
[It all started in the 1987 dimension. Inside the classic Technodrome, ]

80s Shredder: I've had it with these blasted Turtles, Krang.

Krang: We need to power up the Technodrome and finally conquer this miserable world! I fixed the transmat device and have siphoned just enough power to teleport us.

[The Technodrome creates the portal. Meanwhile, Bebop and Rocksteady, the 80s version appear, already failing their mission to destory the turtles.]

80s Bebop: I can't believe those Turtles recognized our disguises as little old ladies.

80s Rocksteady: They don't fight fair! The boss is gonna be mad.

80s Bebop: Aw, no.

[They chase after the Technodrome.]

80s Bebop: Shredder! Um, boss? Shredder?

80s Shredder: [to Krang] What are you doing, you bag of brains? We'll need those morons for this mission.

[They disappear through the portal, leaving the classic Bebop and Rocksteady behind. The Technodrome arrives in the 2012 world. Once Classic Shredder and Krang step out. Shredder was shocked that he is now three dimensional.]

80s Shredder: What is this? I feel so solid. Where did you take us, you alien ignoramus?

Krang: Earth 7, a world parallel to our own. A dimension ripe for conquering.

[Theme song]

[In The 80s dimension, Bebop and Rocksteady look where the Technodrome was.,]

80s Bebop: Does this mean we're fired?

80s Leo: What's wrong, boys? Lost your mommy and daddy?

80s Mikey: Prepare for the shellacking!

[Classic Bebop and Rocksteady pull out their blasters and fire lasers. The turtles rushed forward with Leo kicking Rocksteady, Raph rolling to Rocksteady and struck his sai into his blaster, making it explode.]

80s Mikey: Cowabunga!

[Classic Mikey throws his grappling hook around a pipe and tied Rocksteady and Bebop upside down.]

80s Leo: Talk, you two! Where's the Technodrome? Where did Shredder and Krang go?

[in the 2012 dimension.]

Ryan: It can't be! How did you get here, Evil Me?

Evil Crankshaw: We came from a mirror dimension to warn you all.

Evil Ryan: You, Captain Ryan, are the evil one, not I.

Crankshaw Jr: [gasps.] That explains everything. What are we going to do? [gets smacked]

Ryan: Just this! Beam them back, Scronus.

[The evil clones are beamed back to their world.]

Evil Crankshaw: I'm evil?

Evil Ryan: Try looking at yourself in the mirror now.

Mikey: We've seen the Evil Captain Ryan episode five times already!

[Raph is seen punching a bag]

Raph: You said it, little brother. And this show's way better than the original.

[Chompy laid down a card while Kitty did the same.]

Mikey: Hey, that's my Crocklodoll!

[We cut to Donnie’s lab]

Donnie: An anti-gravity calzone maker might not be the most practical invention. Maybe a new robo-training dummy that Raph can't destroy in five minutes? Think, D. What's your next Stealth Bike or Turtle Mech or Patrol Buggy? Face it, without some crazy, weekly threat, there's just no point.

[In the dojo, Leo is meditating]

Leo: I don't get it, Master Splinter. I've been meditating for weeks and I still don't feel any enlightenment or higher plane or anything. I didn't think peace could be so dull.

[In Rocksteady's warehouse, Bebop is cleaning up the warehouse]

Bebop: Come on… Whoa! [falls over]  Dang, Steranko, were you born in a barn? You can't leave your weapons and nasty underwear on the floor, dog! And what is this? Old tissues and horn shavings?

Rocksteady: Is not my fault! You too picky with apartment, so we stuck in my warehouse.

[Bebop stands, knocking the rhino off his chair.]

Bebop: [frustrated] Nobody wants to rent to a mutant warthog and rhino, and we're broke! We're down to our last moldy ketchup and cockroaches again. We need jobs!

[Rocksteady gets up, holding a newspaper.]

Rocksteady: Chill like the ice, ice, baby, Comrade Bebop. I has it covered. Look, plenty of jobs. Telly-marketer, file clerk, fry cook, mutant warthog and rhino, receptionist...

Bebop: Whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa! Hold up, G. Go back, go back.

Rocksteady: Eh, what, fry cook? Eh, I do make the good latke.

[Bebop takes the newspaper from him.]

Bebop: No, look. "Mutant warthog and rhino needed for temporary full-time employment, benefits included"! Hee-hee!

Rocksteady: "Heehee. " Is made for us!

[The chair breaks underneath him due to his rhino weight and falls to the ground.]

[In the lair]

Mikey: Sure you don't wanna play, Raph? I'll loan you my Beedlesaur.

Raph: At this point, I'll do anything. I'm dying for some action.

Leo: Me too. The Foot are gone. Shredder is dead. I never thought I'd miss the Kraang.

[Raph sits down and picks Chompy up to his shoulder.]

Raph: Admit it, guys, there isn't any evil left in the city.

[There was an explosion. Donnie came out with black snoot on his face.]

Donnie: Whoever thought chemistry would be so underwhelming?

Leo: I'm sick of staying underground. We need to stay sharp, ninjas. Let's patrol the city anyway.

Donnie: Hmm… you know, I have been picking up some weird energy readings in the Lower East Side, so I could run some new scans.

Raph: Maybe it's dangerous! I could use a little danger.

[Bebop and Rocksteady arrive at the restaurant. Bebop is wearing a pink bow tie while Rocksteady wore a red tie.]

Bebop: Whoa, whoa, whoa, check it out, Rocksteady. Check it out!

[They meet classic Shredder and Krang who are sitting near a table.]

80s Shredder: I don't believe it.

Krang: And you said putting an ad in the paper was a waste of time. Hello. Please, sit, sit. Espresso? Caffe¨ latte? Cappuccino?

[Bebop and Rocksteady join in the booth.]

Rocksteady: [quietly to Bebop] Why do they look like Shredder and squishy Kraang thing?

80s Shredder: Because we are Shredder and squishy Kraang thing, you dolt!

Krang: Be nice, Shredder. We're multi-dimensional counterparts of the beings you know, and you might be exactly what we're looking for.

