
[We began in New York City at the night. Above the rooftops, we see the Turtles searching for the Kraang. Donnie is looking through a periscope as Leo stands near him.]

Leo: Anything?

Donnie: Nothing yet.

[Meanwhile, Mikey is poking Raph's head repeatedly. The red turtle was cross legged across the ground, shell against the window and arms folded. Mikey chuckled as he poked his older brother’s head again. The red turtle stops him by grabbing his hand with a small crack and Mikey yelps.]

Leo: [Annoyed.] Guys, when ninjas are on surveillance, they are supposed to be silent.

Mikey: Sorry, Leo. I'll scream quieter.

[Again, he poked Raph's head. Annoyed, Raph slams him against the roof and wraps an arm around Mikey’s neck.]

Raph: Say it.

Leo: Raph, be quiet!

Raph: Not till Mikey says it.

Mikey: Raphael is all-wise and powerful.

Raph: And?

Mikey: And he's better than me in every possible way.

[Raph released him again and brought down Mikey’s back, sending him on the roof.]

Raph: And?

Mikey: And I'm a lowly worm beneath his feet, who isn't fit to live on the same planet as him, because he's so amazing and I'm a dirt clod.

Raph: [licks finger and proceeds to touch him.] And?

Mikey: [Whimpers.] And in the history of the universe there's never been...!

Leo: [Loses his patience.] Okay, enough.

Raph: [letting Mikey go] We're wasting our time. The kraang aren't gonna show up.

Leo: Have a little patience, will you?

Donnie: Trust me, guys. They're gonna break into that lab tonight. I have reliable intel.

Raph: Intel? You mean April told you.

Mikey: [grinning and teases] You mean your girlfriend?

[Donnie gets stunned with wide eyes...but then gets annoyed and angry.]

Donnie: [Angered.] She's not my girlfriend, Mikey. She's a girl who's a friend, whose dad got kidnapped by the same aliens who are gonna break into that lab. And we're gonna stop 'em.

Raph: Or we'll sit out on a cold roof all night for no reason.

[Suddenly, the 50 year old bald man named Vic comes, overheard their conversation.]

Vic: What the heck's going on up here?

[Vic saw them, much to the turtles' dismay...]

Vic: [confused] What, are you playing dress up?

Leo: No, sir, we were just-

[Vic notices his satellite dish is broken, due to Raph and Mikey fighting, that's why he comes....]

Vic: [Insults them, angry.] Which one of you slimy green ham shanks busted my satellite dish?

Raph: [Takes offense by this, enraged.] Ham shanks?!

Donnie: [Dumbfounded.] I don't know what that means.

Raph: Me neither. But I don't like it.

[He is about to get his sais to hurt him, but Leo stops him.]

Leo: Let's go.

[They turn to leave]

Vic: [Still insulting.] That's right, you spineless cream puff! Listen to your mommy.

[Raph gets even angrier and holds out his sais.]

Raph: Hey! Watch it, buddy.

Vic: Oh, no. I didn't know you had salad tongs.

Raph: Salad tongs?!

[Furious, Raph goes after him, but his brothers hold him back. Unknown to them their frustrating yelling get the attention of Norman Kraangs who are loading mutagen canisters into the back of a van.]

Raph: I'm not gonna take this from some greasy, pit-stained slob with a comb-over!

Vic: You calling me ugly? Seen a mirror lately, circus freak?

Leo: Raph, don't!

Vic: You want a piece of me?

Raph: When I'm done, a piece of you is all that's gonna be left!

[A laser got between them. Looking over, they saw the Kraang who had climbed to the top.]

Leo: Kraangdroids!

Vic: Holy Toledo!

Leo: Way to blow our position, Raph.

[Theme song.]

[The krang droids started to fire.]

Leo: Scram!

[Vic takes cover behind the door and watches the turtles ducking the lasers.]

Vic: Holy cow. They're some kinda Kung fu frogs.

[He begins to record on his phone on the turtles and aliens. Raph runs past him and punches a Kraang up. Leo kicked away a Kraang while Mikey flipped over the lasers and ducked, swinging his nunchucks in the face. Donnie then whacked the Kraang down.]

