
Turtles Take Time (and Space) is a short animation directed by Rie Koga and written by Brandon Auman. It premiered at San Diego Comic Con 2016 on July 22 and was later uploaded online the same day. It is loosely adapted from the comic Turtles Take Time.


April had arrived at the lair, showing the turtles that she found a scepter in Little Tokyo. She asked Donnie what it is and he marveled that it's been at least thosuand of years old, somewhere in the Heian period. Excited, Mikey grabbed teh scepter, saying that he can play keep away but accidently activates it, which causes him, Leonardo, Donatello and Raphael to be suckedd through time and space.

They landed on a pirate ship somewhere in the 18th century, dressed as pirates. Seeing a enemy pirate shooting cannons at them, the turtles dodged out of the way and landed on teh pirates where they met a pirate version of April. They decided to help her out, blocking the pirate's blows. Mikey called out that the scepter brought them here and find it at the end of the ship. LEo swung in and catches it, only for a massive kraken to rise and damage teh ships, the turtles hang onto each other, but Raph could not hold onto the ship any longer and fell onyl for the scepter to start working again.

The next thing the turtles had traveled is back to the pet shop where they were born. They look and find the scepter in the toy bin. Climbing onto each other, they got out of their terruium nad climb down the cage, releasing lizards. They run for their lives and climb up the toy bin and activated the scepter.

They are in the future now in action style and were faced with a robotic version of Shredder who had the scepter. The turtles started to attack the Shredder and Mikey catches the scepter that takes them back to their time but losses it.

They end up in the 1987 and Mikey thinks that they're back home. Donnie admitted that they lost the scepter and they will never travel around time and space. Looking around, Leo tells them that this is not their dimension until the Classic 1987 turtles show up. 1987 Mikey exclaims that he was not sure if they had enough pizza to give. Miket assures that there is plenty to go around.


  • 1980's Donatello
  • 1980's Leonardo
  • 1980's Michelangelo (Townsend Coleman)
  • 1980's Raphael
  • April O'Neil (Jessica McKenna)
  • Donatello (Scott Menville)
  • Kraken
  • Leonardo (Eric Bauza)
  • Michelangelo (Greg Cipes)
  • Pirate (Eric Bauza)
  • Pirate #1 (Scott Menville)
  • Pirate April (Jessica McKenna)
  • Pirate Captain (Townsend Coleman)
  • Raphael (Darren Criss)
  • Shredder (Brian Bloom)


Turtles Take Time (and Space)/Transcript