80s Shredder: We can't use these two! This one is scrawny and this one is so big and conspicuous. He's probably a bigger klutz than my Rocksteady. And his resume's in crayon!

Krang: Are you crazy? These two are perfect. And I like these headshots. Bebop has range.

Bebop: Yeah, dudes, we're the best of the best.

Rocksteady: We handle any job you need.

80s Shredder: All right, you bug-brained baboons. [Krang whacks him] *cough* Uh, sorry. Force of habit. I.. We... We need your help to power our Technodrome to full capacity.

Krang: Then I will have the power to rule the ten dimensions!

80s Shredder: But first, we must test your prowess as minions.

Krang: Yoo-hoo, Shredder. Do you really think you can take these two?

80s Shredder: It'll be like taking candy from two giant idiot babies.

[Later, on in the alley. Shredder watched the two goons.]

Rocksteady: You go first, comrade.

Bebop: No, no, no, no way, Rock. You're bigger. You go first.

80s Shredder: Enough! I'll take you fools together.

[He charges and Rocksteady pushed Bebop forward to go first. But the male warthog gets knocked to the ground.]

Rocksteady: Out of the way, Bebop!

[Rocksteady blocks Shredder's attacks but he punched the rhino in the face and threw him and Bebop into the dumpster.]

Krang: You bungling boneheads. Do you want the job or not?

[The two mutants crawl out of the dumpster then Bebop rushed at Classic Shredder, turning himself invisible. He managed to kick Shredder and reveal himself throwing his plasma mohawk.]

80s Shredder: Do you think you're good enough to take on the Shredder, greatest ninja of the modern age?

[Rocksteady, behind Shredder, knocked him down. Once the classic villain is defeated, the two loomed over him.]

Bebop: Yo, you okay, Mr. Shredder?

80s Shredder: [stands up, dusting himself] I can get up myself, you fool. I was just going easy on you, of course.

Krang: [laughs] Good, good! See, Saki, you can find good help these days.

Rocksteady: Does this mean we get job? Benefits?

Krang: If you can take Shredder, you will make excellent minions to help us conquer the world!

Bebop: Conquer the world? Heck yeah! It'll be nice to be on the winning side for a change.

[On the rooftops, Raph is on water tower as he pulled out his T Phone. Nearby, Mikey is skateboarding.]

Raph: Mikey, spot any bad guys yet?

Mikey: Nada, bro. What do you got, D?

Donnie: Hmm, this is odd. I'm picking up a strange type of interdimensional portal energy, but I can't pinpoint the source.

Raph: Where's Leo? He's not picking up his T-Phone.

[At the store, a thief is threatening to hand over his money.]

Thief: Empty the register! All of it!

[Leo, wearing a trench coat steps in front of the robber.]

Leo: Don't you know it's a school night? And class is in session!

Thief: Don't do it, man. I'll use this.

[The turtle begins to attack him, before his hat falls off and puts it on again.]

Leo: Beating street punks isn't as rewarding as it used to be.

Donnie: Leo, you shouldn't be taking risks like that.

Raph: Donnie has a point. What happened to "ninjas stay in the shadows?"

Leo: [taking off his trench coat] Shadows? Things aren't the same now. This city doesn't need us anymore.

[Bebop and Rocksteady enter the 80s Technodrome.]

Bebop: Yo, baby Iva, We hit the big time! Snap! Look at this setup. Does this get all the cable channels?

Krang: Almost a hundred.

Rocksteady: Also, we will need Wi-Fi password.

[The two villains shrugged. Then they gave them cash.]

Rocksteady: Sweet Anastasia's ghost!

Krang: There's more where this came from.

Bebop: Ooh, we're game for whatever you got planned. Our Shredder never even paid us.

Rocksteady: Da, he just threatened to hurt us.

80s Shredder: Hmm... there's something missing.

[They begin to put on a new look like the 80s form.]

80s Shredder: Not a bad fit.

Bebop: Old school, but pretty tight.

Rocksteady: A little too tight, especially in ears.

[The alarm beeps]

Krang: The Technodrome is alerting me of interdimensional activity.

[On the screen, the classic turtles entered in the 2012.]

Krang: What the [croaks] Those meddling Turtles followed us here!

Bebop: Whoa, now, those are freaky looking Turtles.

Rocksteady: Why is they having initials on belt buckles?

80s Shredder: Bebop, Rocksteady! It's time you earned your keep. Destroy those blasted Turtles once and for all!

Rocksteady: With pleasure, Comrade Boss-Man!

Bebop: We got this, Your Spiky-ness.

[Meanwhile with the classic turtles.]

80s Leo: Donatello, do you think you can find our counterparts here?

80s Raph: Come on, we don't need those posers. It's just Shredder and Krang. Piece o' cake.

80s Mikey: We should score some pizza while we're here. Antonio's is the best in any dimension, dudes.

80s Donnie: Wait, hold on. I'm picking up a unique energy signal. [gasps] It's the Technodrome! This way!

[They began to head to the park.]

80s Leo: Remember, team This isn't like our home dimension. Remain stealthy. Don't let anyone see-

[He gets hit by Bebop and pushes Classic Raph.]

80s Raph: Okay, Electric Boogaloo.

[Classic Raph ends up beaten down. Rocksteady arrived in his van and so did Bebop.]

80s Leo: Bebop and Rocksteady?

80s Mikey: But not, dudes.

[They begin to charge. Donnie gets thrown into the air and collapses.]

80s Donnie: And they're a lot tougher.

80s Leo: We got these guys. Turtle power!

[They charge only for Rocksteady to shoot. Leo and Donnie hide behind a dumpster and pushed some boxes onto Rocksteady.]

Rocksteady: What is… Is Styrofoam peanuts? [grabs classic Donnie] Ooh, bubble wrap.

[He slammed Donnie while Mikey tried to avoid Bebop on the wheel.]

Bebop: Too slow, foolio! [kicks classic Mikey down.]