Vic: Keep going, kung fu frogs. This is pure gold.

Raph: We're not frogs, you idiot!

Donnie: Yeah, and it's not kung fu. It's an ancient Japanese battle art.

Leo: Guys, he got us on video.

Raph: [Growling like a dog.] Not for long, he doesn't.

[He starts to go after him but Vic closes the door on him, causing the turtle to get smashed in the face and slid down.]

Vic: I'm gonna make a fortune off of this!

[Raph sits up, unfocused and shaking his head.]

Donnie: Fire truck's en route. Thirty seconds.

Leo: Let's move.

Raph: Wait! We have to find that guy and break his phone, and his face! [grunts in frustration and leaves.]

[Cut back to the lair.]

Splinter: [Not happy.] Not only did Raphael alert the Kraang, but you got caught on video.

Raph: Sensei, he was the angriest, nastiest guy you ever met.

Mikey: Except for you. [Raph punches him] Ow!

Raph: You should have heard the insults this guy was throwing at us. They were so... Insulting!

Splinter: Oh, I did not realize he said mean things. Of course, you had no choice but to jeopardize your mission!

Mikey: [slightly] Burn.

[Raph glares]

Splinter: You are ninjas. You work in the shadows, in secret. This becomes difficult if there is proof of your existence in high-definition.

Raph: Look, we know where this guy lives. All we need to do is find him and shake him until the tape pops out.

Donnie: Oh, there's no tape. Video phones use flash memory-

[He stops as Raph growls at him.]

Splinter: Anger is self-destructive.

Raph: I always thought it was others-destructive.

Splinter: Raphael! Stand up.

[Raph stands up.]

Mikey: [smirking] Somebody's in trouble.

[At the Dojo, Raph stood in the middle as the three turtle brothers held a bow and arrow with suction cups on them.]

Splinter: Evade the arrows.

Raph: No problem.

Splinter: Hajime!

[Mikey fired first and Raph ducks his head. Leo fired next and Raph moved out of the way. Donnie fires and Raph jumps over the arrow. Splinter catches it.]

Splinter: Yame! Again, except this time, Leonardo, Donatello, and Michelangelo, insult Raphael.

Donnie: [hesitant] Wait. Insult.... Him?

Splinter: Yes.

Donnie: And he can't fight back?

Splinter: No.

Donnie: [Agrees.] I'm feeling good about this plan.

Splinter: Hajime!

Mikey: You move like a bloated buffalo. [shoots arrow]

Raph: I do not!

Leo: And you're always whining. "Poor me. Nobody understands me. "

Raph: Well, you don't understa- Gah!

[An arrow shoots him on the carapace.]

Donnie: Yeah. And- Oh! You don't keep your back straight when doing omote kote gyaku. And you're ugly!

Mikey: And gassy. Bull's-eye!

[The brothers laugh as more arrows landed on his shell]

Raph: Stop it!

Leo: Oh, you talk so tough, but inside, you're just a scared little baby.

[Raph gets visibly irritated. covered with arrows.]

Donnie: Who needs his bottle?

Mikey: And his diaper changed?

Leo: What's the matter, Raph? Gonna cry?

Raph: [Angered.] Ah! I am -ooh!- not gonna cry! [falls]

Mikey: I wish this moment could last forever.

[Raph threw his sais down and stood up, his entire shell completely covered with arrows like a porcupine.]

Raph: You know what? Forget this. This is stupid.

Mikey: Aww. It didn't.

Splinter: Ninniku seishin is the ability to endure insults with patience and humility. You cannot be a true ninja until you master it. Understood?

Raph: Hai, sensei.

Splinter: You must get that video back. Using reason, not force.

[Meanwhile, Vic is talking to someone on the phone while leaving his apartment.]

Vic: That's right. I swear on my mother's grave that these guys are frogs and they know kung fu. You can't tell me that's not worth something.

[Suddenly, the turtles land on the sidewalk, startling him.]

Vic:  Ah! I'll call you back. [to the turtles] Lay one finger on me, frog, and I'm calling the cops.

Raph: We're not gonna hurt you.

