
[Somewhere in the alternate dimension, there is another world where anthropomorphic animals live instead of humans. One night, there's a house, where we see it was a dark rainy night and at the bottom below, we see a ronin and a wolf fighting.]

Ronin: You must be insane!!

[Ronin has been thrown out. The evil wolf's white eyes come out from darkness as he laughs maniacally.]

Ronin: You destroyed the entire family. You demon!

Wolf: They were infected by evil. The gods revealed their nature to me, as they do you.

Ronin: I tracked you down to bring you to justice!!

Wolf: I see the evil in this realm, Ronin. I am the definition of justice! The gods impart this skill to me to cleanse the world of evil!

Ronin: You're the evil one!! Who are you!!?

Wolf: I am Jei, the blade of the gods.

[Jei is about to finish him off, only lightning strikes the wolf, he screams and disappears.]

[Theme song.]

[The episode starts out with a rabbit Ronin walking to the forest. His name is Usagi. He has white fur with a blue kimono with waraji sandals and wore a straw hat. Walking into the forest, he saw smoke coming from the other side. He hurried over and discovered a damaged village. Most of the huts are burnt in flames, scratch marks on one of the pillars. He looked around and approached with caution for any survivors. He senses someone approaching being watched.]

Usagi: I know you're here.  Come out!

[A small dinosaur-like creature came out of the building. The creature is holding a fresh piece of food in its mouth and after it left, Usagi heard something. A female cat emerges from a demolished hut. She has long black hair tied in ponytails and wore white kimono dress.]

Usagi: Akemi.

Akemi: I'm glad you've come.

[Usagi takes off his hat and went to her aid.]

Usagi: What happened here?

Akemi:  A band of Samurai. They must have bought and Ronin. they were lead by a mercenary called Sumo Kuma.

Usagi: I have never heard of him.

Akemi: All my samurai has been wiped out and many villagers, too. I barely escaped. They ransacked the Village looking for the holy child but they could not find them. Come, Kintaro is this way. I hid him well.

[Akemi shows Usagi to a trap door where the pug Kintaro was hiding. He had black hair tied in a ponytail and wore red clothing with a golden Japanese symbol, golden bracelets are on his wrists.]

Kintaro: It's about time! I was in there for days. How dare you treat me so disrespectfully! I don't like small spaces! [continues talking as Usagi speaks]

Usagi: [in disbelief] This is the holy child?

Akemi: Please, humor him. Kintaro has been pampered because he is the Golden Boy destined to possess superhuman abilities, just not yet.

[She and Usagi pulled him out.]

Akemi: [to Kintaro] My apologizes, Kintaro-sama. This is Miyamoto Usagi. He is a fierce swordsman and with his help, I will deliver you to the temple palace.

Kintaro: Bah! This sorry-looking long-ear? He looks like he couldn't deliver sushi to a banquet.

[He was about to leave before Akemi stopped him.]

Akemi: We must get started immediately.  The hour has already grown late. [she falls injuring her leg]

Usagi: Akemi,  you're injured.

Akemi: But I am not hurt badly. I must continue with you to escort the boy-uh!  

Usagi: No. You're barely able to stand, much less travel over the mountains.  

Akemi: You are right. Kintaro, you must stay with Usagi-san. Do what he says.  

Kintaro: [ignoring] I'm not listening to this stupid Ronin. He was late for the battle and I don't like his face.  

Akemi: [harsh] Taro-kun!  Do what he says! He will protect you.  

[Kintaro thinks it over.]

Kintaro: Well, I’ll…. Alright. but I will hold onto my Axe of Power. Just remember your place, Ronin, and treat me with the respect I deserve. Ahh OFPHM!

[Kintaro falls because of his ax.]

Akemi: Good luck, Usagi san.

[Usagi and Kintaro travel through the forest miles away from the village.]

Kintaro: You don't even have a horse? What kind of Ronin are you? Can you carry me, you smelly rabbit? Hello! Can you hear me with those giant ears?

Usagi: Be silent, Kintaro-sama. We must not be noticed on the road. [puts a bone in Kintaro's mouth]

Kintaro: [spits bone out, irritated] What?! You dare insult The Golden Boy by offering a bone?

[Far from the mountains, a dark enemy was spying on them from a stone bowl of water. Jei, is a wall black wold with long black hair, a black kimono and two white eyes.]

Jei: So Ronin. the gods have brought you to me again. No one has escaped my blade before. I need great warriors to destroy you. Miyamoto Usagi. Powerful pawns to strike when the time is right.