80s Raph: Why don't you cool off?

[He tries to break a fire hydrant but it won't budge. The classic turtles did their best to fight but the rhino and pig defeat them. 2012 Mikey looked down from the rooftop and saw that the classic turtles were defeated.]

80s Leo: Let us go, you creeps!

Bebop: Whoo, definitely feels good to be on the winning side of a beatdown.

Rocksteady: Let us finish the job then, eh?

80s Raph: Wait, wait! You can't kill us. This is a kids show!

Bebop: What are you talking about?

Rocksteady: Uh, hmm... Crazy one is right. How weak and pathetic they look, da? Not very sporting.

Bebop: Fine, let's take these losers back to Shredder and Krang. They'll know what to do with them.

[They drag the classic turtles into the van.]

80s Mikey: This is totally bogus!

Bebop: Do you Turtles ever shut up?

[Mikey is horrified to see the classic turtles are captured. as he watch the truck leave.]

Mikey: Oh, no!

[On the rooftops, Mikey tried to tell his brothers what he saw.]

Donnie: Slow down, Mikey. Are you sure you saw our counterparts from the other dimension?

Mikey: And Bebop and Rocksteady were there, looking like bad news, wearing dead turtle shells and everything!

Raph: Are you sure this isn't like the time you said you got chased by a chupacabra in the sewers?

Donnie: Or when you kissed Renet back in the Wild West?

Leo: Or saw Thor eating a hot dog on Fifth Avenue?

Mikey: I kissed Renet, and it wasn't a hot dog, but I really saw the other "us" s. Bebop and Rocksteady threw them in their van and drove off towards Chinatown!

Donnie: Hmm. Chinatown, huh?

[Later, they take the party wagon.]

Donnie: The source must be around here somewhere.

Leo: Maybe it's coming from underground.

[In the classic Technodrome, Rocksteady and Bebop arrive with the captives, who are unconscious.]

80s Shredder: Finally, you ugly undulates. What have you brought me?

Rocksteady: We get the freaky Turtles for you.

80s Shredder: At last! Not only do I finally have these irritating reptiles in my grasp, but they will witness my final victory over all dimensions!

Krang: I think you mean our victory, Shredder.

[They toss the turtles in an electric beam cage once they wake up.]

80s Raph: Anyone get the number of that bus? Where are we?

80s Donnie: Oh, no. Shredder and Krang! We're trapped.

80s Leo: There's gotta be some way out.

80s Mikey: I got this, dudes. Cowabunga!

[Rocksteady disarms classic Mikey's weapon. He pulls and the orange turtle end up electrocuted.]

80s Donnie: Oh, maybe I can use my Turtle Comm to short out the signal.

Bebop: Not so fast.

80s Donnie: Aw, man.

80s Raph: I know! I'll just insult these overgrown idiots until they charge the cage and get zapped.

Rocksteady: And why would overgrown idiot charge electrified cage?

[He electrifies the turtles with a press of a button.]

80s Leo: This isn't gonna be as easy as it usually is.

Donnie: By my calculations, it should be right around- Holy chalupa!

[The present turtles witness the classic Technodrome.]

Leo: Is that a Technodrome?

Donnie: A ridiculous-looking one, even by Dimension X standards. What's that huge eye for? And why is there a giant foot painted on the front?

Raph: So how are we gonna infiltrate that thing?

Mikey: Why don't we try the open door?

[They enter inside]

Raph: No security. Who are these clowns?

[They arrive and notice classic Shredder and Krang.]

Leo: Kraang? And Shredder?

Donnie: Well, that explains the dimensional disturbance.

Leo: Shh!

[They sneak past and see the other turtles.]

Mikey: Look, it's them. The other "us" s. And Bebop and Rocksteady!

Raph: Mikey was right again. Lame.

Leo: Let's move.

80s Leo: You won't get away with this, Shred-Head!

80s Shredder: But I already have, my meddlesome mutants. [laughs evilly.]

Rocksteady: So, what next, Boss-Man?

80s Shredder: Now, with those troublesome Turtles out of the way, we will need you fools to run some errands.

Krang: We need to fully power up the Technodrome. Then we can conquer this dimension.

[The turtles sneak to the cage while Donnie starts to get to work to get the cage open.]

80s Mikey: Dude! You found us!

80s Raph: We totally had this without you posers getting in the way.

Raph: We can always just leave you here, Raphael.

80s Leo: Thanks for the save. Turtle power!

Krang: [shocked] The Turtles?

80s Shredder: There's more of them?

Krang: Quick, do something. These Turtles are actually dangerous.

80s Shredder: Well, um... Don't just stand there, you blithering blister-brains, take them down!

[Rocksteady fired and the turtles flee.]

Together: Go, Green Machine!

[The turtles begin to dodge the lasers.]

Raph: Don't call us that! Whoa!

Donnie: These guys are even more armed up than usual.

Rocksteady: Eat the hot plasma, turtle freaks!

[Mikey dodged until he was faced with Bebop. The warthog began to fire but bubbles came out.]

Bebop: Bubbles? Deep, yo. Come on, come on. That's more like it.

[Bebop blows the other three where Donnie was trying to use the panels.]

Krang: I have you just where I wanted!

[Krang presses a button and pink goo slowly rises up trapped inside. They panic in fear, gasping hardly. Each tried to get but it's no use, the goo only stays below their heads.]

Raph: What the heck is this?

Rocksteady: Da, freak turtle ninjas are finally finished.

Leo: It's use....Nggg...Can't move.

Donnie: It's some type of protoplasmic prison.

Raph: Ugh, smells like sour cream. I hate sour cream.

Bebop: We best finish off the Turtles fast before they figure a way out.

Rocksteady: Da, I will commence with the squishings, Comrade Bebop!

80s Shredder: No, Rocksteady. A quick demise is much too good for the likes of our turtle foes.

Bebop: [confused] What the bacon?

[Shredder knocked Bebop and Rocksteady away.]

80s Shredder: These accursed shellbacks deserve something far worse.

Krang: For once, Shredder, we agree.