Vic: Then what do you want, freak?

Raph: We got off on the wrong foot last night. Some things were said, and well, we would just like that video back. Hmm?

[Leo shoves him a little]

Raph: Please?

Vic: What are you gonna give me for it?

Raph: Give you for it?

Vic: Well, I figure I've got you over a barrel, so you've got to make it worth my while.

Raph: I'll make it worth your while.[fiery background appears behind him] I won't take your hand and smash it against the-

Leo: Okay, okay, thank you, Raphael. I will take over. [to Vic as Raph pouts] So what are you looking for?

Vic: A cool mil ought to cover it.

Leo: Mmhmm, mm-hmm. A cool mil of what?

Vic: A million dollars.

Leo: We don't have a million dollars.

Mikey: We do have some Canadian quarters that fell through the grate.

Vic: I can make serious money off this thing. And if you don't want to pay, I'll hold on to it until someone else does.

Raph: THAT'S IT!

[Raph holds his hand, pins him, and finally loses it.]

Raph: Hand over the video or, so help me, I'll kick your hairy butt all the way to New Jersey!

[The others saw the Kraang, getting Raph's attention.]

Leo: Guys! The Kraang! Raph!

[The van starts to come at them.]

Leo: Look out!

[Leo pushes them out of the way, just as another van started toward them.]

Leo: Let's not let this one get away.

[The van turns around and comes back at them. Raph picks up a trash can and flings it at the van, hitting the windshield and sending the van skidding to the side where it hits a wall.]

Raph: Well, that was easy.

[The Kraang emerged and fired their weapons.]

Raph: Ooh-kay.

[Donnie screams as the others charged at the Kraang, Raph runs up and started to battle the Kraang Meanwhile, Vic is on the ground as he tries to get away only to get pushed into the van. Raph looks to see Vic trying to get the phone.]

Raph: Oh no ,you don't!

Leo: Raph, what are you doing? Get back here! [gets kicked] Raph!

[Raph gets into the van and leaves Leo alone and the Kraang starts kicking him. ]

Raph: We've got unfinished business! You give me that phone right now!

[The krang came in and the van drove off. Donnie and Mikey helped Leo to his feet.]

Leo: Raph's in the van!

[They start to go after it. Raph started to take down the Kraang. After he defeated all of the robots, he offered a hand to the man.]

Raph: Let's get out of here!

Vic: Forget it! You lizards don't want to buy my video, maybe these guys will.

Donnie: Raph! Get out of there!

[Raph ignores him and grabs Vic]

Raph: Listen, you idiot! Frogs are not lizards. And we're not frogs.

[Raph gets pulled and thrown off by a Krang, knocking the turtles down.]

Vic: So long, froggy. [to the Krang] Uh, thanks for the help, guys. Have I got a deal for you. So are you all triplets or what?

[At the street, the turtles recover.]

Leo: Nice going, Raph.

Raph: What did I do?

Leo: [livid] What did you do? You left the three of us in the middle of the fight to yell at somebody. We could have stopped them, but thanks to your temper, the guy with the tape-

Donnie: [correcting] Again, technically, it's a flash-

Leo: Not now. Is in the hands of the Kraang. How are we supposed to find them?

[Donnie sees a leak spill, which the van had left behind,]

Donnie: Look, the truck's leaking!

Leo: All right! We can follow the trail to their hideout.

Raph: And then we'll bash some bots! [Leo glares at him] What?

Leo: We are going to bash some bots. You are going home.

Raph: What, are you kidding? Come on, guys. Are we gonna let Leo power-trip like this?

Donnie: I think Leo's right.

Leo: You gotta control your temper. Until then, we just can't trust you.

Mikey: Sorry, Raph.

[His brothers leave, Raph throws his sais on the ground in frustration. Cut back to Raph and return to the lair.]

Raph: Who does Leo think he is? So what if I got a temper? I'm still the best fighter we've got. In fact, if anything, my anger makes me a better fighter. You understand me, don't you, Spike? Chew on your leaf if you understand me.

[Spike takes a bit of his leaf.]

Raph: Yeah, thought so.

Splinter: I understand you too.