[Jei begins to chant the ritual. The wooden turtle relics started to glow and started to float into the air. Each changes into color. Blue, red, purple, and orange. Finally the kappa were brought here.]

Blue Kappa: Where- Where the heck are we?

Red Kappa: Were you messing with some portal experiment again?

Purple Kappa: Why do you always assume it's me?

Jei: These are the great warriors I asked for? Turtle NInja...mystic kappa of legend? I need your help. I was attacked by a vicious rabbit ronin, [he touches the orange one] Save me. Save me from the wrath of this madman, please.

Orange Kappa: [brainwashed] We can talk care of this evil jerkface for you.. No worries brah..

[Jei begins to walk past them as he brainwashes them.]

Jei: He is pure evil. I can sense it inside him. Corrupting him like a plague.

[He brainwashes the last kappa.]

Blue Kappa: [brainwashed] Evil..Yes we can help, old man. No problem.

Purple Kappa: [brainwashed] You can count on us.

Jei: Hunt down and destroy the long eared Ronin who travels with a child. But do not harm the boy. Go! Do my bidding Turtle Warriors. Destroy the one called Miyamoto Usagi!

[Meanwhile far in the forest. They made camp for the night in a small cave. Kintaro was upset and protested once more.]

Kintaro: You're useless and slow, and probably a terrible cook, too. [tosses rocks twice] It’s already night and the camp should have been set up hours ago!

Usagi: We only just stopped. You must be patient, Kintaro. Unless you would like to help.  

Kintaro: Do you dare suggest I dirty my hands with peasant work? Fool!

[Usagi stands up and leaves. He had gathered a few firewood and filled the canister with water.]

Usagi: He is still a child. I must remain patient. [something moved into the waters] What is this?

[Some strange looking Kappa emerged from the river. Usagi began to attack while Kintaro was hiding from behind the tree.]

Kintaro: [scared] We must hide! They’re Kappa!

Usagi: But like no Kappa I have ever seen!

[Quickly, Usagi deflected the ninja stars and managed to defeat all three of them except for the last one, The blue kappa.]

Usagi: You are not unskilled, demon! A willow branch is thirsty.

[He charges at the blue warrior.]

Usagi: And I will quench its thirst on your blood!

Kintaro: I will save you, stupid rabbit!

[Kintaro charges but accidentally throws his ax too high as he trips, banging on the blue kappa. He fell to the ground unconscious. As Kintaro grabbed his ax so he can run again, the kappa started to talk.]

Leo: Ow! What the? My head….  What happened?  

[Kintaro looks confused. Somehow he noticed something. He stopped Usagi from trying to kill them.]  

Kintaro: Stop! [to the turtles] Kappa, I sense that you are all under an evil enchantment.  

Leo: Guys... the kid's right.  

Mikey: We're not bad guys, little pug kid.  Ronin rabbit here is.  

Kintaro: [gestures to Usagi] Uh, Usagi is my loyal bodyguard, even If he is a useless pheasant.  

Raph: Oh man, what a headache... Skull's aching.  

Donnie: Yeah, this is like a double chocolate Mikey pizza hangover.  

Kintaro: [to Usagi] I sense they are not evil.  

Usagi: Then what are these strange Yokai?  

Leo: Strange? Look who's talking, a giant samurai rabbit.  

Mikey: All I remember is that blind wolf guy telling us to find this long-eared samurai.  

Usagi: What blind wolf guy?  

Donnie: He summoned us here somehow to your dimension.  

Leo: He carried a black spear like nothing I've ever seen before.  

Usagi: Black spear? That old blind wolf is not blind, but possessed by evil. His name is Jei. He had you under a spell. Where are you from?  

Kintaro: [disgusted] Who cares. Look how ugly they are, and my sensitive nose can't handle how bad they smell.  

Usagi: Be silent, child! [that scares Kintaro as he falls into the water] Excuse the boy, Kappa Warriors. Please, share our campfire.

[Later, Usagi led the turtles to his camp.]

Leo: Thanks, Usagi. So what's your story?  

Usagi: I was Lord Mifune’s personal bodyguard  in the battle against Lord Hikiji. [flashback] Our forces might have been victorious... had not trusted a general turned against our lord.  It was my duty to protect his flank. I failed. I became a ronin, roaming the land. [end of flashback]  Now I am charge of taking this boy to the temple palace of his order. But where did you come from, strange warriors?  

Leo: My brothers and I are from far away. It's kind of hard to explain.

Raph: Have we traveled back in time again?

Donnie: I don't think so. We must have been transported into a different dimension. one inhabited by anthropomorphic animals instead of humans.

Mikey: Sounds like my kind of place.