80s Shredder: Now is the time for gloating! We are the best, and you are not, you blasted Turtles!

Krang: Revolting reptiles!

80s Shredder: Overly aggressive amphibians!

Krang: Troublesome terrapins! [Mikey moans]

80s Shredder: Teenage Mutant Ninja Wimps!

[Both the classic villains laugh. Bebop and Rocksteady notice something strange.]

Bebop: Yo, dog, these two are even dumber than we are.

Rocksteady: Da, and that is saying the something.

Bebop: Enough of this wackness, y'all. I'm blasting these green foolios.

[He fires his gun, The laser ricochets around the cage.]

80s Leo: Look out!

[Classic Leo disarms the laser. The laser bounce in all directions.]

80s Mikey: Yow! My turtle butt!

[The laser hits the slime and melts, freeing Donnie's arm.]

Donnie: Whoa. The slime is sensitive to pure energy. Maybe if I can....Oh, this is gonna hurt.

[He takes a deep breath. Donnie touched the bar electrifying them and the slime melted, freeing them.]

Rocksteady: Time to get funky fresh!

Mikey: Aww, sewer pickles.

Bebop: Let's smoke these Turtles, Rock!

[They begin to dodge again, screaming.]

Rocksteady: Your shells, we will break!

Krang: These two are way more effective than those dim-witted mutant morons back in our dimension.

Leo: You guys! Gotta move!

Mikey: What about the other "us" s? We can't just leave 'em here.

Donnie: Hey, I can free 'em if I can get to that control panel.

Raph: Let's do this.

[Raph threw his ninja stars at Bebop and Rocksteady's guns.]

Leo: Keep moving. I'll draw his fire.

80s Shredder: You chelonian chuckleheads.

Krang: That's a new one. We know you dimensional dimwits are still drained from my trap.

[He knocks the turtles away as Donnie stood his ground. Mikey and Raph, knocked Krang right at Shredder.]

80s Shredder: You moron!

Raph: Make it quick, Donnie.

Donnie: You think I wanna make it slow?

[Leo gets easily defeated, getting shot from behind and then again.]

Raph: Leo!

Donnie: Voila!

[Donnie managed to free the classic turtles.]

Krang: No! The Turtles have escaped.

80s Leo: Turtle power!

80s Mikey: Cowabunga!

[The turtles started to attack Bebop and Rocksteady.]

80s Donnie: I'll kick your rhino butt. [bo ends up being snapped in half] Aww, that was my favorite bo staff.

[Classic Mikey tries to fight Bebop]

Bebop: Slow as a turtle.

[He kicks Classic Mikey.]

Rocksteady: Get ready for me to horn you in face!

[He crashes into classic Leo and Raph.]

Raph: Back off, dino lips.

Mikey: A, B, "C" -ya!

[They disappear as Mikey throws a smoke bomb.]

Bebop: I hate it when they do that. That annoys me, Rock. Just gets all up in my snout.

Rocksteady: Da, word up. I hates the ninja tricks too, G.

80s Shredder: Bebop! Rocksteady! You let them get away, you dunderheaded dummies!

Bebop: [offended] Yo, what's up with all the insults, G? This isn't 1987. We got rights, Shredder. We're in the Villains Union, dog.

Rocksteady: Da, is no nice, the name-calling. What if I say you look like soft cheese grater? And you look like pregnant man with brain for belt buckle?

Krang: Enough with the name-calling! It's getting us nowhere. We've got to hunt down those miserable Turtles.

80s Shredder: Or bait them out with pizza. [everyone stared at him] Pizza usually works.

[Back at their lair]

80s Donnie: Guys, if Shredder and Kraang unleash the Technodrome in this dimension, it could be catastrophic.

Donnie: I can't believe I'm saying this, Bebop and Rocksteady got tough.

80s Mikey: We've gotta do something, dudes.

Mikey: Fo' reals though.

[April and Casey appear in the lair]

April: Guys, we've been trying to reach you...WHAT THE HECK?!

Casey:[surprised] Have I been hit in the face too many times? What am I seeing?

April: Don't you remember, Casey? The Turtles told us about these guys. They come from another dimension.

[The classic turtles are completely amazed and shocked by the 2012 versions of April and Casey.]

80s Raph: April? Casey Jones? No way!

80s Leo: They're like kids! This April is way too young to be wearing a jumpsuit. Are you even a reporter?

April: Why? Do reporters wear jumpsuits where you come from?

80s Donnie: Of course! What kind of backwards dimension is this?

Casey: This is straight-up crazy, yo.

Leo: We need your help. But your fighting is lame. You have to learn to fight like us and actually use your weapons for once.

80s Leo: [stunned] Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Use our weapons? But if I swing my sword at them, I could actually cut someone. And that would hurt.

Raph: So what do you use that sword for? To slice pizza?

80s Mikey: Duh! Are you guys even real ninjas?

[Later, the 2012 turtles teach the classic turtles how to use their real weapons properly. Classic Raph tried to twirl his sais but end up getting stuck on the dummy. He tried to pull it out and then he falls. Classic Donnie tried to jab his stick but end up getting his foot stabbed. Classic Mikey gets himself hit by the balls while Mikey tried to teach him how to deflect it. However, Classic Mikey realized that he is doing well using one of them as a hackey sack. Mikey started to join in.]

Leo: [annoyed] Okay. This is gonna take some time.

[Meanwhile at the classic Technodrome.]

Bebop: Yo, Boss-Man! What is that funky, retro-looking thingamabob?

Krang: The transmat projection microchip! With it, we can project a portal to Dimension X and bring an army here to conquer this world.

Rocksteady: But where do we find such technology, Comrade Kraang?

Krang: At the Earth Protection Force's secret storage facility. Here.

80s Shredder: Great, you two booby-headed blunderers will be sure to screw this up.

[The warthog and rhino growl in anger, offended.]

Krang: It doesn't matter, Shredder, because they'll be leading an army of Foot Robots to destroy anyone who gets in their way including those half-shelled jerk-faces! Unleash the Foot!