[Raph jumps by surprise to see Splinter, walking into the kitchen.]

Raph: Oh! Seriously, you gotta knock or something.

Splinter: Raphael, let me tell you a story.

Raph: Sensei, I'm not in the mood for a story.

Splinter: Spike, chew on your leaf if you are in the mood for a story.

[The turtle bites his leaf.]

Splinter: Very well. When I was a young man, I fell in love with a woman.

Raph: Oh, hey, is it that late?

Splinter: Sit. Her name was Tang Shen. And I was not the only one who loved her. There was another man competing for her attention, Oroku Saki.

Raph: Shredder.

Splinter: One day, he insulted me in front of her. He called me many things. I felt I could not let those insults go unanswered. I lost my temper. And over time, our rivalry festered into hatred Until Shredder sought to finish me. And I lost my beloved Tang Shen.

Raph: But.. But it wasn't your fault. Shredder insulted you. You had no choice.

Splinter: No choice? I could have chosen to ignore him. I could have chosen to let his words wash over me like a river over stone. But I let him anger me. It was I who made his words into weapons. That's the choice I made. What choice will you make?

[Meanwhile, Leo, Mikey and Donnie are following the leak and see a warehouse.]

Leo: We're here.

Mikey: Are we really gonna do this without Raph?

Leo: We can handle it.

Mikey: I don't know. It just feels like something's missing. [Leo slaps him] Ow! Thanks.

Leo: Happy to help. Let's go.

[They begin to head up to the rooftop and inside the warehouse.]

Mikey: [looking at the spider webs on the crates] Spiders.

[They sneak around the corner and Donnie spotted a spider on his head. He whacks it off.]

Mikey: Ow! You don't have to keep doing that.

Donnie: There was a spider on you.

Mikey: Well, there's a spider on you too.

Donnie: No, there isn't.

Mikey: Come here, you punk!

[Mikey lunges at Donnie and starts knocking his head.]

Donnie: Knock it off! Ow!

Leo: Hey! Shh.

[They stop and continue on. Meanwhile, the Krang are standing in front of a machine. Vic was tied up in a chair.]

Kraang: The image that is the image on the phone is pleasing to the eye of Kraang.

Kraang 2: This is true. Kraang is looking what is known in earth terms as "handsome" in this phone.

Vic: Well, you guys drive a hard bargain. Tell you what, I'll drop it down to $500,000. And you can keep the phone. Okay, $400,000.

Kraang droid: This is our fight with the creatures called the turtles.

Kraang droid 2: The usefulness of this will be proven usefully with the more watching of this.

Kraang: Also, this is being a good image of Kraang.

Kraang droid: We should be showing the image of Kraang to Kraang.

[Vic’s chair begins sliding backwards, away from Kraang. He looks back and sees the turtles.  Mikey has hooked the chair with the chain on his weapon and is pulling Vic towards them.]

Leo: [quietly] We're gonna get you out of here.

Vic: What about my phone?

Leo: Shh.

Vic: Don't shush me. I ain't leaving here without my phone.

[The Kraang took notice]

Kraang: Stop the one that needs to be stopped. Stop!

Donnie: Remind me why we have to rescue this guy?

[Kraangdroids fire on the turtles. They fight and begin taking down the Kraang. Vic has his eyes on his cell phone, which keeps getting kicked around in the fight. He rolls his chair back towards the phone and a blast hits the wheels, making him fall over backwards next to the phone. He puts his hand down on the phone, but a spider is also standing on the screen.]

Vic: Got it!

[A blast hits a cylinder of mutagen, breaking it open right above him.  Vic yells in pain, causing everyone to stop.]

Kraang Droid: Kraang, go look at the place where the thing that makes the noise is, and tell us what thing makes that noise in that place.

[The Kraang walks between two machines into darkness and then comes flying out again, right past Mikey. Its pinkish body retreats.]

Mikey: I don't like the sound of that.

[Vic emerges. He now wasn't human, he was now a giant black widow spider with legs sticking above the head. He had four red eyes and bulky arms and legs. His body is round but no neck and his mouth has huge fangs. On his head are four slender arachnid claws with orange outlines.]

