
[Episode starts in the Triceraton Empire. Three blue alien ships started to come after the ship and fired.]

Mozar: You sluggish fools. Stay alert!

Zark: The Salamandrians slipped past you like slither fish.

Zorin: Captain Mozar, sir. Scanners are picking up an incoming ship.

[Mozar looks and recognize the white ship.]

Mozar: I know that vessel. It's the Fugitoid ship! Squadron Three, blast them out of the sky!

[The ship started to fire at the Ulxies.]

Leo: Those ships! They're Triceraton!

Raph: No kidding! And there's, like, a gajillion of them!

Donnie: Professor, what do we do?

Fugitoid: We take evasive action.

Mozar: What are you waiting for, Gunner Zork? Blast the Fugitoid to pieces.

April: I think we're almost out of this.

[The raptors started to fire. One of the lasers shoot one of the Ulixe's wings and started to fall to another planet.]

Casey: Or not!

Fugitoid: I recommend we take plunging into the lethal, crushing gravity of that gas giant philosophically.

Donnie: What is that supposed to mean?

Fugitoid: It means we're all gonna DIE!

[Theme song]

[Everyone begins to fly around, hanging on for dear life..]

Donnie: April, look out!

[Donnie catches her]

April: Thanks, D!

[Raph landed on the cracked window.]

Raph: I hate space. I hate it. I really do.

[They scream.]

G'Throkka: Collision course red. We're going down! Brace yourself, Lieutenant!

[They crash into an icy cold planet.]

Raph: My head. Where are we?

Donnie: Whoa. Temperatures on this moon are negative-180 degrees Celsius.

April: [shivers.] So cold, even in this suit. Aren't the turtles gonna freeze?

Fugitoid: No, the suits permeate a warm, invisible force field, like a second skin. Cozy, right?

Mikey: Uh. I'm pretty sure my shell froze to my butt.

[Fugitoid looks at the damaged ship.]

Leo: What's it looking like, Fugitoid?

Fugitoid: If I had to categorize our situation, it would fall somewhere between "probably doomed" and "unequivocally doomed. "

Raph: Wait. So no power? We won't be able to charge our suits!

Donnie: And worse, we've only got a couple hours of oxygen and heat left.

Casey: Oh, man. I was supposed to go out in a blaze of glory, with, like, giant transforming robots frying me with lasers. Not like this.

[April looked and saw a small ice dragon.]

April: Wow! You're a strange, little snow creature, aren't you? There's life on this planet, guys!

Fugitoid: Nonsense. This moon is made of methane ice. No life can survive here. Beep!

Donnie: Now, let's see..

[He looks and finds something with his scanner.]

Donnie: Yes! Irrilium metal. Lots of it! About ten klicks away. Ooh, looks like it's refined, too.

Fugitoid: Excellent work, Donatello. We could use that metal to patch up the ship.

[Meanwhile, two of the blue Salamandrians watch.]

G'Throkka: There they are, the ones who rammed our vessel.

Mona Lisa: Yes, and they're heading towards the Irrilium. [Throaty croak.]

G'Throkka: We must capture it before they do.

Mona Lisa: Let us destroy the interlopers and take the Irrilium for ourselves. They robbed us of glorious battle.

G'Throkka: Still, when I gaze upon them, I see their courage. Others would have despaired, but they go onward as comrades. I can respect them.

Mona Lisa: No! You know that is not the Salamandrian way, Commander. They must be destroyed.

[The group headed to the mountain as harsh icy wind blew.]

Donnie: There. The Irrilium is somewhere up on that ice peak.

[Mikey skates around.]

Mikey: Oh, yeah! Check me out! Michelangelo on ice!

Donnie: You're using up oxygen too fast, Mikey!

Mikey: What's more important, bro? Breathing or my art?

April: Guys? Something's not right. Weird vibe alert.

Fugitoid: My sensors suggest we're about to be visited by-

[The salamandrians appear, G'Thorkka aiming his sword at them]

Casey: Whoa! What the heck?

Leo: Newtralizers!

Mona Lisa: You downed our ship, dishonored us. Now you will fight us.

Fugitoid: Wait! Wait, wait, wait. We are all honorable beings here. We did not intend to damage your ship. Please, we can help one another in this desperate plight.

G'Throkka: It is true we are all trapped. Cooperation is survival here. But you are outworlders.

Fugitoid: Everyone is an outworlder on a world not their own.

Raph: Listen, sister! We don't want to fight ya. You're clearly outnumbered.

Mona Lisa: Numbers mean nothing. I do not fear you or your friends.

Casey: Look, man! It's all good.

Leo: We're all cool here. I'm offering my hand; put her there, bro!

G'Throkka: What? I consider conciliation, and you offer the hand of combat?

Leo: Combat? No! You don't understand!

Fugitoid: Ah, yes. I should have warned you. To Salamandrians, the hand extended gesture means...

G'Throkka: Attack!

[The Salamandrians begin to attack the group.]

Fugitoid: All of you should stop fighting and rationally consider the damage to your faceplates! One crack, and death is imminent.

[Fugitoid gets knocked down.]