80s Shredder: I wanted to shout that! Unleash the Foot!

Bebop: What the?

[They look to see the classic foot clan. Krang and Shredder laugh as the robots stand in front of the two mutants. In the lair]

Leo: Okay, everybody, take five.

80s Mikey: Whew, I thought he'd never say that. Pizza break, dudes!

Leo: You guys did great! [to his brothers] These guys are terrible.

Mikey: No way. I think when the chips are down, they're gonna be great.

Raph: Do you know what that phrase even means, Mikey?

Mikey: Yeah, something about potato chips.

[Later in the kitchen, the classic turtles at pizza. Ice cream kitty gives Mikey ice cubes.]

Mikey: Aww, thanks, Ice Cream Kitty. And one for you.

80s Mikey: [surprised] Dude. What is that?

Casey: She's Mikey's ice-cream-mutated pet cat, yo.

80s Mikey: Whoa! This place is totally radical. Wowzers.

[Raph walks up with Chompy in his arms. He feed him a pepperoni and the small alien turtle breathed fire. Classic Leo yelped in surprised.]

80s Raph: Um, what exactly is that?

Raph: Say hello to Chompy. He's a baby alien turtle I'm raising.

80s Donnie: Wow, our parallel dimensions really are different.

April: So why would your Shredder and Krang enter this dimension?

80s Leo: Who knows? They're always trying to conquer the planet or destroy the planet or turn us into balloons. Whatever.

Leo: That's not very helpful.

80s Donnie: Look, Shredder may be a dummy, but Kraang's tech can be extremely dangerous.

Donnie: No kidding. Last time, he nearly blew up three alternate realities. We need a plan to send these creeps back to their dimension.

[Meanwhile with Karai, she and Shini are patrolling the city.]

Shini: Karai, no sign of the Purple Dragons. The streets are quiet.

Karai: Good. I think we should probably call it a night, Shinigami. Let's- Wait. What are those two morons up to?

[Rocksteady accidently knocked a trash can down.]

Rocksteady: Oops., that was my's bad.

Bebop: Whoo! This is nice. I finally feel needed for once. Know what I'm saying?

Rocksteady: Da, G. I am pleased we get to lead robot team on mission. We're not treated like lackeys anymore.

Bebop: Yeah, Rock, this is kind of all right. And I dig this new Shredder.

Rocksteady: Eh, except for insults. Kind of mean.

Karai: No way you two dummies put together a crew without some help. Hmm, there's something more to this. I can feel it.

Shini: Let's take those silly freaks down.

Karai: No. I want you to gather the rest of the Foot. I'll follow Bebop and Rocksteady and find out what they're up to.

Shini: Of course, Karai.

[She disappears.]

Leo: Okay, team, here's the plan. We head below and cover the Technodrome. We'll wait for Bebop and Rocksteady to leave-

80s Leo: On whatever mission Shredder and Krang send them on.

80s Mikey: Then we stop off at Antonio's for more pizza, hit the arcade, and party on, dudes! Yeah!

Mikey: Dude! That's, like, the greatest idea ever, bro. Gimme some love.

80s Donnie: Krang and Shredder will need some kind of transmat chip to open up a portal to Dimension X.

80s Raph: Then we stop 'em before they get a chance.

[Leo's phone rang]

Leo: Hold up. Karai?

Karai: Leo. You're not gonna believe this. I'm at the waterfront. I followed Bebop and Rocksteady. They've got a bunch of weird Foot Robots with them. They're targeting a secret military warehouse, and I'm pretty sure it belongs to the Earth Protection Force.

Leo: Don't make a move yet. We'll be there soon.

[Rocksteady knocked down the guards while Bebop took care of the others.]

Bebop: Yes, yes, y'all! Easy-peasy, dog. That's what I'm talkin' about.

[They open up the doors and enter inside the lab. They get on the ramp and Bebop pressed the button, making the ramp go down.]

Bebop: All aboard! Going down. Menswear, ladies' lingerie, level 20! Don't be wandering off, Rock. Stick to the plan. We grab the chip and hightail it outta there before they even know...

Rocksteady: Oh, no.

[guards appear.]

Bebop: Get 'em, robots!

[The ninjas begin to attack the guards. Once they are defeated, they enter the simple corridor.]

Bebop: Ah! Yo, dog. A'ight, robot dude. You take point.

[The robot stepped in but he ends up falling to his death when the chute opens up.]

Bebop: These EPF'ers are sick puppies!

[One ninja goes on ahead but was lifted in the air gets electrified, Only one ninja is left.]

Rocksteady: Snapping-dizzle!

[The laser beam activates making them run. The last ninja gets lifted up fired up.]

Bebop: Cha'mone! Cha'mone! Cha'mone!

[Bebop tries to hack into the machine]

Bebop: No-no-no-no-no-no-no!

[The door opens and the two escape.]

Rocksteady: Ha! Like piece of delicious Kiev cake!

[Bebop scans around the room and finds the chip.]

Bebop: [squeals with excitement] We did it, dog! For once! The transmat microchip thingie!

Rocksteady: Raise the ceiling, home skillet! Can I get the "what-what?"

[Meanwhile outside..]

Karai: Bebop and Rocksteady are still inside. We've got to... What the?

[The classic turtles arrive, much to Karai's shock.]

Karai: Who are those goofy bug-eyed Turtles?

80s Raph: Nice to meet you too. With friends like these, who needs enemies?

[Rocksteady and Bebop come out of the warehouse with the chip. The turtles and ninjas emerge from the manhole cover.]

Rocksteady: We busted, Bebop.

Leo: All right, you two. give up that chip. We've got you surrounded!

Bebop: We ain't goin out like that, dog.

Raph: I was hoping you'd say that.

Turtles: Go, Green Machine!

Casey: Green Machine?

[Casey laughs until the classic ninjas arrive. ]

Karai: Shredder?

Mikey: Holy chalupa!

80s Shredder: Foot Soldiers, attack!

Leo: Let's do this, team.

