The Forgotten Swordsman
Season 5, Episode 2
Airdate March 26, 2017
Writter Peter DiCicco
Director Alan Wan
Prev. and Next
Scroll of the Demodragon
Heart of Evil

The Forgotten Swordsman is the 2nd episode of Season 5 and the 106th episode overall.

Official Description[]

Karai searches for the Kuro Kabuto, claiming to be the rightful heir to the Foot Clan, when she encounters an old rival. Meanwhile, the Turtles discover that Kavaxas and Tiger Claw also desire the Kabuto, but for a different reason.


The episode starts in Coney Island, Fishface dives into the ocean to retrieve Rahzar's dead body after he was drowned by Leatherhead in Requiem. He brings the corpse to Kavaxas who are ordered by Tiger Claw to resurrect him. Kavaxas obey without any question due to Tiger Claw wielding the Seal of the Ancients.. Rahzar is resurrected but Kavaxas inform they don't have the power to resurrect Shredder yet. To resurrect him, they need his mutated heart and his helmet Kuro Kabuto. Tiger Claw orders Rahzar and Fishface to search for the Kuro Kabuto and bring it to him.

At the Turtles' lair, Leo is checking on his team. Casey is prepared with his weapons and April and Donatello are searching for information of the Kavaxas so they can learn how to deal with them. Leo then catches Mikey and Raph goofing about. Raph is seen punching his bag and Mikey playing video games and making a mess in the family room. As Leo tells them off, April and Donnie come out, informing Leo of something heading to Shredder's old lair. Leo orders Mikey and Raph to track the signal. When Raph digs his heels in, Leo takes charge. Raph reluctantly backs down and he takes Mikey out of the lair to go on patrol duty.

In the meantime Karai and Shinigami are tracking their Foot Ninjas who allegedly betrayed them. They see their Ninjas entering a car. Back at Raph and Mikey they find Shredder's old lair and note Rahzar and Fishface in the rooftop searching for the Kuro Kabuto. They discuss how Kuro Kabuto is powerful and went to search for it again. Mikey and Raph follow them silently to know why they're looking for the helmet. Karai and Shini track their Ninjas to a warehouse and manage to defeat them until someone or something is trying to confuse them. They get ready to battle until someone knocks Shinigami down. A man with an Oni mask appears. It is Hatori Tatsu, one of Karai's old teachers.

Rahzar and Fishface see Mikey and Raph and attack them from behind. As the two turtles get beaten, they learn Rahzar and Fishface want to use the Kuro Kabuto to ressurect Shredder. Mikey and Raph confront them and before Rahzar and Fishface can finish them, Mikey throws a Smoke Bomb which allows him and Raph to escape.

Meanwhile Karai confronts Tatsu for stealing her Foot Soldiers as they fight. Even with her mutant form, the more expererinced swordsman manages to beat her. Tatsu preapres to finish her but Shinigami throws a bat distraction at him which allows her and Karai to escape. Tatsu calls "his" Foot Solder's actions soft and orders them to search for the Kuro Kabuto. Karai and Shinigami know they need help from some old friends to retrieve the Kuro Kabuto.

Back at the lair, Donnie and Casey are arguing about how they could defeat Kavaxas. Leo breaks it up as Karai and Shini arrive to the lair to explain what is happening. Casey thinks they should let the bad guys fight over the Kuro Kabuto before Mikey and Raph also arrive and explain Tiger Claw and Kavaxas will use the Kabuto to bring Shredder back from the dead. Karai and Shinigami explain if Tatsu gets the Kabuto he'll become the new Shredder but if they keep him from getting it, the Foot Soldiers will side with Karai. Karai also explains Tatsu is not only going after the Kuro Kabuto but after all of them so he needs to be taken down.

Rahzar and Fishface spy Tatsu and the Foot Ninjas. Tatsu overpowers Fishface and Rahzar rcognizes Tatsu as he thought he would never leave Japan. Tatsu offers him a place on his side or the promise won't last long. Leo proposes he, Karai, Shinigami and Mikey go after the Kabuto while the others watch for Shredder's goons. Tatsu manages to get the Kuro Kabuto as Shini and Mikey take down the guards and turn off all the lights. Leo and Karai take down the other guards and are soon joined by Shini and Mikey to fight Tatsu. Back at the Party Wagon, April senses Foot Soldiers approaching. Leo, Karai, Shini and Mikey are all overpowered by Tatsu's brilliant skills until Karai manages to take out Tatsu only for Leo to question if Tatsu is blind. As Tatsu and Karai fight again, he tells Leo the fact of he was born blind but with a good sense of hearing and he was once Shredder's right hand. When Tatsu mentions that Karai sent her soldiers to eliminate him, Leo is shocked and upset with her. Karai admits she was arrogant. Tatsu declares her friends will share her fate.

April, Raph, Donnie and Casey manage to take down the Foot Soldiers. Tatsu manages to take mikey and Shinigami out of the battle. Karai tries once again to fight Tatsu in her serpent form but Tatsu still overpoweres her and prepares to finish her off but Casey throws explosive pucks at Tatsu's front to give Karai time to escape. Tatsu overpoweres all the gang but Leo and Karai get an idea. Leo throws Casey's explosive pucks at Tatsu to distract him so Karai could caught him at surprise but Tatsu detects her move but doesn't know Leo jumped behind him and performed the same move he did to Raph which causes Tatsu to lose his scents ang get beaten by Karai's serpent form snake hands and Karai prepares to swallow him but only shows her whole mouth thinking she was going to eat Tatsu as a warning. Karai changes back to her human form and informs her Ninjas that Tatsu was using them just like the Shredder and the Foot Clan deserves a noble destiny before Rahzar and Kavaxas arrive, the demodragon grabs Tatsu by the face and drains his sould making him dead. Kavaxas grab the Kuro Kabuto and try to kill the Turtles and their allies but April uses her psychic powers to create a shield to protect them and Tiger Claw and Kavaxas escape. The gang must take Casey and Shinigami to a hospital.

Back undeground, Kavaxas place the Kabuto on the top of various metal pieces to form Shredder's body. Now they only need his heart and Tiger Claw informs that his men are on it. Kavaxas starts to eye the Seal of the Ancients that is in Tiger Claw's hand.

Casey and Shini are laying unconscious at the hospital floor only to be found by the paramedics. April assures they will be okay. Karai apologizes for going after Tatsu and she admits she didn't think it would come back to hurt her and her friends. Leo says that Splinter once told him "Underestimating your enemy is a deadly weakness but trusting in your allies is a great strength." The rest of the group declares to stop Kavaxas and Tiger Claw once and for all.


Leo's Wisdom[]

"Splinter once taught me: "Underestimating your enemy is a deadly weakness, but trusting in your allies is a great strength".


  • Rahzar is resurrected.
  • It's revealed that Rahzar perished at the bottom of the Coney Island boardwalk while fighting Leatherhead in "Requiem".
  • Starting with this episode, Leo uses a pair of O-katanas (the same ones he used in the Season 4 finale) for the rest of this season (excluding the Raphael: Mutant Apocalypse arc and Lone Rat and Cubs).
  • At Donatello's Lab, April picked up a book about Demodragons from "Ray's Occult Bookshop." Ray's Occult Bookshop is seen on Ghostbusters II.
  • Tatsu striking one of his own Foot ninja references similar abusive methods from the first movie.
  • Mikey is seen without his mask when Leo is attending to his injuries.



"Shredder recognized this as a skill when all others mocked me. I used that prejudice in my favor until I became Shredder's right hand. The Blind Swordsman. When this brat recruited Foot soldiers of her own, they attempted to eliminate me." - Tatsu