Leo: But how are we ever going to get home?

Usagi: Hmm. The monks of Kintaro’s order may know a way. They are powerful mystics.

Kintaro: HA! These Turtles are doomed.

Mikey: Whatever Pugtaro. Yeah, that's what I'm going to call you.  It’s a way better name than Kintaro.

Kintaro: What would a simple reptile know? You don’t even have ears or a nose.

[The next day, Usagi and his team traveled.]

Raph: Oh, I can’t believe we're stuck here. Donnie, can’t you invent something to send us back home?

Donnie: Well, I could build a portal to get back to our home dimension. But manufacturing of all these necessary wires and compounds in this Federal age would only take approximately...57 years.

Mikey: Sweet! Good thing turtles have long lives.

[Usagi stops and raises his hand]

Usagi: Listen.  

Leo: What is it? I don't hear anything.

Usagi: Horses are approaching from the east.

[They climb up the tree where a group of samurai approach on horses].

Usagi: [to Kintaro] Kintaro, are these the samurai who attacked the village?

Kintaro: They are. That’s Sumo Kuma.

[Kintaro looked on at their leader, Sumo Kuma, a brown bear with a sumo robe of orange, blue and black.]

Usagi: We need to find out what his plan is for the boy. but how can we get close enough to hear them?

Leo: We're ninja. We're experts at getting close to people.

[The turtles slowly sneak past and knock the guards off the horses. They slowly tied the guards up on a tree while the turtles put on the armor.]

Leo: Quick, before they realize they're missing a few riders.

Kintaro: What about me?  You're missing a horse, fools!

[Raph puts Kintaro in a basket]

Raph: All right, get in there shorty. and don't make a peep.

Kintaro: [angrily] Let me out of here! I told you I don't like small spaces!  I will have your head for this!

Usagi: Don't worry, young one. This is for your own good.

Donnie: Excitable little guy, isn't he? Not at all what I said pictured an awesome mystical savior of the realm to be like.

[They begin to put on their armor.]

Raph: I think he's just grumpy cause he missed breakfast.

Mikey: We all did. So hungry.

Leo: Quiet ninjas. Let's blend in.

[They begin to ride the horses.]

Raph: Oh man, easy girl! Why do horses hate me?

Sumo Kuma: Hurry, stragglers. Keep up! The master awaits us.

Usagi: [quietly] Spread out. But do not let Sumo Kuma spot you.

[They went to separate places.]

Ronin Warrior: I don't trust Master Jei.

Ronin Warrior 2: But there is something in his voice that compels me.

Ronin Warrior: He is a wise leader. We must obey at whatever that.

Raph: Master Jei?

[Kuma begins to sniff something and turns to his warriors. He halts them.]

Kuma: We have Intruders in our midst.

[The guards surround them and hold their bow and arrow.]

Leo: Oh no. Watch out!

[Usagi cuts the arrow when the archer fires it.]

Mikey: Oh. Thanks Usagi dude.

[They begin to run. Kuma and his men started to chase after them as Japanese music played.]

Leo: How did you find us out?

Kuma: You smell different.

Raph: What? Why do we smell different?

Mikey: We live in the sewer, dude. Not hard to figure out.

[The warriors start to attack the turtles and Usagi while they chase them. One warrior attacked but Raph knocked him out. Donnie takes down another soldier and then the next. Mikey knocked the warrior down. Then he leaps onto another warrior's horse, knocking its rider down and throwing ninja stars at them.]

Usagi: Faster Kappa!  We are losing them!

[More warriors started to chase after them. joining as wild lizards follow.]

Usagi: Move ahead, Kappa.

[Usagi went to the direction to defeat the guards and go after Kuma.]

Kuma: I have heard of you, long ear. I will relish crushing your proud skull. You are no match for me little one.

[Raph knocked Kuma off his horse, in the process, Kintaro's basket started to roll down the hill.]

Mikey: Kintaro!

Raph: Saving this brat better be worth it!

[Raph started to chase after him]

Kintaro: Hey, what's going on out there? You stupid Kappa! I’ll get you for this! You are the worst bodyguards! You couldn’t protect a rock! My.. brain.. feels.. like.. mochi..

[Usagi used the arrrow ont he groudn, sending Kintaro flying and Usagi managed to catch Kintaro.]

Usagi: RIde!

[They continue running.]

Leo: They’re gaining on us!

Usagi: Hurry Kappa! Ride faster!

Donnie: Oh no...Cliff!!

[They begin to fall off the cliff as the episode ends]

[Next episode]

[To see complete Saga, Click here]