80s Leo: Turtle power!

[They begin to attack, easily defeating them.]

80s Leo: Hand over the chip, Bebop!

Bebop: You gotta catch me first, sucker!

[He used his plasma, knocking classic Leo down.]

80s Raph: Time to take out the trash!

[Raph throws the trash lids at them but they catch them.]

80s Raph: Or not.

80s Donnie: Cowabunga!

[Rocksteady punches him]

Rocksteady: Hah. How you say "weak sauce?"

80s Leo: These guys have serious upgrades.

Donnie: Where do these guys keep coming from?

80s Mikey: I know! Totally bogus!

[Some arrows strike the robots and the red ninjas arrive]

Shini: Anyone need a little backup?

Karai: Nice timing, Shini.

[They continue on fighting.]

80s Leo: Remember your training! Turtles fight with honor!

[They begin to attack the ninjas. The classic turtles started getting really used to for their weapons.]

80s Leo: Wow, that was violent!

Karai: Shredder! You're not getting away from me this time.

80s Shredder: What are you talking about, girl? I don't even know..

[Karai starts kicking him.]

Karai: Stand and fight, Shredder!

80s Shredder: I will not fight a girl. Foot, get rid of her! She's a bit too tough.

[The fight continues as Rocksteady charges at Casey, breaking his ribs.]

April: Casey!

[April catches him as Rocksteady lifted his horn out of the fuel truck. Bebop laughed and used his plasma.]

80s Leo: Clear out!

[They ran as an explosion occurred. They get onto the tank Shredder had stolen.]

Bebop: We got the chip. Let's bounce, yo!

Raph: Come on, we can still catch 'em!

[They run after it but the tank started to fly off.]

80s Mikey: Aw, man, they're getting away!

80s Shredder: Ta-ta, terrapin twits!

April: Easy, Casey. You okay?

Casey: Just a few broken ribs. I'll be fine, Red.

Donnie: He'll be alright. He just needs time to recover.

80s Donnie: All that, and they got the chip.

80s Mikey: Yeah, totally lame. So now what, dudes?

Leo: We're gonna stop those four morons, once and for all.

80s Leo: We're with you all the way, Leo!

Raph: You four stepped up big-time. I'm proud of you guys. But you could still use a little more training.

Karai: How are we gonna get that chip?

Mikey: We already know where the Technodrome is, dudes. We got this!

[In the Technodrome.]

Krang: Yes! Now, we need only one last element to power up the ship Kraang crystals. They will enable us to power up the Technodrome to 100% capacity. And then I will unleash my ultimate plan!

Rocksteady: The Turtles will come for our zhopas! That means "butts. "

Bebop: Yeah, Boss-Man. They know where we are.

80s Shredder: Not anymore. Unleash the drill!

[The drill started to go underground. Bebop and Rocksteady cling to each other.]

Krang: There's no way those stupid, filthy Turtles will find us now!

Rocksteady: Um, what are we laughing about again?

80s Shredder: Who cares?

[In the sewers, the turtles look down the tunnels as Leo held up a flashlight]

80s Leo: Well, we know the Technodrome is down here somewhere. If we keep looking, we're bound to find it. We just have to keep believing in ourselves.

Leo: I don't think it's gonna be that easy. I don't know what it's like in your world. We have a lot of sewer here.

80s Donnie: I'm getting a really strong Technodrome reading. It's just up ahead.

Donnie: Another dead end.

80s Mikey: Must be all the raw sewage, dude.

[An explosion. Dropping down were multple combat machines.]

April: What the heck?

[A screen appears.]

Krang: Ah, there you are, you repulsive reptiles. Welcome to our little ambush.

80s Shredder: Can they hear us? Is this thing on?

Krang: Yes, it's on, you ninja nincom- Oof!

80s Shredder: Sorry to disappoint, Turtles, but we're too busy with taking over the world! Instead, I hope you appreciate the little party we've arranged for you.

[The screen breaks as Raph threw the sai at it.]

80s Mikey: You see? Cool but rude. I told ya, dudes.

Leo: All right, Turtles. Let's send 'em to the scrap heap.

[In The Technodrome. Rocksteady and Bebop are both forced to clean up the Technodrome.]

80s Shredder: Faster! Faster, you putrid pachyderm.

Krang: You too, you porcine punk. Put some elbow grease into it.

Rocksteady: But, Comrade Shredder, we succeed! We get transmat chip, just like you ask. Why we wax floor, like lowly servants? Bolshevik.

Bebop: Yeah, Boss Man. We should get.. A bonus! Not all this waxing and sweeping and laundry all the time. [Gets knocked by a gourd.]

80s Shredder: Silence, you fools! The transmat chip heist was the only thing you didn't botch, for when you did my laundry, you mixed the lights and darks together! Now my socks are all purple!

[He shows his socks are purple.]

Krang: Again with the socks!? That's enough. You two colossal cretins need to bring me Kraang crystals. With them, we will fully power up the Technodrome, and conquer this puny world!

Bebop: Yeah, uh right-o. Just get some of those dang old Kraang crystals.

Both: Uh-

Rocksteady: Comrade Shredder, where is crystals?

80s Shredder: Fools! Krang, deploy the visual aids.

Krang: My sensors indicate that all the Kraang crystals are located at this address the T.C.R.I Building!

80s Shredder: So there we will strike! But first, that floor won't wax itself. Put your backs into it, you stinking sycophants.

[Later. Bebop and Rocksteady had arrived at TCRI]

Bebop: That's it, G! T.C.R.I and whatnot. Okay, Footbots, do your thing.

[They sneak into TCRI and enter in the elevator.]

Bebop: Yo, Rock.

Rocksteady: Da?

Bebop: You think that Shredder and Krang respect us? Like, we're a real part of the team, right?

Rocksteady: I thinking when we return with Kraang crystal, they will give respect we deserve.

Bebop: Yeah! Yeah, that makes sense. After all, without us, they'd have no transmat chip, no Kraang crystals, no nothin', yo.