Mikey: I don't like the look of it either.

Vic/Spider Bytez: What did you do to me? I'm hideous.

Leo: Don't worry. The four of us can handle him.

Donnie: Okay, this might be a bad time to point this out, but you sent one of the four of us home.

Mikey: And right now, I wish it was me.

Spider Bytez: This is your fault. I'm gonna rip your heads off.

Leo: All right, guys, prepare to dish out the mighty wrath of justice.

Donnie: Seriously, just yell, "get him!"

Leo: Get- Ooh!

[Leo gets thrown and crashes into the crates. Donnie starts to attack followed by Mikey and Leo. Spider Bytes used his claws to block Donnie’s bo while he knocked Mikey away. ]

Mikey: Is that all you've got?

[Spider Bytes starts to spit a yellow acid right into the floor and melt, leaving a hole.]

Mikey: The answer I was looking for was "yes. "

[The mutant starts to corner them by spitting acid. Mikey starts to use barrels to attack and one landed on Spider Byte's mouth. The spider spits the barrel and starts to chase them.  All three brothers gather to look at it as it comes towards them and realize they are standing on a section of floor that is melting. It breaks open, sending them falling.]

Mikey: We're no match for Spider Bytez.

Leo: Spider Bytez?

Mikey: Well, he's a spider, and he bites, so I thought-

Leo: We get it.

[Spider Bytes towers over them, roaring. They tried to get away but Spider Bytes corners them.]

Leo: This bug is fast.

Donnie: Yeah, spiders aren't actually bugs. They- ow!

[Donnie grabbed by one of his claws and was thrown aside to a crate.]

Spider Bytez: Playtime's over, frogs.

[He spits acid, cornering them.]

Raph: Wow. I didn't think this guy could get any uglier.

Turtles: Raph!

[Raph leaped into the air, backflips and landed on the floor.]

Leo: Well, I think you've been punished long enough. Come and join us.

Spider Bytez: Hey, it's the kung fu frog with the salad tongs.

Raph: Hey, it's the stupid loudmouth who's about to get his butt kicked.

[Spider Bytez shoots goo at Raph, who sidesteps. It then bounces all around his brothers, spitting goo onto the floor in a circle. They hit the floor below, which is an iron grid right over a pool of mutagen.]

Donnie: Uh, let's not fall through this floor, okay?

Spider Bytes: Dance for me, frog.

[Spider Bytes started to spit acid as Raph dodges]

Raph: Watch me turn your friends into frog fries. I'll serve 'em up with your salad tongs.

[Spider Btyes started to jump through the ceiling and used his acid. Raph swings around and cuts the webbing rope when he lands onto the spider. Spider Bytes gets up.]

Spider Bytez: Aw, froggy thinks he can stop me. Ribbit, ribbit. What's that, Tadpole? Are you too scared to leap off your lily pad and get the warts knocked off you?

[Raph inhales and exhales.]

Raph: Like a river over stone.

[He charges and starts to beat down the spider mutant. Spider Bytes extended his claws and Raph captures one of his claws so the acid can hit it.]

Spider Bytez: That's some kung fu, frog.

Raph: We're not kung fu frogs. We're Ninja Turtles.

[They began to attack Spider Bytes. Leo deflected it with his swords, Mikey jumped and used his nunchucks and kicked Spider Bytes in the face. Donnie and Raph jump on and hit him over the head. Raph then smashes the phone into pieces.]

Spider Bytez: Oh! My phone! You guys are gonna regret this.

[Spider Bytez leaves. At the rooftop, they watch the spider mutant retreat.]

Donnie: I know a nice black widow that'd be great for him.

Leo: Good work, Raph. I just want to say-

Raph: You don't have to apologize.

Leo: I wasn't going to.

Raph: Oh. Good.

Mikey: Yeah, Raph, not bad for a bloated buffalo.

[Raph lunges him, much to Leo and Donnie's amusement and pretending to look away.]

Mikey: Okay! Raph is all-wise and powerful.

Raph: And?

Mikey: And he's better than me in every possible way!

[Episode ends.]

[Next episode]