Mona Lisa: Those who dishonor us shall be destroyed!

Raph: You got some imagination, sweetheart!

Fugitoid: Please, everyone!

[Fugitoid gets knocked down.]

Mikey: Booyaka!

[Mikey gets onto Sal Commander but he tossed him aside.]

Casey: Yo, lizard lips!

[He throws pucks at him.]

April: Hold still, you stupid-

[She gets knocked down.]

Fugitoid: Well, I suppose I'll have to intervene. [gets hit by Donnie and crashes into the ice wall.] Oh, dear!

Raph: You okay, April? That's it. You're going down.

[He goes after Mona Lisa but she easily defeats him.]

Donnie: Raph!

Raph: Never been hit like that before It was kinda nice.

[Lisa begins to attack while Sal defeats the rest.]

G'Throkka: Discussion follows dishonor!

Fugitoid: I am a pacifist. But even pacifists have to stand their ground once in a while.

[He begins to fire and the aliens dodged. Lisa began to use a disc bomb that caused an avalanche and landed on them.]

G'Throkka: We must dig the creatures out and resume the battle. It is as dishonorable death.

Mona Lisa: No. Let them freeze. We must hurry to the Irrilium.

[After they leave, everyone emerges from the ice.]

Fugitoid: No need to worry! Only a minor inconvenience. [digs his way]

Mikey: We keep getting our shells handed to us.

Leo: We got to keep going. Not much heat left. Come on.


April: I've been thinking. I bet those Salamandrians are after the Irrilium, too.

Fugitoid: Another reason to hurry, people.

Raph: Hey, Casey. Do you think a turtle can, like, date a newt?

Casey: Dude. What? [Laughs hysterically.]

Raph: I mean, you know, maybe, um, these Salamandrians aren't so bad. Like, the lizard girl is cool.

Leo: You really are running low on oxygen, Raph. What are you gonna do, ask that giant newt out on a date?

Raph: Well, I mean, I don't know.

Mikey: Wow, you really got a crush on that salamander hottie? She's, like, bigger, stronger, and probably a better fighter than you.

Raph: Exactly. What a woman.

Donnie: Ooh! The Irrilium's not far ahead. And I was right. The metal's completely refined.

G'Throkka: So they survived. The robot stated our collision was an accident. Perhaps we need not be enemies.

Mona Lisa: Commander G'Throkka, do not be foolish. They are clearly working with the Triceratons.

G'Throkka: We do not know that. [Growls.]

Mona Lisa: They fought you four against one. They are cowardly, dishonorable fools! Rokka, rokka.

G'Throkka: Come. We will reach the Irrilium far faster than they will.

Donnie: So what happens if those aliens make it to the Irrilium first?

Casey: I've got the answer. We take them down, goongala-style.

Raph: Whoa, hold up. Let's cut the salamanders a break. They think we're the bad guys, right? What if we could convince them to work with us, to find that metal stuff together?

Leo: Worst idea you've had, and that's saying something. Forget it, Raph; let's just get that Irelium.

Raph: Got to try this. Might be our only chance.

[He begins to climb the mountain with his sai. Later they arrived. April notices that Raph is gone.]

April: Guys, hold up. Where's Raph?

Leo: Oh, no I bet he went off to talk to his girlfriend. I've got a bad feeling about this. Yeah. We're in trouble.

[Ice dragons begin to come out of their caves.]

Donnie: Serious trouble!

[The ice dragons threw ice and caused Donnie to be frozen.]

Mikey: Donnie! No!

G'Throkka: Lieutenant Y'Gythgba, we are getting close to the Irrilium. Rokka rokka!

Mona Lisa: And by now, those low-grade life forms are surely frozen.

[Raph appears]

Raph: Ta-da! Impressed, right?

Mona Lisa: [not interested] No, but I respect your tenacity.

Raph: Wait! Before you blast me, hold up. Look, we could… We could all work together as a team, a unit!

G'Throkka: Your bravery speaks of a heroic heart, stranger.

Mona Lisa: But you are in our way.

[She shoots her blaster and causes the debris to break.]

Raph: That's not good teamwor-

[He starts to fall.]

G'Throkka: Interesting that you chose to shoot the ice, and not the stranger.

Mona Lisa: There is no significance to my- Look!

[Ice dragons began to appear.]

G'Throkka: Ice dragons!

[The others are fighting the ice dragons. Mikey knocked a dragon down until it grabbed his weapon and tossed him. Casey throws the pucks at him before he gets slammed by the ice dragon's tail. Leo leaped onto the cliff's edge and onto its back until another pinned him. Leo shoots it and dodged the ice chunks. One dragon froze Sal commander and Mona noticed.]

Mona Lisa: G'Throkka! Commander!

[Raph gets back up and sees that she is in trouble. He starts to attack and defeats them all.]

Mona Lisa: Stranger.

Raph: Oh, space apples. Don't shoot! Don't shoot!

[He shuts his eyes but Mona does manage to defeat one ice dragon that was coming at him.]

Mona Lisa: You truly are a noble creature.

Raph: My name's, uh, Raphael.