Rocksteady: Da, da. True that. Do you want hug?

Bebop: Yeah, okay a quick one, a quick one.

[The elevator arrived but there was nothing there. All of the offices are empty. Bebop tripped over and was met by Leatherhead, and Slash.]

Slash: Well, well, well. Two of them, two of us. Seems like a fair fight.

Mondo: And Mondo Gecko makes three.

Slash: Uh, should still be pretty fair.

Bebop: Since when are Bebop and Rocksteady the kind of chumps who fight fair?

[The ninjas arrive and attack the mutanimals, giving time for them to run. Mondo corners them.]

Mondo: Cowabung- Oof!

[Mondo slammed into the wall as the two goons escape. Bebop and Rocksteady burst into the lab and managed to find the case under the debris.]

Bebop: Big-time, baby. Whoo!

Rocksteady: This the big crime!

[As they run past, Mondo started to call Mikey.]

Mikey: 'Yello?

Mondo: Dude, it's Mondo. Mondo Gecko.

Mikey: Dude! You would not believe the sick robots we're fighting.

Mondo: Mikey, you gotta get to the T.C.R.I Building. Bebop and Rocksteady are jacking Kraang crystals, bro!

Mikey: Whoa. We're on our way, Mondo. Guys, Mondo says we gotta get to T.C.R.I and stop Bebop and Rocksteady!

Donnie: T.C.R.I? That's where all the Kraang technology is being held. Oh, brother. We gotta go! Now!

All: Let's move!

[Back at TCRI.]

Mondo: I got this, dudes!

Bebop: Man, the little guy's got no quit!

[He threw a cable and tied Mondo up., tripping Slash. Leatherhead comforts Rocksteady.]

Rocksteady: I will make of you suitcase!

[They both crashed right outside and landed in the fountain. Rocksteady climbed out of the water as Slash steps in front of him.]

Slash: Let's try this without robots, punks.

Leatherhead: I'll take Rocksteady.

[The case falls down in front of them as Bebop grabbed it.]

Bebop: That's right, baby! Can't stop the Bop!

[Everyone started to tackle the case.]

Slash: Got it!

Bebop: From downtown, baby!

[Bebop tossed a bomb into Leatherheads mouth and explode. Leatherhead coughs as Mondo, with the soldiers arrive at the door.]

Mondo: Get 'em, my EPF bros! Attack!

[the guards start to fire. Shredder arrives]

80 Shredder: Get in, you meandering mutants!

[They escape. Classic Mikey comes out first and helped the others out.]

80s Mikey: Whoa. I was almost roadkill there, dudes. Come on. The coast is clear.

[The rest of the turtles and humans come out.]

Mikey: Leatherhead! Are you okay?

Leatherhead: I am... fine, Michelangelo. Just angry they got away.

Slash: I must have gotten hit harder than I thought. I'm seeing double Turtles here.

Raph: It's a long story. See, these are the Turtles from another dimension... It's a long story.

Donnie: Like Raph said, it's a long story. And if Shredder and Kraang have the Kraang crystals, it's gonna be one with a sad ending.

80s Donnie: They have the transmat chip and the crystals to power it. There's nothing stopping them from opening a portal to Dimension X!

April: Come on. There's got to be something we can do!

80s Leo: Well, they'll have to come to the surface to do it.

Donnie: But when they do, we'll be ready for 'em. I have an idea, a really awesome idea.

80s Mikey: Uh-oh. Your Donnie gets that crazy look too, huh, dude?

[In the Technodrome.]

80s Shredder: Krang! Where are you?

[Krang was wearing a bath towel and holding a shampoo. Bebop and Rocksteady cover their eyes,]

Krang: Sorry, I just got out of the shower. I wanted to look good for this, the final victory!

80s Shredder: [grabs his shampoo bottle] I told you not to use my shampoo! I have to order it special!

Krang: Krang uses whatever shampoo Kraang desires!

Rocksteady :[holding the case] Uh, look! We get shiny crystals of Kraang. Pretty good, da?

[He opens it up to reveal pink crystals]

Krang: Really? Excellent! Give them here, you horned homunculus!

[He takes the crystals and puts them inside. The Technodrome starts to move and power up]

80s Shredder: Yes! We're at 100%.

Krang: Now, to the surface. This is it. We're really going to do it! Whoo-hoo!

[The Technodrome opened up the drill and started to move its way. In the lair]

Raph: I don't get it. Why are we waiting around? We should be doing something.

Leo: Be patient, Raph. The Donnies said they're working on something. We should wait till they're ready.

80s Leo: So weird. In our world, Space Heroes is a live-action show, not a cartoon.

April: Really? Do they disintegrate as many people as they do in the cartoon? Because that would be horrifying.

80s Leo: [scared and shivering] It is.

Donnie: Hey, guys! I got something to show you.

[Donnie shows them the upgraded weapons and vehicles.]

80s Mikey: Whoa! It's a heavy-metal makeover. Totally righteous, Donatello.

80s Donnie: And with this kind of firepower, we can deal with Krang and Shredder on equal footing.

Donnie: And blast the Technodrome back to your dimension.

Leo: Great. Now all we have to do is find it.

[Up on the surface, the Technodrome burst through the ground, causing people to run away screaming.]

80s Shredder: Finally! New York City trembles before my might!

[The shellraiser and party wagon appear. With them at the side of the Technodrome, they start to fire.]

80s Leo: It's no good, Leo. Our guns aren't doing anything. Its armor is too advanced!

Leo: Same on this side. We have to keep trying, though. We can't let them open the portal.

80s Shredder: Come, Bebop and Rocksteady. Enjoy the fruits of your labor!

Krang: Yes, join us! After all, none of this would be possible without you two.

Rocksteady: Da? We join as real super-villains?

Bebop: No more laundry? No more cleaning?

80s Shredder: I know that we've been hard on you two, but that's because we're used to our Bebop and Rocksteady! But you two have earned your place as partners.

Bebop: [cheerfully] Yes! We made it, baby!

Rocksteady: We in like the Flynn!

