo as the two look around. Vines started to attack. In the process, Raph's air unit breaks.]

Raph: Oh, no! [loses conscious too]

[Mikey is the only one left and throws the ninja star at them.]

Mikey: All right, Creepweed. Yeah, that's right. I named you Creepweed! You like that? No, huh? Well, too bad. You want me? Come and get me!

[The beast used its vines to attack. Mikey began to cut them down and stabbed it in the head. The beast collapsed. Mikey thought he had won but the vines grabbed him. Just as it was over, a go-kart hit it. It was Donnie.]

Donnie: Get away from him, you extinct digitaria sanguinalis!

Mikey: Donnie?

Donnie: You know what this is? Retro-mutagen based weed killer! Come get some.

[Creepweed attacks and gets sprayed by the orange mutagen. It explodes into white liquid, freeing all the humans.]

Mikey: Donnie! You're back!

Donnie: Your antidote actually worked.

Mikey: It did? I mean, of course it did.

Donnie: Come on. Let's get the guys out of here before all the people wake up.

[They begin to leave.]

Donnie: Well, this should keep what's left of Creepweed secure.

Leo: It's good to have you back, Donnie.

Donnie: It's good to be back. And thanks for your help, April. The Shellraiser thing was kind of embarrassing, like Mikey-level embarrassing.

Mikey: Aw, yeah. Hey!

Raph: I can't believe Mikey actually came up with the right antidote.

April: I guess he really does have a photographic memory.

Donnie: Even the nitrates in the pepperoni acted as the perfect reversing agent. I owe you big-time, Mikey. You know, I got to admit, sometimes I can be hard on you and act like you're not as smart as me.

Mikey: No worries, brah.

Donnie: But now I finally understand how you feel all the time.

Mikey: Thanks, Donnie. [realizes] Wait a sec. Donnie!

[Enraged, Mikey attacks Donnie, who smirks at him as the episode ends.]

[Next episode]