Mona Lisa: I am called Y'Gythgba.

Raph: You are called....Y... I got an idea. Back on Earth, there's this painting of, like, the most beautiful woman in art and stuff? Um, so how about if I call you Mona Lisa?

Mona Lisa: As you please, Raphael Someday our noses will meet in the flesh.

[Raph's eyes were wide.]

Raph: My nose will be ready. So, Mona Lisa, what are we gonna do about your pal?

Mona Lisa: Perhaps if I use a low output... Yes, I believe he'll be fine in no time at all.

[Meanwhile, Fugitoid is trying to unfreeze Donnie.]

Leo: How's it going, Fugitoid?

Fugitoid: Donatello is almost fully thawed out, although I think his face seems to have melted as well.

Casey: Oh, man! I think we're in trouble.

[Lasers shoot the ice monsters with Raph with Sal and Mona.]

Mikey: Whoa, Raph's with the bad guys?

Raph: We're friends now, Mikey.

G'Throkka: I am Commander G'Throkka.

Mikey: That name's cool and all, but I got something better. How about Laser Lizard? No, no, no. G. I. Newt. Nah, I got it! Sal Commander!

[Leo and Sal exchanged confused looks. Nearby, Mona and Raph finally finished the last dragon.]

April: Is that all of them?

Leo: I won't offer my hand, but I will offer my friendship.

[Sal agrees and accepts his friendship. They had made a new ally.]

Mikey: Okay, that was weird. Now let's go get that Irebili-li-li-um!

[They arrive at the top.]

Donnie: Okay, closer, closer. There, that satellite. It's made of Irrilium.

[As they head over, Fugitoid notices something]

Fugitoid: That's no satellite. It's a Triceraton space mine.

[They yelp in horror]

Leo: If we could deactivate it, we could use the Irrilium to fix our ships, right?

[Fugitoid takes a look at the bomb.]

Fugitoid: Hm, let me see. Yes. The Irrilium is perfect. It even contains a Dark Matter regulator.

April: We got to hurry. I'm getting short on power and... Oh, no.

[The ice dragons appear, surrounding them.]

Fugitoid: There are too many to fight!

Raph: I got a plan. Come on!

[They begin to retreat, grabbing the bomb.]

Raph: Fugitoid! Hustle!

[Fugitoid tumbled down with the bomb following.]

Mikey: Booyakasha!

Donnie: The ship's up ahead!

Casey: Oh, yeah! Hover skates in full effect, yo!

[He fires pucks at the dragons which it dodges.]

Donnie: Casey, give me all your photon pucks!

Casey: Awesome idea, Donatello!

Donnie: Now run, you moron!

Casey: Goongala!

[The bomb explodes, sending the ice dragons falling.]

Fugitoid: Quickly, now. Almost there.

Leo: [Weakly] We may... be.. too ....late...

April: Leo! Oh, no!

[As they got there, Leo and Mikey fell unconscious. Fugitoid gets to work to open the bomb, opening it up.]

Fugitoid: Excellent! The Dark Matter regulator.

[The snowstorm started to pick up.]

Casey: Oh, no, this is it.. The big freeze. We won't make it through this, Red; we're not mutants.

April: Warm-blooded or not, we're in trouble, Professor!

Fugitoid: Please, don't pressure me...

[G'Throkka fell unconscious.]

Mona Lisa: G'Throkka!

Fugitoid: Faster, Honeycutt. No time, no time.

[Donnie slowly fell unconscious too with his brothers and Sal]

Fugitoid: [Worried] Oh, dear. Oh, dear.... Hurrying as fast as I can.

Casey: [Weakly] This is it... [Casey and April fell unconscious]

Mona Lisa: [Seeing Raphael fainting] Raphael!

[She sets him down beside the bomb as she sits with him.]

Raph: [Weakly] Mona, I wish I could tell you... how I feel...

Mona Lisa: Raphael ....believe me.......I.... know..........

[They close their eyes and fall unconscious, finally succumbing to the cold as we fade to black.]

Mona Lisa: Raphael. Raphael

[Raph opened his eyes from his point of view seeing Mona looking at him.]

Raph: Mona?

Mikey: What happened?

April: You guys okay?

G'Throkka: We are grateful. Hopefully one day, we can replay your kindness.

Mona Lisa: Yes. One day.

[She slowly held Raph's hand.]

Fugitoid: No time for dawdling! I've already repaired your craft. Not to be rude, but we have Triceratons to catch up with.

Raph: Mona, uh, look. What I'm trying to say is

Mona Lisa: Let me say if for you, Raphael, in my own language: [Salamandrian language]

[Mona Lisa and Raphael start their first kiss and the others are in disgust. April chuckles, while G'Thorkka covers Mikey's face.]

Raph: Goodbye, Mona Lisa.

Leo: You'll see her again one day, Raphael.

Raph: I sure hope so.

Donnie: The Triceratons are, like, million of astro-miles ahead. But with a little luck, we'll catch up.

Mikey: [Laughs] Let's do this!

[And so they set off, ready to find the black hole generator pieces.]

[Next episode]