Krang: Now all that's left is to open the portal and destroy this disgusting world.

Bebop: [confused at first, then horrified] Wait, run that by me again. Destroy the world?!

Krang: Of course. Once the portal is open, my Rock Soldiers will lay waste to this entire planet, starting with this accursed Big Apple. Start spreading the news!

Rocksteady: Oh, snapping-dizzle.

[Outside, the group exit the vehicles until the portal opens up from its eye.]

Krang: Yes! Victory is ours.

[The rock golems arrive.]

Mikey: Oh, snap. Traag!

Donnie: And Granitor.

April: You know these guys?

Raph: Yup, a couple of Dimension X hard cases.

[Rocks started to fall and form into earth monsters. They started to surround the teens]

Leo: Stay close. We can take 'em... Somehow.

Slash: Mutanimals, ho!

[Slash and Leatherhead arrive, destroying the rock soldiers with the truck.]

Raph: Slash!

Mikey: Leatherhead! Just in time.

Leatherhead: Let us destroy these walking statues.

[They charge at the rock titans]

80s Mikey: Cowabunga!

[In the Technodrome, Krang and Classic Shredder watch, the lab decorated with colorful streamers and balloons.]

Krang: I knew it. Just when we have a good thing going, those shabby shellbacks have to turn up and spoil it! [leaves]

80s Shredder: We can't lose. After all, we have Bebop and Rocksteady on our side. See you out there, partners.

[Mikey makes a goofy face as Traag vomits lava at him]

Mikey: Dude, you need an antacid, bro.

[Leatherhead punches Traag]

Leatherhead: Take that!

Slash: I've always wanted to make a rock garden.

Raph: Every time I think things are getting bad... they get way worse.

[Grantor scooped up rocks and started to throw at the group. April used her powers and knocked him back.]

Mondo: Time to take out the garbage!

80s Leo: We got this!

80s Shredder: Guess again, aggressive amphibian. You'll not foil this plan. Tonight, I dine on turtle soup!

[Krang grows into enormous size and starts to attack them. April used her powers but Krang fired the laser at her. It electrified her and she passed out.]

Raph and Mikey: April!

[Traag grabs Mikey while he pinned Leatherhead.]

Mikey: Hey, let me go, stone bro!

Leatherhead: Get off of me!

[Grantor slammed Raph and Slash as rock monsters surrounded them.]

Slash: Too many Leonardo!

80s Mikey: Booyakasha!

Leo: We got you, Shred-Head.

[Shredder disappears and the rock monsters land on them.]

Bebop: Dizzle-snap. I'm having second thoughts about this plan, Rock.

Rocksteady: But we is the super-villains now. We are the partners with Shredder and alien blob. Is not what we always wanted?

Bebop: But what do we wanna destroy the world for? We like the world! All we ever wanted was some paper and respect. Is that too much to ask?

Rocksteady: But we cannot back down like the lowly cowards now, Bebop.

Bebop: But, Rock, think of all the things you'll miss. Professional wrestling, Chris Bradford movies and what about Mama?

[Rocksteady perks up.]

Rocksteady: Nyet! I love Mama!

[He charges and breaks through.]

80s Shredder: What's this?

[He charged and slammed his horn onto Krang. breaking his leg and causing the eye to fall off.]

Krang: No! The portal!

[The rock monsters let go of Turtles and Mutanimals]

Leo: Whoa, they're fighting for us. This is it! Go for it!

[They break free and begin to attack.]

Donnie: Arrivederci, rock-chops!

80s Donnie: Sayonara, stone-face!

[They launch missiles and destroy the rock golems.]

Bebop: Look out, world. Bebop and Rocksteady, coming to save ya!

Rocksteady: Mama!

Slash: That's what you get for messing with the Mighty Mutanimals!

[The rocks started to travel back through the portal.]

80s Leo: Now you got double trouble, Shred-Head!

[Krang landed on Shredder and the portal disappeared.]

Krang: No. We almost did it. How did it go wrong? What happened? Aw, man.

[Rocksteady shoots the Technodrome with his bazooka.]

80s Shredder: You blithering betrayers! You traitorous turncoats! You ..

[Leatherhead knocks him out.]

Leatherhead: I've had about enough of you.

[Later, the turtles tied Shredder and Krang up in ropes.]

80s Leo: It was one heck of a team-up, even if your team is a little weird.

Raph: We're weird?

Leo: Thanks, Leonardo. You guys were awesome. If you ever need help in the future, you know where to find us.

80's Donnie: Ready to go, guys?

[Classic Donnie opened the portal to their world]

80s Mikey: Heck yeah! Later, dudes.

Mikey: Cowabunga!

80s Mikey: Booyakasha!

[The turtles leave through the portal with Shredder and Krang captive.]

April: So what's next for you guys? No more robbing banks and working for super-villains, right?

Rocksteady: Da, being henchmen is no good for us. Maybe we become superheroes instead. Very hot right now!

Bebop: Yeah, we save some cats from trees, stop some muggings, and bingo! NEXT STOP: talk show appearances, sumptuous apartments, movie deals!

Leo: Well, we've got the Big Apple pretty much covered. Maybe try Jersey.

Bebop: And cars with rims so big, there are no tires, just rims you drive around on! Sparks everywhere! Hee-hee!

Raph: Or better yet, Beijing.

Bebop: I'm gonna get my own soda.....

Mikey: Huh, I wonder if the other Turtles got home okay.

Bebop: Everybody's gonna drink me!

[The classic turtles arrive back home.]

80s Raph: Sweet, we're finally back home in the real world.

80s Rocksteady: D'aw, looks like it's the part where we get punched again.

80s Bebop: And I just got these shades. too.

80s Leo: You know, we learned something earlier from another Bebop and Rocksteady. You two don't have to be punching bags.

80s Donnie: Yeah, you can do whatever you want. It's your life.

80s Rocksteady: I've… I've always wanted to be a personal injury lawyer. You know, like on TV.

80s Bebop: And I... I just wanna dance!

[Episode ends]
